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JORGE'S DIAMONDS/Orange Hill Special/The Edge[A joint venture]


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Hey 420's,

In the grow the last time I saw that plants 5 n' 6 'Freaky' n' Venus' are almost done,so time to move them to the

front of the grow where i can keep a better eye on 'Freaky'. Having such a furked up stem has produced a weird

leaf structure in the main Cola. That means a heightened chance of mold,though she shows no sign of it so far.


She's finishing nicely,as is her sister plant 'Venus'. Here's the two of 'em fighting for the lense.


Like a lot of sisters,though born to the same parents,they couldn't be more different.. lol.

'Freaky', solid like her sister but a spikey n' flighty individual'.


N' 'Venus' a rounder deeper type,tasty.


She's wearing more sparklers than the more Sativa dom' pheno' 'Freaky',though I'm still to work out which of the two pheno's

hits i prefer more,both having already been displayed in earlier plants 1,2 n' 4.


It's not all Budz though. These pics show others that are coming along. Plants n' F1 cuttings from P3 'Billie'.various ages

from 2 -5 wks or so.

This is Indica dom' P8 'Janis' 27 days.



Cor,that shows a good cola forming! :yes: These shots of the cut's from 'Billie' show that even in only 2wks of 12/12

good lil' budz are forming. These cut's should produce good sized bushes.




All those who've been following this thread will know it has a rectangular shape,(Hi all,hope you're well n' stoned,ta for being here,n' if you've been looking in in for some time. F'ck me you've done well :yep: . By now I'd have been all :taz::woot: what the f'cks he yabbering on about!!!), Because of it's shape n' me not being Inspector Gadget,I can't reach the plants at the far end of the grow to water them by hand. so let me introduce you to one of the most important tools in the grow.


My trusty hoover tube! With this ,reaching the pots at the far end is easy as you like.

As you can see from the pics of the cut's,the stretch has stopped n' good colas are starting to form on most branches . I had wondered if they'd go so well a their parents. If they'd root ok n'

form colas before stretching too far. They look alright to me at the moment. When I'm sorting the plants,which let's face it,is all the time at present. There's always a bit of debris. Small bottom branches,a few fan leave here n' there. A lot goes to compost but the lil' undeveloped budz soon mount up n' can be put to use.


Lastly another shot of the two plants 5 n' 6,'Freaky' n' 'Venus'.

Some of us if we're very lucky get to spend time in the company of people who's humanity affects them n' lifts them. People with who's love n' understanding we become a better version of ourselves. I'm one of those lucky people,n' the person who lifted me n' was a mate of mine called Calmo. He's gone now,either drumming somewhere with the rock gods or spinning through time,a ball of cosmic light,energizing space. We used to pour over the pages of 'Soft Secrets',gawping in awe at the budz,the grows.Learning what we could.Pretty soon the quality of the weed we'd toke would improve n' every few months we'd get another copy of SS n' the laughs would get longer as the weed grew stronger. You Show me yours i'll show you mine. You know what we're like. Have you tried this. You wanna get this gadget,that tent n' so it went on. We got more stoned n' slowly we got higher. Then Calmo got ill,with an aggressive form of throat cancer. Sorry to lay that on you. We'd just begun to learn about weeds medicinal properties,but not enough n' not in time. However,In our last few months together,man did we get medicated. lol. There is a point to this downlogue. Calmo used to make me promise to carry on doing what we do. To get better at it. N' without wishing to appear up m'self. If he could've seen this next pic he'd have said three words,



Then he'd have giggled like an idiot.

'Man you had such a natty style,

you had musical memories going back a long long while,

'Cause your northern roots they grew a music mad hippy'

with your basket ball boots n' the conscience n' the pity you'd show'


The next part of the grow's for him. Let's see if we can keep on growing!

'Orange Hill Special n' The Edge'



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Like the tube, looking excelente C

Hey P. Cheers mucker. err.. tube? lol.

E2a Hoover tube Geddit. doh!

Edited by cannybuzz
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Awesome as every cannbuzz!!

Those buds look dank....

Peace and stay High...... :oldtoker:

Hi Wacky', ta mate those two beaut's are on their final countdown. atb.

Hoover tube......

Yep,tool of all tools. oops sorry that's Camerc'nt ain't it.lol. The hoover tube really comes in handy. I can only get into the first half of my groom with all the plants in there.It's like a sliding double 'drobe that only the left hand door slides on n' the last two plants behind the far end of the right hand door can only be reached by using the tube. I just make sure the other end is in the pot n' using the jug i pour the water in the top n' it runs down the tube n' into the pot. Job done. Insulated it with duck tape. Makes life a lot easier. Unless they've got wifi down the local nick,i take it your flat inspection went ok. :)

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'Alright son be in by five thirty,

sorry ma but me knees are all dirty you know,

but did you score son,did you score?

better than that ma,i was Bobby Moore.

