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12 hours ago, Goohfy said:

The industry will come up with a vaccine for the stock plants imo.To let something like that to rip through a multi billion dollar industry could and would be devastating hopefully they will get it sorted in a couple of weeks.peace goohfy.

Oh what a fantastic world that would be. 

I reckon the hops industry would have been on that and they failed to find anything.


The beer making world has had to learn to live with it and grow resistant strains iirc. 




Vigilance is the only way currently. Can you even make a vaccine for a viroid rather than a virus? 

I dunno. 



Perhaps they will make a vaccine. The hops industry isn't worth as much as canna(650m)

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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1 hour ago, Oldbear said:

Do you know if sodium percarbonate will work? 



I contains a form of h-peroxide so it should act as a biocide as H-perox is used as a biocide. You may need a full strength H-perox though for taking out bacteria, viri, fungals though. I have never personally used an Oxy (percarbonate) as a biocide. 


How successful it will be is anyones guess though bud. As far as I know H-perox knocks out some viruses and others it does not damage enough to take them out. With this being a viroid it's all guess work for now.



Edited by acidshiva
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Hopefully just two weeks to get on top of it then they will get a vaccine sorted.I don’t actually know if a vax would work on the problem but hopefully everything turns back to normal.peace goohfy.

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Just now, Goohfy said:

Hopefully just two weeks to get on top of it then they will get a vaccine sorted.I don’t actually know if a vax would work on the problem but hopefully everything turns back to normal.peace goohfy.


It's been in the UK hop population since the late 80's I think and the Agro industry still does not have an easily applied treatment for the disease caused by this viroid. I would not hold your breath for a quick solution.

Edited by acidshiva
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  • 1 month later...

A well-known cutting cartel have just posted on insta that they have HLVD in the roost.  They've stopped production.  If you've gotten anything from them recently I highly suggest you bin it, or at least bleach snips between plants. 

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On 10/3/2021 at 10:38 AM, blackpoolbouncer said:

This is why we are shutting up shop

Thank fuck I did as there's a good chance I could have lost everything and very nearly did with yesterday's news. Got a bit close to home yesterday with friends having to bin all mums after being infected by clones that eventually could have made thier way into my room.

Not everyone I know has been as lucky as me or shut up shop as early.



This shits only just starting to get going mark my words. 

Watch it spread now 



Lock up your daughters, wives and most importantly.......your mums.

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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1 hour ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

Thank fuck I did as there's a good chance I could have lost everything and very nearly did with yesterday's news. Got a bit close to home yesterday with friends having to bin all mums after being infected by clones that eventually could have made thier way into my room.

Not everyone I know has been as lucky as me or shut up shop as early.



This shits only just starting to get going mark my words. 

Watch it spread now 



Lock up your daughters, wives and most importantly.......your mums.

I've had it for about a year. All the cali cuts have gone in the bin. America must be riddled with it. 

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7 hours ago, fatboy77 said:

A well-known cutting cartel have just posted on insta that they have HLVD in the roost.  They've stopped production.  If you've gotten anything from them recently I highly suggest you bin it, or at least bleach snips between plants. 

Not even recent curttings that have had it. My cali cuts had it as soon as they landed ages ago. I have no doubt the Americans knew that their stock was infected but still sent and decided to cash in anyway. 

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I had a few cali cuts. All were infected. Had a sour power og, drago and a zpomoni cut. Everyone of them was a hard strain to root, could take up to a month to come through. The sour power og had the side branching, the brittle stems and really sluggish growth. The end product had no sticky Ness to it and was absolutely bland shite. The drago again had the brittle stems but was abit better. But then it used to get 3 quarters done then hermi and die off.  Only good thing is that I've been growing with hplv clones for that long now I believe I know what to look out for now. Haha I was blaming my self last year and blaming it in a hot summer. Only cali cut that I think I've done which isn't infected is the runts but she's gone in the bin anyway just because it's all came through the same joker in the US. 

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Seen this yesterday, at least he had the decency to put it out there. A lot of them got rid of stock and said fuck all. 


I'd advise everyone to go from seed now and don't take in cuts. 


And as has been said, the yanks must of knew that they were infected as it's far to obvious when even the mom has it.

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I am fairly certain that the Durban had it in my last grow which was from the aforementioned clone seller and a secondary root infection which then spread to my SSH. 


I've binned all off and am keeping an eye on any suspect mums just in case there's been any transmission.


But yeah, a notill soil mix in which I've been growing for 7years or so. Never had a single problem. This last grow 2 nose dived fast after strarting off last looking otherwise belting.


The seller has done the right thing in shutting up shop as soon as they knew. But I'll be doing the same for a while. The idea of that getting to my keeper collection gives me the absolute fear.


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This thread is doing wanders for my clone/mother envy lol All jokes aside though I hope its not too late to nip this in the bud, at least this side of the pond. Must be absolutely heart breaking to put all that time into breeding and developing a strain/nursery just to have it all destroyed.



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