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JORGE'S DIAMONDS/Orange Hill Special/The Edge[A joint venture]


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P6 'Venus'

.Eve Of The Chop.


I'd moved Venus n' Freaky to the front of the grow where i could tend to them easier.Keep a closer eye on 'em as they came up to finishing,they were close. Day before yesterday,Venus was lush,just a few white pistils. Last night checking the plants,as soon as i drew the door back i could see straight away that 'Venus' is done. She's like, 'look at me,look at how drab i am,only yesterday i was a beauty!' I almost looked for a glass slipper.She'd gone all Cinderella on me. Yeah she's got her jewells on,sparkling she is.But her dress has gone from silk to cotton. What are you going on about now mate?? Have a look see!

If you look back at the pics from the last few days,you'll see that evrything about her was perky.The bud leaves poking straight out at the light. Now,some of these leave are limper,sort of tireder.

I hadn't taken the mic' to her as i wanted to do everything by eye this time. Try n' understand the plant a bit better.

Over time,using ph n' ec pens had worsened my growing. I never had 'em to use before n' was doing fine. Then i started using pens n' sh't n' not understanding the tech properly my grow went down hill fast. F'ck that,n' it's back to the eyes. Of course tech' is needed when up sizing but with my lil' ting i can sort it on my own to a well enough standard for my needs.

I hope these pics show that she's turned. lol.







Had i overcooked her? I finished taking these pics this morning as the light went off,uploaded 'em on to here,had a spliff of the goods n' went back to the grow with the mic. Cloudeeeeeeeeeey!! lol. lol. a few clear but all the rest are cloudy. :yahoo::yahoo: not an amber tric' to be seen.! Nice one. 'Venus' is the first JD that i've got spot on. Before her all the others came out a lil' early,a wk at most,as the grow got sorted.

These are some shots of Freaky the next out. Sat dom',she's taking a bit longer maybe a week,maybe a bit less.

See the difference in her budz from the Ind dom' Venus.




Totally different hey! Was thinking last night that P3 'Billie' could be a somehow differently structured version of this sat dom' pheno',if that's the case,i've found the best pheno' with the taste n' the high in 'Venus.' I've got a cut from her a previous version of her pheno'. whoop,whoop!

I mean what's not too like about this?

.P6 'VENUS'.


Flushed twice n' with no sign of over fert,i'll flush her once more tonight n' take her down tomorrow.

Got a busy day on today,but for anyone who takes the time to look in on this diary,i appreciate your interest n' hope you to are having a good time in the grow too. Back later.

.Happy Grows.


I've just seen that you're on here looking in DCR LEE. Hi mate. My last few posts have been for you folks by way of a cv.

I'm of no use in this Babylonian land as i am,it's sufforcating me!. I'll Bell Bob Later. Peace to you n' yours.


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Guest DCRBob


The all important feeds.

I've used ionics for a while n' find them easy to use but i don't stick to their grow schedule or nute rates
i.e. 7ml per ltr. if you did this you'd pretty quickly f'ck your grow up. at least that's been my experience.
i followed bio bizz's schedule n' nigh on burnt my crop down. that was some way back on the learning curve.
i don't know about you but i've found getting the feeding regime right,one of the hardest things to learn.
take this perpetual sog
The JDs in the foreground only need grow while the AKs at the back need a bloom feed.
The ones in the middle need somewhere in the middle. :headpain:
i get around it by using 3-4 containers.
i don't give 'em any feed for the first 2-3wks. only .5ml grow if they need it at the end of wk3 along with rootstim.
then for the bloom period:
1. grow,1-2ml for the first two weeks with added rootstim.
2.bloom 2-3ml for weeks 3-7 with added bloom stim n' .25ml per ltr Buddha's tree pk9/18.
3.bloom 3-4ml for weeks 8-10 with .5ml pk 9/18
4.plain water. given if i think they need a rest from feeding.
using 5ltr bottles n' a bucket i mix the feeds,grow or bloom first then pk9/18[only during bloom],then bac stim.
give the bottle a shake or the bucket a stir just before i use them to introduce some air
n' pour it on the plants as needed.
it's working ok. any q's feel free.
the latest seeds are through n' the grow goes on.
atb n' happy grows

used ionics myself for years and it as good as any other and almost 1/2 price of some but never follow the bottle test test test ce cf ph I have found that its best to test the water out of the tap and then 24/48 later, most in the UK will see a change in the water from the tap and keep testing the water ever week, test again once you added your .Nutrition and then again 24/48 hr later you may fine the water comp is bringing the ph down, so I agree Never follow the bottle with any .Nutrition