Another verse from a song called 'Tap Tap'. Written for Calmo by his brother. I'll be including them for the next few posts.

Indulge me. lol.

'N on with the grow show.

Two more of the OHS have germ'd.


That makes three OHS to join these two 'Edge's. N' the next part of the grow is truelly started.


These two TE's.('The Edge'),You're gonna be seeing these abbreviations more n' more as i try n' quicken my two finger typing. lol. lol. Capitalizing letters n' all,leaves me writing whole sentences in capitals as i forget to re hit caps lock. After all I was only using a quill a few months ago. So the Jorge's' are JD's,the 'Orange Hill Special' are OHS n' 'The Edge' are 'TE's. We'll get there. lol.

N' so in the spirit of my mate,we'll be unwrapping my freak flag,wrapping a smile round me ugly mug,n' with a flippant flick of the v's at the local norbets I'll be tending to the grow.

Hee Hee!!

Have a good day n' Happy Grows.


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'Alright son be in by five thirty,

sorry ma but me knees are all dirty you know,

but did you score son,did you score?

better than that ma, i was Bobby Moore.

That's beautiful man. Such a sad story, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm only 27 and I'm lucky enough to have all my wolf pack brothers still with me.... if you don't mind me asking how old was Calmo when he passed? Was the throat cancer down to smoking?

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Hi Spider mate,

yeah it was sad. Calmo was just short of his 60th birthday when he was taken from us. a very spiritual soul,he would say that like the song says 'I'm not frightened of dying',his sadness was only for the feelings of those he had to leave behind. He like me had smoked fags n' rollies since 11-12yrs old. Born n' bought up in Salford. He'd worked since leaving school as a painter n' decorator. There was all sorts of muck in paint back then . Lead,other sh't. So the blame can't be solely laid at the door of Nicotine. Although it would be naive to think it didn't play it's part. One thing he wouldn't have was someone feeling unhappy!! n' somehow I find a smile on my face as i recount this to you. As the song plays out you'll discover that he didn't stay long in Salford. He had a world to see.

He bought this back from India for me. One of his many attempts to 'heal m' spirit'.


Amazing thing is as i write this i realize that he probably managed it.

Verse 2.

'Mama Cass she had you California dreaming'

you wore beads and long hair,

on the jet that was streaming you there.'



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Hey 420's



Two 'lil OHS ,gonna join the other one already on the go. N' then there were three.

They're through the tissue phase,n' taking their tents off this morning this is how i found 'em. They haven't managed to shed their shells yet.I had a closer look and can see that the shells are quite firmly attached so I took the sandwitch bag tents off,gave 'em spray with water. I've just had a look, n' one's pushing the two halves of its shell apart,so i'll leave 'em another night n' if the shells haven't shifted i'll give 'em a hand. I don't do this straight away as any tugging at the stem,oi oi, lol, will only pull at the roots. lol. lol. oh no this is going awry. It's good weed this Jorge's.

The delicate roots are so easily torn. The two TE's have finished germ'ing n' you can see that they're starting to veg.

The two Jorge's that are nearly done are still on 3ml bloom n' .5ml pk9/18.

'Venus' at 8wks 2 days will be first down.


I rekon she's got a wk n' a bit. While 'Freaky' more Sat' dom will be a week longer.



Perpetual sog's working!

Could be better though so i was out today buying new kit. A bigger 6" ruck fan n' ducting n' a few other bits n' bobs. Should make the air exchange better,which in turn will make the plants better,the budz better!

First true sign of spring in my garden today.


I may not be able to put my weed in the garden :( but there's always room for beautiful plants like this lil' primrose. Apart from their beauty,a few highly scented flowers n' shrubs around the garden may perhaps deflect the attentions of an otherwise prying nosey.

Been a positive but busy day. I'm off to do some bits.

Like a lot of 60's kids. Calmo heard the call. Scott Fitzgerald's song 'If you're going to San francisco' n' a visit to the I970 Isle of Wight pop festival. I thought it was going be a few thousand' he'd say. It went down in history. Calmo went down the passport office.

'Mama Cass she had you California dreaming,

you wore beads n' long hair

on the jet that was streaming you there.

And on your travels you met the Dali Lama,

his graceful ways you said made you feel

calmer Calmo,

Karma Karma Karma calmer Calmo.


.Happy Grows.


Edited by cannybuzz
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:) Mornin'.



One's shed its shell. The other's trying.Go on you can do it. Push! lol.

We're up n' running! Let's see how long it takes to turn in to something similar to this one.





Looking pretty well done but not quite.

Right I'm gonna finish my bit about my mate Calmo. N' put down the full lyrics to 'Calmo'. Why? Come on Canny' mate,we're here for the grow! Fair enough but please bear with me. lol. There's a point to all this.


