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Amnesia's Sweet Seeds competition Grow Diary.


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Looking awesome in there Amnesia, loving the parabolic in your drobe :yep: Ime those long sativa type stems will love growing up around the bulb at the edges if you can persuade them :)

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net2-3 Good to see you, The girls have grew up a bit since last time you were in, they seem to be growing around the bulb on their own now, i have no choice as the Parabolic is all the way up so no-where else to go for them. Thankfully i think the stretch has stopped now so as long as there are no heat issues i should be okay as your diaries have given me some confidence.

All the best mate.

Now at Day 24 of flowering SC2 is now actually inside the Parabolic, been busy over the weekend so not had a chance to tie her down yet, not sure how i will go about it but i will need to think of something. All the supercropping i've done has seemed to have no affect and these ladies have just done as they please. Also had a change around with the plants so their positions in the pictures are as follows.>

WR = top left.

SC2 = top right.

SC3 = bottom right.

SC1 = bottom left.

A few pictures i've just taken.>

First the canopy.>


SC2 inside the Parabolic.> :blub:


WR a close up of a budlet.>


Middle of the canopy.>


Proper update this friday when it will be exactly 4 weeks into flowering.

All the best. :skin_up:

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Guest oldskoolsmoker

Starting to bud up now :guitar: looking good fella Glad they have stop going for it you will find that being so near with your parabolic to your filter that it sucks up even more heat from the top had this issue on my last grow with one of my girls got so big and everything worked out fine

ATB fella


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Everything is looking real good Amnesia and I can't believe the height of SC2, I had a similar problem, but no where near the height of yours, hopefully a bit of bondage will sort her out!

Keep up the good work fella :yep:

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looking lush in there mate my S/cheese are stinking in veg,there 31days and 20in smells like its gonna be a decent smoke :guitar: mm

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net2-3 Good to see you, The girls have grew up a bit since last time you were in, they seem to be growing around the bulb on their own now, i have no choice as the Parabolic is all the way up so no-where else to go for them. Thankfully i think the stretch has stopped now so as long as there are no heat issues i should be okay as your diaries have given me some confidence.

All the best mate.

I've been lurking and keeping my eye on them ;) Looking forward to seeing what's coming up from them.

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ello Amnesia mate , bloody ell man its all go over ere top stuff indeed sir :yep: and just look at the SC go for it ! as always mate a great update look forward to your next , take it ez bro...

FG :wink:

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Thanks for keeping an eye on the triffids everyone :yep:

Everytime i go into the growroom i have to look up to SC2 and i'm nearly 6ft! lol

All this has taken me by surprise as i did not expect them to get this tall, at one point they were growing nearly 2 inches a day but i should of really done some LST weeks ago, Also being in only 6ltr pots i thought that would restrict them, In previous grows i've used 11ltr right up to a 35ltr planter in there and i have never come close to running out of headroom so this is certainly my tallest grow by far, mind you i have never grew 70% sativas before!. On a side note both SC1 and SC3 were both topped in veg but are still nearly as tall anyway, its unreal to think that SC2 was the runt of the plants but has ended up being the biggest of all.

Just been looking through my diary and found this i wrote.>

" lol SC2 Looking more like a lettuce than canna!. :bag: Seriously though this little girl is a real fighter, remember i dug this one out from the soil after they somehow had all sunk. None of the others survived but this battler came through after a few days with the smallest leaves ever seen and struggled on regardless, when the proper leaves came she was that small no stem could be seen and even today at 10 days old she is only 2.5cm tall, in 1ltr pot. Will be very interesting to see how she turns out considering the terrible start she's had so this is my very special Sweet girl :wub:".

SC2 has actually grew a little more in the past few days and we are now nearing week 4 of flower, the main cola ended up bending inside the Parabolic so i have managed to raise the light a few inches by shortening the strings on the Ezi Rollers. There is no definitely no more headroom so i hope and pray that the stretching has all finished. I don't think tieing her down would help much now as all it would do is just make her lean to one side as the stems are quite hard and not very bendy now, i'm worried the branch would snap if i pulled it over too hard.

I'm open to any suggestions anyone has, i've already thought of taking up the floor to drop the pot lower but that was a stoner moment i think.

Just took this pic now the Parabolic has raised the last few inches.>


Hope to see you all on friday for the update :sweaty:

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I'm open to any suggestions anyone has, i've already thought of taking up the floor to drop the pot lower but that was a stoner moment i think.

Roll one up and relax for the mo :P I'm sure it'll work out OK. How hot is it up in the shade? A little scorching on the leaves won't stop the buds coming.

If you get really desperate you could remove the shade, tie them back and drop the bulb into the middle of them vertically lol;)

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Hi net2-3, thankfully the temperature in the Parabolic never goes above 28c so heat stress is not an issue. The only thing that is worrying me is that SC2 is actually being squashed by the shade and i dont think its going to be good with the main cola being pressed against it, removing the shade and just hanging the bulb in the middle as you suggest has certainly given me something to think about if they grow any higher.

Those couple of inches i gained in headroom by shortening the strings has already very nearly been used up by SC2 as it very near to touching the shade again! :wallbash:

Its time to get evil with her i think. :evil:

Thanks for keeping an eye on her mate, full update tomorrow.

All the best.

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I've had a few hit the roof, it's never caused any problems for me and the buds just grow out sideways instead :) Could you try and pinch the top over supercropping style and then again at another node when she straightens up, maybe encourage it round the rim of the shade.

Those plants are lookin sooo good.

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Saturday 12 February, Day 29 of Flowering.

Hi net2-3 and BongMonkee, I think i need rope and climbing gear to tackle these beasts now!, I'm seeing what i can do after this update and will post a pic up later.

All the best with yours too.

And yet even more stretch has happened this week and now we are at just over week 4 of flower, all are still on 3ml/ltr of Oldtimer Bloom and looking nice and lush so see no need to raise the amount just yet, Totally out of headroom now so if they want to grow into the shade then let it be, i give up :russian: .

I've always wanted to grow a Sativa and i'm astounded at the rate of growth these can achieve and one thing for certain is that they are super looking plants. A gorgeous lingering cheesey yet slightly fresh fruity smell is coming from them and looking like a quality smoke on that basis alone.

So in the last 7 days growth rates are as follows:

SC1 = has stretched another 14cm and now stands at 142cm or (4ft 8") from soil to tip.

SC2 = grew 20cm so now a massive 173cm(5ft 8"). :eek:

SC3 = shot up by 30cm the past week and now 165cm (5ft 5").

WR = another 9cm so now 111cm or (3ft 8").

Thats about it for now, i'll let the pictures do the talking.>

Side view, nowehere else for SC2 at the back to go! :headpain:


with the lights off, buds coming along rapidly.>


Lots of frostiness coming!.>


Wild rose, more advanced than the sweet cheese.>


Long colas on these cheeses.>


SC2, in the Parabolic.>


One of the attempts at supercropping SC2 as you can see in the middle of the picture on one of the main stems, a huge knuckle quickly formed around the site and she seemed not bothered at all by it and carried on regardless.>


Will update with a bondage pic soon. :lucky:

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