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Amnesia's Sweet Seeds competition Grow Diary.


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Thanks for the inspirational comments everyone, its been a very pleasurable grow this one and i think this one may be something special judging by the tasty skunky smells coming from them.

Here's a few pictures i took a few hours ago now we are at Day 60 of flower :wub: .

The following are all of the Wild Roses outer buds, even though they are very fat they are still dense nuggets covered in frostiness, lots of pistils browned off and as you can see almost ready.







The main cola of the Wild Rose.


Some of the cheese buds.>


So harvest day in a few days time for SC1 and the Wild Rose, the other two tall sweet cheeses maybe still have another 2 or 3 weeks by the looks of things.

Will update before i harvest this weekend :realcool: .

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Glad everyone is enjoying the show, right now they smell is intense like a thousand stinky socks but very nice if you know what i mean :unsure: .

Update tomorrow at exactly 9 weeks into flower but for now here is a pic of the Wild Rose's main cola, if you look closely in the lower left of the picture you will see a red lighter i have put near the bud for size purposes.

Took today at Day 62 of flowering.>


All the best, hope you all can stop by tomorrow :yep:

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Friday 18 March, Day 63 of flowering.

A bit late with the update i know, but only just walked back in from a party! :stoned:

So today (well yesterday i suppose) the lanky ladies are at exactly 9 weeks into flower, SC1 along with the Wild Rose will be harvested tonight as enough pistils have browned on them now and the trichs are mainly cloudy with a few reddish colour ones in the mix too. SC2 and SC3 are also changing rapidly now and pistils turning by the day, those two have another week or two at the most i would say before ripe.

The Wild Rose and SC1 have had just plain water for the last week, SC2 and SC3 have been getting only 2ml/ltr of Oldtimer Bloom for well over a week now and starting to show signs of yellowing already in a couple of the leaves, these cheeses have a very good appetite but because they are such big girls this may have something to do with it, The feed will be raised back up again a little for the final days anyway.

On with the pictures, a sideview of them.>


Various bud pics of the Wild Rose and SC1.>






And the main cola of the Wild Rose.>


Next update will be tomorrow with some Harvested pics of SC1 and the Wild Rose :thumsup: .

All the best.

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Welcome to the jungle we got fun and games !!

Mornin Amnesia mate , looks awsome in there dude really does some great pictures again , the SC that looks like it has horns coming from her looks mad ! your def in the shortlist for the top prize i think :yes:

FG :wink:

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Sunday 20 March, Day 65 of Flowering.

:toot:SC1 and WR Harvest Day! :applause:

Thankyou for taking the time out everyone and seeing how things are progressing, things are coming together very nicely and i'm as happy as larry with these beauties.

Best wishes to all.

Well SC1 and the mighty WR have left the show and left my two biggest girls to stretch out, the other two sweet cheese now have a bit more room although its height and not width i'm struggling with!. SC1 and the WR are hanging in the veg tent with temps at around 16c in there so all is good, SC2 and SC3 still look like they have another 10-14 days to flower but the pistils on those are turning rapidly now so its anyones guess really. Because i lowered the bloom on these as they are nearing the end of flower they have started to slightly yellow so i have raised the Oldtimer Bloom back up to 3ml/ltr for now, these big girls sure have a big appetite!

Now i managed to get up close to the WR she definitely does smell floral with a hint of pine to it i think?, a more fresh scent which is very moreish. The sweet cheese absolutely stink of typical cheese and stinky socks rolled together but with a delicious fruity/sweet smell too, smelling like a real high grade extremely pungent and overpowering,I cannot wait to sample these fine fruits as they smell so good.

The Wild Rose was very heavy as the buds are very dense and covered in resin, the leaf to bud ratio is good and she was a dream to trim, the cheese buds were long and sticky and quite tight too like popcorn nuggets.

The last pictures of SC1 and the WR then, i took a pic of them seperately and put a 1 litre OLdtimer bloom bottle in the pot for sizing purposes.

First the Wild Rose, a side-view.>




Her main cola.>




And some of her outer buds.>





Final pics of the sweet cheese 1.>

SC1 sideview.>




Some root porn.>


And the final pic of SC1 and the WR hanging in the veg tent, SC1 is on the red hanger (top left in pic) and the WR is on the top right hanger and the bottom one, there is also two small shoeboxes with a few popcorn buds in from each plant.


Will put a pic up later on of SC2 and SC3 and how they look together in the growroom now :yep: .

All the best. :yinyang:

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