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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently playing Warframe. Amazing amount of content for a free game (and unlike the so-called 'free to play' Destiny 2 none of the content is behind a pay wall).

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Really enjoying Warframe, really good for a free game (if you've got Amazon Prime you get a free frame and weapon, the frame is a beast, way more powerful than the starting frames). Really fast gameplay, great fluid movement.


I am a space ninja lollollol

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  • 2 weeks later...

COD, Borderlands 3, Gran Turismo 7, and Spider-Man Myles Morales in preparation for the new title approaching release. That's what I have on the console at the moment but have hundreds in my library and with PS plus premium there is plenty choice.

Really enjoying DMZ in COD. Borderlands 3 I've played constantly since release. I've completed the story for every vault hunter twice and still do the daily missions and farm for better gear but I pretty much have every gun or item I want. It's definitely my favourite game. On PS5.


If anyone enjoys pool there is an amazing free pool game in the PS store.

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Really into Warframe now (after seeing it in the free games section of the Xbox store for years and not fancying it). Easily the best free to play game I've played and possibly my favourite MMO, free or paid. The amount of content is staggering and none of it is locked behind a pay wall (some things can only be bought with the platinum currency you have to pay for, not with cedits or dropped by enemies, like extra weapon slots, but items can be traded with other players for platinum and there's an active economy so you can earn it by trading, it's not a 'freemium' or pay-to-win game at all). OK, it's grindy but that's kinda the point of online MMO games, you're in it for the grind lol and you don't have to play multiplayer, I've done everything solo so far (you need to join a clan to get access to a lot of blueprints, but no interaction is required if you're a curmudgeon like me and don't play well with others lol ). Seriously, I recommend giving it a go to anyone, it's free so you've got nowt to lose and I think it's superb (athough you do need to use the online warframe wiki cos a lot of things aren't explained very well and the sheer amount of stuff is overwhelming at the start), the gameplay is fast and fun and the vast number of frames and weapons give loads of different playstyles.

Edited by Boojum
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finished wasteland 3. Highly recommended if you like turn based rpgs.


Started dead cells, about 14hrs in. What a game it is.


 Fans of metroodvania / rougelike will love it.


And fifa for multiplayer. 

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It's getting panned by gamers for the large quantity of suckage. lol  I read they even banned a custom mod which removed the pronoun option. 


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That's daft, but then again I think the big deal that some people made about the pronoun option in the first place is also fucking daft, as is making a custom mod to remove it lol People get their knickers (or y-fronts/boxer shorts/thongs/whatever lol ) in a twist over the strangest things :wacko:

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Pronouns in gaming are a complete waste of time, I don't remember being called he, him, her, or she by an NPC in a single game, ever, and I've been gaming since the 70s. :lookaround:  But hey let's make sure we concentrate on giving gamers pronoun options instead of actually making a decent game. lol   


Edited to add - They don't even cater for my preferred pronouns.. it, that, cunt, and gamer. lol  


Edited to add #2 - 'Destroy him my robots'  is the only quote I can think of right now.

Impossible Mission on the Commodore 64


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Another visitor. Stay a while. STAY FOREVER lol


What made me laugh about the Starfield pronoun debacle was all the people shouting that something was being 'forced on them' :headpain:


Giving people a choice is pretty much the exact opposite of forcing something on someone, you fucking dolts lol

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