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Morning folks,

things are stirrring @, someone heard about my plan to f'ck off yesterday n' got in contact straight away. Message read 'heard you're leaving,don't you dare,we've got plans for you mate.' Gotta go in for a meet lunchtime today. I'll get back about it later. Thanks ever so much mate for taking the time to chat y'day n' for being on here now. I'm in soil so i think ph is being buffered but i'll dig my machine out n' run those water tests mate. I wanna move into hydro as soon as an I'll be checking in for advice on that mate. @@Punta Roja,ta for looking in mate,hope you're well. @@shire N' @@Skinny_Jimmy,hi guys hope all's well with you too. Right,i'd better get my sh't together,sooner i get working again the sooner i'm gonna be sampling some Spanish rays. Whatever happens,n' for a moment i'm gonna venture outta the here n' now,project forward,i need a f'king holiday.lol.lol. Have a good day all. :)

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These Jorge's are great through a vape! lol. A smack of the lips an it's all skittles eat yer heart out.HaHa!!

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Hey all,

i've just been for an interview. mate heard i was fed up n' thinking of leaving. Seems i'm needed here. Only to run a brand new business!!!!!!!! Shook hands on it,paperworks being sorted as i type. @,this wouldn't have happened if i hadn't rung n' spoken to you. Please get a message to Susan who was in on the call n' thank her for the light! I've gotta duck down for a bit mate while i sort things but you can get me here. Don't be a stranger! passport papers tomorrow. 'It ain't a dream when you're living it.' :yep:

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Hi all,

@Shire has just messaged me to check if i'm alright. Ta fella. My last few posts have been a bit up in the air. I've got an allergy to politricians n' felt their poison starting to enter me a lil' too often,all over the f'ckin' news,all over the papers all you ever hear is this scumbag did this,that scumbag did that,robbing us all blind,mates all around me having their lives torn apart by it all n' i'd had enough,didn't feel strong enough to help. My old man taught me better than that though. Between 1939 n'1945 he found himself on two european beaches.Three times he survived it. When years later he found the strength to describe it to me,he could only manage two words. 'Pure Hell'. N' i was going to run away? Anyway a mate's thrown me a life line,something i can get tuck into. take mind off it all n' fight back a little. So,no worrries i'm fine n' getting finer. Here n' now folks,love, Just one thing. SKIN UP!! lol.lol.Cannny'.

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Budz.,seeds,cut's,bits n' pieces.

.The Budz.



On the left 'The Edge' from seed,on the right the cutting taken from Jorges Diamond indica dominant phenotype P6 'Venus' pictured above. The rest of the pic is made up of bits n' pieces that along with my new kit i've given myself by way of a lil' bonus for being a good lil' grower. lol. lol. It should all be up n' running this week.


Got a new job to start next week,(never thought i'd say that again, lol, lol,) a few mates round tonight,but all cool,i'll keep this open,so don't be shy,join the party. @'s sent a music link so he'll be on the decks, lol, around midnight. more djs needed, musics streaming via the kitchen!

So,get ya dabs on,fill ya pipes,roll yer spliffs. The Vapes on,Drinks are in. could get messy. lol.

.Happy Grows.



organized seen!

Edited by cannybuzz
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Some good links in the who likes reggae thread mate thatll keep you going all night!!

Edited by LouisLitt
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love the pic canny lad, wot u lot at yours toking on? some wifi rite here matey puff puff pass say hello to all ya mates lad im sat on mi ones with lappy and spliff for company!

would,nt have it any other way lol, congrats on the new job lad i love my job also nothing like 100 zips every run to help pay the bills lol peace.....................hemp

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Hey @@LouisLitt n' @HEMPORER,ta for the heads up loius, hemp' mate,my JD's some nice AK dry sift n' some Laos Haze, HaHa! Gonk wants that wifi. lol. i've got to go,light a candle mates,ther's one on for you. Hello shadow people:)

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@,my son says HI,love the lips too mate says thanx for sorting the music. Should i let someone who's already whitied on my vape try some laos through it,last time out,he was drinking,not tonight,hee hee here goes.lol.lol.

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@,you've just got me n' my mate hugging,daft bugger. 'Do You Realise', we saw the lips at Bestival ' last year. Big screen showed a guy burst into tears in the crowd wayne sang that line about one day everybody you know will die,poor guy got a massive ahh! from the crowd. Cheers mucker. Laos haze my left goolie,lol.lol.shouldn't tatse of lemon should it?






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Right that's me done,early start..TA for coming,vapes still running but i don't care what he says,it's not laos.lol. night. :yep:

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Oh my,messy house this morning,looking at the views,i don't know how you all fiitted in.thanx for coming, lol,you could've tidied up after yourelves, lol. @,the lips were great. So many mates were there! Renewed sense of purpose today. The grow's great but it was time to.....

Knuckle Under!





.Supercrop Knuckle.


I'll do an update on the JD's,OHS,(oh!) n' TE's later.

Thanx for looking in!

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Hey all,was gonna do an update but im done in .lol. Ill put a pic up of the pipe that did it then too.lol. :)

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