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Cookies Auto, Gorilla Auto, Dinamed Kush CBD Auto under LED inc. Scope 2


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Moby Dick XXL Auto Day - Week 7 /Day 49 & Blue Amnesia XXL Auto Week 5/Day 35 Updates!

It's update o'clock once again from the perpetual Dinafem auto grow, this time on the 2 'XXL's. They have been enjoying the cooler temps this week I am keeping the tent at 27C at canopy level, humidity has been mostly in the 50s


The Moby Dick didnt get the care and attention she deserved during her LST stage due to work but despite not being evenly spread out she is kicking out some fat buds:naughty: I keep thinking she is a heavy feeder as I'm sure I read it some where :unsure: and so keep pushing the limits of what she is happy with, this has caused some tip burn but with some prolific pistils too. :yahoo:This week she started on 2l of 2.2ml/l Bloom and 0.5ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Runzyme and I notched the Bloom up through the week by 0.1ml, she had a couple of 3l feeds too as she was hungry and drinking fast. I also gave a couple of doses of Epsom salts during the week, by the end of the week she was on 3ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Runzyme and see how she goes on that. The other major point to make is I moved her to under my ChilLed Gen2 light which she seems to be liking, a little light bleaching but nothing major


Here are this evening pics of her at Day 49 and so 31 days left on the clock...


Over View - I can just squeeze her out past the BAXXL



Bud Close up View



Another Bud



Final Bud Shot



Now the problem lady the BAXXL that basically caused to me put another light on, inspired by this song, I prefer to modify the line to "cos there's a monster living in my tent" lol

The BAXXL as I mentioned earlier is just too big to take up her allotted quarter of the tent, she is 83 cm wide and has to stay where she is, that meant getting out more wattage and putting the Kush CBD under my Domrgrow 240 Bloom light as that would act a side lighting for her extremities. Her main light is the Hans Panel but supported by a Dormgrow 240 Veg on another side, the Scope in one corner and the ChilLED on another side....phew! Basically a hotchpotch of LED to cover ther canopy as best I can atm. Growth has pretty much stopped at last so I can get my head around what I'm dealing with and so LST has also stopped as she turned stiffer this week. Feed wise she started the week out with 2l 0.8ml/l Grow and 0.6ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Runzyme and seemed on the edge of over feeding so I edged this up slowly to 1ml/l Grow, Bloom and Run by the end of the week. I have just given her a 4l feed with a mere 200ml of runoff, for the second time this week, so she is drinking fast, not that shocking conisdering her size!


Here are a few pics of her at Week 5

Over View - I reckon you could LST her 1.2m across if so desired



Bud Shot - sorry about the light!



Final Bud Shot




That's all for this evening folks back tomorrow with the Kush CBD update as she hits the week 3 point.


Thanks for reading I'm off for a supercharged spliff of some sort to send me to lala land:sleep1:


Til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:



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Dinamed Kush CBD Auto - Week 3/Day 21

Evening all time for another update but this time on the one with vitually no THC but hopefully lots of lovely CBD! Speaking of CBD, I got an email from Dinafem asking me to participate in a survey on CBD so they could imrove their products etc. Which was all cool and quite a good survey tbh..... APART from when I got to which age category do I fall into, fucking 56-70 by a matter of 10 days :crybaby: Gutted!! I was perfectly happy being 56, indeed glad to be here, until I got lumped in with the 70 year olds lol Also on the subject of CBD I saw yet another athlete saying he took the best and strongest CBD products he could buy for recovery and inflammation on Youtube last night. Eddie Hall was the fella, yeah weird rabbit hole I went down, anyway if you dont know him he won Worlds Stongest Man and is set to fight The Mountain in a boxing match next year for a rather large purse.:boxing: Just interesting though how mainstream it has all become, particularly with athletes who really push their training and therefore need recovery assistance.


I digress ...... back to the Kush CBD who is a really interesting girl! She is super sensitive to N for starters, I havent given her a drop of Grow or anything with N in as yet and she is clawing like mad and showing typical N toxicity signs. The medium is Tropic Mix totally unammended apart from Granules, which is totally fine even for seedlings N wise with all other plants. I think I might try growing her in Coco to have better control over her N levels next time round. Seeing that she was struggling with the N level I let her pot dry out midweek, just to be sure it wasnt an over watering problem and then gave her 3l of plain bubbled rainwater to a little runoff. She responded well to the water growth wise but the clawing remains and I cant feed her less N than none lol I gave her foliar of Evolution on Day 15 and the big change for her was on Day 18 when I moved her to under her own light a Dormgrow 240 Bloom light, rather early but part of the reason was for extra lighting to cover the expanding BAXXL and that way I killed 2 birds with one stone. I think I will grow her the natural way with any LST this time around as I want to see her structure, hope she doesnt get too big though or I might be in trouble, she is rivalling the BAXXL for height at week 3 so despite the clawing is growing super well:guitar: Here is her growth chart so far...