Calmo had itchy feet n' along with a mate took a trip to the Florida Keys. What can i say. His mate was a Jimmy Buffy fan. lol. After a while it all got a bit too 'Flakey, n' having enough of the white suits n' twitchy gun toting drug runners. Calmo got the F'ck outta Dodge City n' returned to the UK met a girl Had a son n' settled into a life of love n' fun. But life had other ideas n' a messy breakup found him once again packing his bags n' heading off in search of adventure. By this time Calmo was 50. 'INDIA.' Always a kind n' gentle soul India,like many,had a profound effect on him. A Ketamin n' squidgy black cookie in the middle of Delhi did the trick for Calmo. He said he rose up out of himself n' down on the busy street packed with people of all creeds n' colours he said he saw mankind for what it was .LOST!

Back in the UK,when he rocked up at my door,like you @@Punta Roja. Man was he skinny!

He had a younger bro with MS. He became his carer n' for a while life was steady. For those who've been reading this since the beginning,you can guess what happened next,n' i am sorry for laying this out. This beautiful kind n' caring man got hit by such an agressive form of cancer that he never had a chance. Soon after this i too was diagnosed with lung cancer. Happily Calmo knew this.

.'Tap Tap'

Alright son be in by five thirty,

sorry ma but me knees are all dirty you know,

but did you score son did you score?

better than that ma,i was Bobby Moore.


Yeah,Mama Cass she had you California Dreaming,

you wore beads n' long hair

on the jet that was streaming you there.


And on your travels you met the Dali Lama,

his graceful ways you said made you feel calmer Calmo,

Karma Karma Karma calmer Calmo.


Man u had such a natty style,

you had music memories going back a long long while,

'cause your northern roots they grew a music mad hippy,

with your basket ball boots n' the conscience n' the pity you'd show'

Calmo Calmo Calmo Calmo Calmo.


Alright son be in by five thirty,

sorry ma but me knees are all dirty you know,

but did you score son,did you score?

better than that ma i was Bobby Moore,

Or was that Charlton?


Words n' music: Bill .T.T. Jackson.

What was the point to all this? Calmo was my mate n' i loved him! N' that's the point.



Never ever forget that!! :)

Right,thats all the sad stuff done. Let's get on n' grow some weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From this point on this diary will be about having a good time while we do what we love to do!

.Happy Grows All.


Edited by cannybuzz
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Hey Again'

My my aren't i the busy one. Took thi pic thi morning,not of a plant but a tree.

.Sun Tree.


I thought it might be a good day. N' so far it's proving to be so. I think it looks like the nordic tree of life.Which is most apropriate as i've been on @@DANZIG's Project Storm Thread n' Dark City Radio listening to the prog' on oil last night. Hi guys,you're so very welcome. Got to say though,all this activity is giving me the fed fear.lol. Not just me, my missus is doin' her nut. Threatening to leave me n' all sorts. No worries,she's worried,she has every right to be! So, Hi Paul @DCR Bob,@DCR Lee n'all at DCR. This is me. Hopefully by now you'll have had a chance to look at this diary n' see where i am on the growing curve. Some people on here with skills themselves are telling me i'm not too shabby! That's always nice to know. It's only a small percy grow to keep me going n' to tell you the truth the way i feel at the moment i wouldn't be at all surprised if i get a early morning knock sometime in the near future. I just hope whoevers making the decisions shows some common n' leaves me the f'ck alone.lol.

Anyway guys the reason i contacted you was to apply for the job that Paul advertized at the beginning of lastnights show. If I'm not suitable for that,anything will do. making the tea, answering the phones, sweeping up the roaches. 'Gissa job i can do that' I'm a lung cancer survivor,i'm in remission n' being monitoredbut i have a full cure with a lot to give n' i'm raring to go.It's all good. I'd have a lot to sort out but nothing that can't be. Being in the UK as i said on Danzig's thread throws up so many problems. I've never skyped but i can learn if its safe security wise.so i'd have to be careful there. Couldn't sort the email n' the mobs freaking me out.lol.lol. chop choppy chop,choppy waters! I'll tune in to the show. If you can tell me what time. You could give me a shout out.Ha Ha,never had one of them before. Careful though guys i've a growing family,my youngest is expecting his first child n' i have to respect him his sister n' their mum.We can so easily lose everything our home,the lot. Isn't that a fuck!! My daughter is a health care proffesional with all that entails n' this is freaking them all out a bit. Me i'm fine.lol. So there we have it we're connected'ish. Even if there ain't a job may be one day we can meet up anyway n' have have a good old sesh. Stay safe. Canny' :)

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Guest wackyweeder

As always cannybuzz outstanding!!

You've got a great vibe going on in here and a cracking grow show....

Keep it coming dude.

Peace and stay High..... :oldtoker:

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