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Amnesia's Sweet Seeds competition Grow Diary.


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ello Amnesia mate...

man that SC has propa gone for it huh !! looking spot on tho dude the WR is looking like a nice vars indeed , not long now till you see them start throwing that weight on , all the best dude...

FG :wink:

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Blimey Amnesia I can't believe SC2 grew another 20 cm and SC3 ain't that far behind, but I think your right, there's not a lot you can do about it, so what will be will be, still, there's some fine looking buddage now happening in the groom :D

Edit: damn my spelling!

Edited by Serpent
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Hi Amnesia. Mint grow you got going on here. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned super-cropping but I was wondering if it's too late? I've read of some growers super-cropping during flowering.

Either way, continued success to you... :yinyang:

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:woot: Looks like you're going to have some monstrous buds. How are you finding the PM soil? Looks like it's working a treat alongside your skill and care :)
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ello Amnesia mate...

man that SC has propa gone for it huh !! looking spot on tho dude the WR is looking like a nice vars indeed , not long now till you see them start throwing that weight on , all the best dude...

FG :wink:

Some crazy things happening here now, the other two cheeses are nearly as tall as SC2 and as you say the WR is looking like a really nice strain and she is really packing on the weight now along with lots of frostiness!.

Your girls are looking very nice too, will be interesting to see how your sweet cheeses compare to mine growthwise.

See you soon mate.

Blimey Amnesia I can't believe SC2 grew another 20 cm and SC3 ain't that far behind, but I think your right, there's not a lot you can do about it, so what will be will be, still, there's some fine looking buddage now happening in the groom :D

Edit: damn my spelling!

And in week 4 too, they caught me out really as i thought it was all over at week 3 as all my grows have been in the past,I pinched them out numerous times as well to the point where the stems were almost flat but they did not have a care in the world. The WR's buds are getting real big now and one to watch too, Your sweet seeds girls look very tasty and good enough to eat, enjoy your well deserved harvest mate.

Hi Amnesia. Mint grow you got going on here. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned super-cropping but I was wondering if it's too late? I've read of some growers super-cropping during flowering.

Either way, continued success to you... :yinyang:

Hi rubbabudbud, i did actually pinch them out i think up to about 3 weeks of flowering but to no avail. The stretch has now stopped so not much i can do now, even when i tied her down after the last update the top buds were still nearly touching the shade. Still besides a couple of scorched leaves they should still be okay i hope.

Thanks for looking in and hope to see you soon now that the buddage is really starting to happen.

:woot: Looks like you're going to have some monstrous buds. How are you finding the PM soil? Looks like it's working a treat alongside your skill and care :)

No problems at all with this PM soil, no fungus gnats, bugs or anything only super lush green leaves. Great soil and the only compost i'll be using now.

All the best fella.

monsters plants again...god what is this with everyone?love that parabolic grow...


Quite funny really, i have to look up to the top colas when i go into the growroom as in the pots they are well over 6ft tall lol .Love the paabolics too, if only i had a little more headroom things would be perfect.

Cheers for stopping by.

After the last update i tied SC2 down but all it seemed to do was bend the stems and next day the buds were almost touching the Parabolic again so i realised at this point that all this is hopeless so i decided to take the plunge and remove the Parabolic, a couple of the leaves on SC2 did scorch but i'd say those leaves were within 2 inches from the actual bulb so i was asking for trouble really, nothing major just a couple of burnt tips. :(

I put the Euro reflector back in after a delicate half hour operation getting it out :sweaty:.

With the euro back in i can see that the light spread is no where near as good but my room is covered in reflective mylar so it should still reach around. Those few inches i gained with the euro has been took back up with the buds going back vertical as i tied them down a few days ago. I also had no choice but to remove the strings as SC2 was leaning on the WR and blocking the light from the buds. So this is the best i can do in a no-win situation.

Will post a couple of pics up later if i have chance, if not the full update will be tomorrow.

All the best. :yinyang:

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amazing pictures of amazing plants there Amnesia..that's a really beautiful looking grow-room IMO..quite otherworldly and lovely..

nice one dude.. :yinyang:

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Hi there thisUncoliingMortal and welcome to the best part of the grow. :thisbig:

Thanks for the good words, pop in anytime. :spliff:

Just took a few pictures to show you how it looks in there now that the euro reflector is back in.

first, a side view. They are that tall now i cannot fit all of them in the shot!>


You can see there is no more headroom at all.>


SC2, lots of side-branching coming out of the main colas and looking to be a decent yielder.>


Along with lots of frostiness.>


Wild Rose packing on the buds!>


One of the side-buds of the wild rose, so many trichs with such good structure.>


A Sweet cheese cola with the wild rose in the background.>


Update tomorrow :yep:

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Great diary Amnesia. Can't believe that lady defied your efforts at super-cropping!

Just plonk myself over here and enjoy that budding frostiness.

Keep up the good growing.



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Friday 18 February, Day 35 of flowering.

Feel free to hang around guys, I've a feeling some real buddage is about to start happening! :thisbig:

Well over the last week i took off a few of the lower leaves as these were not really getting any light no more and also to help with better air circulation.

Now on 4ml/ltr of Oldtimer bloom they seem to be okay with it and are also now at their thirstiest stage. Temerature at the top has raised a little since i put the euro reflector back in but no more than 29c, i have a fan blowing across the bulb so that should help.

Even though we are only at 5 weeks of flower a couple of pistils on a couple of the side buds on the WR are browning off?, Never seen this before so early in flower. Unless this is a quick finisher?, She has always been much more advanced than the cheeses and right now is piling on the weight at a tremendous rate!.

Lovely smells are coming from all of them now, the main aroma i would say is a typical skunky cheese smell and lingers on your clothes after tending to them.

For todays pictures i've taken them with the hps off so you can see how they are budding up in a more natural light.

Wild Rose, lots of tichs.>


One of the sweet cheese buds.>




One of the side buds of the Wild Rose, see those few pistils browning off already!.>


The main cola on SC2, i reckon she will be an awesome sight in full bloom with all those branches coming out of the main bud.>


A couple of side sweet cheese buds, looking very tasty indeed.>


See you in the week. :yinyang:

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i think there was a competition on here recently whereby you might find me Amnesia dude..but i am now living in your sativa heaven growroom somewhere in a miniscule form for a couple of days..


after that i'll leave you and your girls alone again.. :yinyang:

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