Now for some piccies...

Over View



Side View



Lower Side Shoot



Main Stem



What to feed is going to be a dilemma as she gets hungry, I'm thinking of going straight to Bloom but very mildy with her and see if she likes it?


That's all for tonight's update folks thanks for reading :)


Til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:

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@Fragg That clawing mate, I had the exact same around this time with my Cheese, pre-nutes.  Put it down to mild N tox at the time, assumed the Bat Special was too strong but you know how Cheese is looking now so there's a possibility it was related to my overwatering incident.  Hopefully come to nothing but maybe keep an eye out for those brown patches that followed for me.

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Cookies Auto and Gorilla Auto Week 10 - Day 71 Update

Evening all its time for another round of updates on the Dinafem gals this week but afore I do, a quick shout out to @Dinafem-Mark who has been going through some personal shit, according to a thread in the HSO section, and therefore hasnt been around as much as usual. Sending you good vibes mate and hope that we see you around these parts again soon, just remember every storm passes :hug:


Back to happier matters and the progress of these two ladies, as was noted last week these girls were still putting out white pistils and frankly still are! The Gorilla is coming to a close but the Cookies certainly needs more than week from today, I reckon the Gorilla might be ready around day 77-80, the Cookies who knows lol They can have the space for now but I really want to crack the Dinamed Auto next and for that to happen at least the Gorilla will have to come down, not just for the room in the tent but also doing 6 updates a week will kill me off:yawn:


So having said I was going to put them on water last week, I have been feeding them this week as they clearly need more time. The Gorilla started the week with a reduced Bloom feed of 3l 2ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Runzyme on Day 65 and by Day 68 I reduced that to 1.5ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Runzyme. I think she really is close now to plain water to finish, I really should do a trich check I just havent had a minute spare for days now with working all Bank Holiday and 7 days a week through August. Tomorrow! ;):skin_up:The Cookies I tried on a stronger feed midweek, thinking she had longer to run, of 2.5ml/l Bloom and 1 ml/l Runzyme but that seemed to burn her so backed off to 2ml/l Bloom and last watering as for the Cookies was a 4l one with v little run off from either of them.


Temps this week have been steady around the 27-28 mark and RH in 40's


Time for this weeks piccies starting off with a group shot of the two of them under the Scope..


Group Shot



Cookies Side View




Cookies Bud Shot



Cookies Bud - Strong White pistils still!



Gorilla Side View



Gorilla Bud Shot - Pistils fading on her



Final Gorilla Bud Shot



That's all for these two for now, tomorrow I hope to bring you the update on the XXL's the MDXXL and BAXXL being suitably xclnt. :) 


I'm off to roll a fattie, bit gutted though I'm out of IPCBD oil and need to make a bit more for my night time spliffs.:smokin: Cant wait to have the Kush CBD ready as I dont have alot of IPCBD left now :(


Anyway thanks for reading folks and til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:


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Moby Dick XXL Auto Day - Week 8 /Day 56 & Blue Amnesia XXL Auto Week 6/Day 42 Updates


Evening folks, a swift progress report, this time on the two XXL's in the tent, starting off with the MD who is doing well under the ChilLED light, having most of it to herself. Her buds are fattening fast and her pistils are still strong and long and she is drinking fast going through 4l in 24/36 hours. She is on 2.7ml/l Bloom with 0.5ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Runzyme, I tried her with 3ml/l Bloom earlier in the week and that was too much so backed off a notch and she seems happier now. She is at Day 56 so there should be 24 more days left until harvest so plenty more time for bud fattening :guitar: I will need to do some defoliating at some point for airflow for these fat buds but not quite yet...


Here are some pics of her at Week 8

Overall Shot



Bud shot



Another Bud



Final Bud Shot



The BAXXL is also drinking fast but I had problems a bit over the last week after some spotting appeared on her leaves after I had her 1ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Runzyme at the beginning of the week, I chased this a bit thinking it was a deficiency and given her size I thought she was hungry so increased until i was at 2ml/l Bloom and 0.8ml/l Grow, this was too much and currently she is on 2ml/l Bloom and 0.5ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Runzyme.


