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JORGE'S DIAMONDS/Orange Hill Special/The Edge[A joint venture]


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Hey All,

Phew! What a week. Barely time for my self never mind my diary. Still found the time to do this quick update about some dry sift though. lol. The JD's trim had mounted up enough for a dry sift run,so i got it outta the freezer along with a fair amount of popcorn budz i've saved n' grabbed a couple of my bubble bags. The 220 blue work bag n' the 160 red. I laid out the latest edition of SS put a polished mirror on top.and a bit at a time gave it all a good shake,n' another good shake n' another.

This the result.




I'm gonna give it a lil' while to get a lil' bit warmer n' give it a better press by hand. It'll go a lot darker. Then i've got a great lil' hand held press in which i'll do the last press. It's only a bit really. Haven't found the time to bubble it but there's nowt wrong with a bit of good old sift!

Haven't decided what to do with the left overs. Probably canna butter but maybe a bho run.

First things first though hey. Nice glass pipe from Original glass,JD's hash.Umm,let me think

......Hashish,Hashish Hashish Hashin.....

Happy Grows!


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High @@shire n' all?

lol.Just spent the day visiting mates,getting hammered on the JD's Hash n' bho. What a feckin' laugh.Second stop of the day at a mate's He suffers from m.s. n' another of our mates there usually gets high on bag seed back garden homegrown.It's nice,but......at 60yrs old,he freely admitted to a state of stonedness that he could only just describe as 'Fucking Hell. There's my mates n' me,the three of us n' a confused looking long legged jack russell bitch puppy,gathered around the kettle,administering hedonistic highs in all sorts of configurations. pipes of wax n' hash,pipes of bud n' wax,spliffs of bud n' hash,vape didn't even get a look in. I left 'em twisted when my host told me the liverpool man u score,grrr,lol,he was f'cked n' the arsenel spurs game came on the radio. 60yr old's a gooner n' had already had a go at Anelka. Was he even playing? Hope you're all well. :)

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CannyB.........howsa the OHS bredren ??.......day 11 ?........CB mate, is the dry sift through a 150micron sieve ??..........looks very blonde CB, like Dutch Polm bro.......nice...........my favorite hash is "Crista"...AM

Edited by AutoMaster
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Hi @@AutoMaster.

The hash was through a 160 red bubble bag,but as dry sift,not bubbled. It's lovely. Over the last two days i've completely mashed some mates with bowls of the hash n' bho wax. I'm enjoying a bowl of that mix now. The hash has gone a dark brown n' is like plastecine,very nice. Good giggly weed the Jorge's Diamonds. The difference between the OHS's n' the more sativa 'The Edge is obvious. The OHS's at this stage looking like a good fat Indica despite them being 50/50 n' the TE's have a lovely thin spear like leaf structure,being 75/25 sat/ind'. Have you thought of trying this new DP strain?

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High 420's? Do hope so!


When i look at that picture,i think.....You lucky f'cker, lol.

The tent is,if not all,then mostly sat' dom pheno'. The buzzier of the two pheno's i found.


Nice long lancelot? fingers on the leaves. I can see i'm gonna be doing a spot of supercropping.Gotta keep ones hand in,use it or lose it innit. Is it f'ck as like. As if i'm ever gonna lose the knowledge i have. lol. A bang on the noggin or a case of Parkinsons or the Alt's may take it from me. It's something a friend n' i realised very early on. We know how to do something amazing us lot n' once you've got the knowledge n' any amount of skills it cannot be burnt like books on a fire. I may not be able to go to the allotments,socialize n' chat to my Camerc'nt voting straight neighbour about m' sinse' lol. lol,But i know how to keep a crop indoors. Provide it's sun,air n' water. Keep it safe from my neighbours prying eyes,nurture n' improve it as it does the same for me. Cool ain't it,don't ya just love it! The threat of the feds hangs in the air like some sort of darkrider,a dread thought,dark cloud up in the corner of the room behind me,tendrial fingers reaching for my growers soul. :fear: I know it's there though the threat to me n' the girls. It's just part of the game we play! So i let the cloud hang there. I'm having a laugh,too much fun to allow it to be spoilt by the fed factor. Take care of security as best we can n' rest easy. Yeah it can all go t'ts up n' if it did i wouldn't be sounding quite so chirpy,but if it did happen i'd deal with it then,like a walk along an uneven path,i may trip n' fall,i may not.