Overall View



Bud Shot



Another Bud



Hopefully I can get the BAXXL dialled in to her flowering feed level a bit better this week, she is packing on the bud fast already and smells amazing so looking forward to her!


Thats all for tonight on these two, next update is the Dinamed Kush CBD auto at 4 weeks and just going into flower:yahoo:


Thanks for reading and til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:

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Dinamed Kush CBD Auto - Day 28/Week 4 Update

Evening all.... final update for this week, this time on the rather intriguing Dinamed Kush CBD at Week 4. The main point about her is that I am not going to LST her as I took the decision over a week ago to give her her own light, the Dormgrow Bloom 240, this mean she can grow as tall as she likes and I, and everyone else, get to see her structure and growth pattern properly as I'm sure to be growing her again. I'm not sure there is a completed Dinamed Kush CBD diary, I did have a quick scan earlier but couldnt see one, doesnt mean fuck all tho, I cant see shit in front of my face when I'm high :smokin: Maybe @Dinafem-Mark knows of one, when he gets back in the swing of things again? (I hope life improves for you soon mate, I have been through similar with my missus, both her parents are now dead, long story...Anyway keeping busy is the best therapy for both you and the missus is my experience and life will turn around, the pain will never leave of losing a parent though I'm afraid but we must soldier on.)


I'm sure I will LST her on future runs, I almost thought I'd made a mistake with not doing LST this time as she decided to take off like a rocket this week, bloody Dianfem lol One day she put on 5cm which is encouraging to see as she contines to be very Nitrogen sensitive and clawing regardless of mositure levels in the pot. There is nowt I can do about her finding Tropic Mix to hot on the N front, so I'm not sweatting it, but I did see her bottom 2nd set of leaves crisping which is often the first signs of hunger despite the clawing. Feed wise this week then she had 3l of plain bubbled rainwater on Day 23 with a tiny dash of Epsom as I felt I wanted to give something! Then Day 27 I thought I would start her on a mild feed having found the crispy lower leaves and didnt want to start with a high N feed i.e. Grow, like I normally do at this stage, so thought I would try her with 3l of 0.3ml/l Bloom instead. This has given her slight yellow tips to add to the clawing lol On the upside it also brought out some lovely purpling to the buds and early CBD laden trichomes, so she is going to gorgeous for sure :guitar: Add to that the lovely terpene profile Dinafem says she has should make for some VERY special bud indeed. :woot: She is growing well though and it sure is going to be interesting feeding this lady!?!? I also gave her a foliar of Evolution on Day 22.


Below is her growth chart to date, growth is hopefully tailing off a bit but should continue to taper off in the coming week, she is currently putting on 3cm every day... The usual caveat with these graphs it is a day out Day 28 =29 etc






Side View - She leans to the right attracted to the Scope 275XL from @diyleduk which is effectively her side light, prefering it to her main Dormgrow 240 light



Over View



Top Bud clawing and tip burnt but producing trichs already :)



Some Lower Buds



At some point this week I think she will have begin to have used the nutes in her pot and I will need to feed her, probably with Bloom but ever so gently but we will see what she tells me.....I'm running out of room height wise for her, nothing drastic I would just need to bin the LED hangers and rig something else, so I would like her to slow down her stretch ASAP :)


That's all from me for this week folks, I will be introducing the 'plain' Dinamed CBD auto at some point his month. I'm afraid I'm putting it off as 5 updates a week is sufficient for now and I would like the Gorilla and Cookies to finish up and free up more space in the tent but they are looking like a week for the Gorilla and more for the Cookies atm.


Til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:

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59 minutes ago, Lean Bear said:

Great updates / diary as usual fragg. You do smash the autos. :yep:  

Thanks man much appreciated, it has been a struggle getting updates out the door over the last few weeks as I’ve been working insane hours without a day off. So getting positive feedback is really nice :) 


Cool avatar btw! :oldtoker:

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Massive respect for all this detail and volume of updates, keep up the good work buddy!


Hope you get some proper time for yourself soon :yep:

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1 hour ago, Exhale said:

Massive respect for all this detail and volume of updates, keep up the good work buddy!