Let's give this Adjusta-Wing a go,see how it spreads the light. If good i'll add another. It's not my final choice.I wanna try a big Parabolic. The Mantra shade,i think would take too much height away. I've got to pot on the rest of 'em n' there are two in small airpots that i'm going to transfer into the big Airpots.

The prop' has some indica dom' pheno' JD's. I've had it turned on for a few days to check the temps. Now i've put those in,i'll see how they react over the next week.If all good i'll pop a couple more of 'The Edge'. n' some of '@Ratdogs 'Cheese x Pyschosis b x1' n' the 'Wizards Sleeve x Smelly Berry' @@Joolz put in my subs pack for me.Ta mate. :yep:. First things first.The Adjusta-Wing. Here i go again,'breaking the law,breaking the law'.HaHa!!

Happy Grows all.


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Hey P mate,

looks like it's gonna be hot this year,for the gg's. I've still got a 'Magnum' seed i've kept for a time i might be able to put it outdoors. I've found a spot,soils lush but i reckon i'll be able to put a bag of GT Alpha mix soil there anyway n' plonk it straight into that. I'll start it off indoors n' put it out next month. Good Good.lol.

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Hi @@Punta Roja mate,

i'm looking forward to this summers growing.Getting some natural rays will be good n' the wild life round my way is great. I was watching a cock pheasent from a window y'day.15' away.All its greeny blue neck n' whites n' reds. around its eyes. When are you putting your first autos out mate?

Edited by cannybuzz
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Hi 420's

.Opinel JD's Bho.


Gas arrived this morning,went out to the backyard this pm n' have been popping n' purging since then.





The gas from RKK Enterprises,wholesale,instead of the £7.50p for 12-300ml cans worked out at 17.40. bought 2 x12 packs n' got charged a small order charge n' postage,so not such a bargain but least i've got 23 300ml cans. lol.

This is it half hour or so ago.Although purged with just a hot water bottle it's nearly done n' i've put it in the fridge now,then it'll be back on the bottle for one last go.


I'll post some more pics later. Meanwhile :haveadab: .lol.

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Hi P, I was thinking the beginning of may myself,given my lat'.Guess i'll sow 'em at the same time as you then mate. I'm lovin' this oil malarky.lol. And the hash.lucky bleeder!.lol. In the words of the late great Ian Drury:) Hi @Manwithnoname,hows yer luck? ta for popping by. :yep:

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Hi canny hows you my friend?

My luck is still shit lol managed to go and overfeed them on top of everything else. lol

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A bowl of these two to end the day.


I've got to get that rig n' finish pressing that hash. Oh n' get that iso. So much to do.lol. The OHS n' TE's are doing ok. There's a yellowing of the bottom leaves on the OHS which is unusual at this stage. May be underwatering or they're nute hungry.A bit neglected due to the move,they need potting on from the small a'pots. I'll put the two Ohs into the red bottom Airpot,for a week or two,then pot them up into the green bottom pot. (can't think,15ltr is it.?) or may be bigger. The TE's look ok,i'll put them straight to 15ltr pots as they're showing no sign of prob's.

I've forgotton my camera when i've visited them for the last couple of times.i'll remember it next time.

Mashed on a nice mix now. lol. lol.

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Hi @Manwithnoname, only one good thing about bad luck,it changes. Into good luck. Keep plugging away mate. Managing to have any illicit grow on the go in this country is good going in my book. 420's the place to get the skills ain't it mate. i can't believe the improvement in my growing since joining our happy crew.

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