Hope you get some proper time for yourself soon :yep:

Cheers mate, you know the score with diaries, August is my tough month being in the tourist trade so glad it is over, time off comes in Nov with any luck :) 


Thank God for ganja to keep me going!:oldtoker:

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Cookies Auto and Gorilla Auto Week 11 - Day 77 Update and Gorilla Harvest! :execute:

Evening folks bit late again with the update but work is full on still and a harvest got in the way of me finding time to do an update. :yahoo: Good problem to have :) The Gorilla has been on water for a week and slowing in her uptake with mostly faded pistils so on Day 77 I thought I would do a trichome check. There were a few clears still, around 10%, 40% amber and 50% cloudy. That was enough for me to decide to take her down the next day as a Sweet Seeds Mohan Ram further down the line needed more room and so the whole grow needed a shuffle around. The Cookies however appears to be nowhere near finishing and her buds are still fattening whilst she bristles with white pistils at Day 77 aka Week 11!  :unsure: I still have her on 2ml/l Bloom but I'm going to drop it now and she can have a bit longer under the Scope but pressure from growing younger plants in my perpetual system may force me to move her into another corner for a final few days, if she doesn't hurry the fuck up lol A quick pic or two of the Cookies to show you what I mean, then onto the main event this evening the Gorilla harvest!

Overall shot of the Cookies at Week 11 - hardly any fading pistils



Close up Cookie Bud Shot



Here are the pics I took at Week 11/Day 77 before I did the trich check, expecting to run her at least a few more days but in fact she got the chop the follwing day.


Overall View of The Gorilla Auto Day 77



Gorilla Auto Week 11 Bud Shot



Another Gorilla Bud Week 11 - lovely colours on her!



The follwing day down she came, in the fastest way possible, just chopping her a branch at a time then into my cardboard drying box that I have attached to my tent via some 4" ducting that draws a little fresh air through an keeps the smells from leaking ;) I usually wash my buds but time is not on my side right now so a brief defoliate was all she got before hanging.


Here's a few snaps from Harvest Day 78, sorry the light isnt great :(

Pre Harvest Overall Shot



Gorilla Bud



Final Bud Shot



The story that began with a little coleorhiza has come to it's conclusion!



I will let her hang till she is ready to jar and then let her cure a bit before I do a smoke report, I do love Gorilla.:smokin: Superb mix of both Sat and Indica traits and a heavy hitter what's not to like? I'd guess around 3.5 - 4 Oz but I dont usually weigh my weed just count how many jars it fills lol Time will tell once she is dried.


The next update will be the XXL ladies, the Moby Dick has just over 2 weeks left on the clock and the BAXXL 4, then the Dinamed Kush CBD Auto who is purpling up a treat :woot: but being the fusiest of feeders...fun fun! I also now have everything in place to run the vanilla Dinamed Auto, I had run out of Tropic Mix but just took a delivery today. To avoid overloading myself diary wise I will wait until the Cookies is out of the way before starting her though.


Til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:


Edited by Fragg
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Great looking girls as ever @Fragg  


How do you cycle your grow space out on interest? 

Im guessing you have veg and flower tent? Do you pop a couple seeds a time? and then fill the gaps?



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43 minutes ago, growinggold said:

Great looking girls as ever @Fragg  


How do you cycle your grow space out on interest? 

Im guessing you have veg and flower tent? Do you pop a couple seeds a time? and then fill the gaps?



Thanks mate:yep:


Atm they are all in a 2.4 x 1.2m tent all on 24/7, I used to Veg a couple in my attic then flower in a 1.2 x 1.2 but increased capacity during lockdown so we have more material for medibles and oil making. :smokin:I tend to crack a bean every approx. every 2 weeks, occasionally I will start 2 at a time like I did with the Gorilla and Cookies. Perpetual supply of THC, CBD as and many other cannabinoids as possible lol


Thanks for popping in and the nice comment:oldtoker: 

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Moby Dick XXL Auto Day - Week 9 /Day 63 & Blue Amnesia XXL Auto Week 7/Day 49 Updates

Evening uk420ers!:smokin: Two more plants from my perpetual Dinafem auto grow to report on this evening, mainly the Moby Dick XXL as she is the one I'm supposed to be doing a diary on and I'm knackered. :) The Moby Dick XXL has fattened up nicely but with the humidty of the past week I'm concerned for bud rot, given the size and density of her buds. :eek:There is no sign of it as yet and I have good airflow on her so hopefully all will be well but I'm tempted to defoliate closer to harvest time just for more airflow. The forecast doesnt look quite a wet so hopefully that will help keep the dreaded rot away! Good for all the GGers out there too with a drier end to the season outdoors. A friend of mine has some clones outdoors off a Sweet Seeds Mohan Ram mother I gave him so I have a vested interest this year:smoke: Feed wise I have had her on 4l per day of 2.7ml/l Bloom, 0.6 ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Runzyme most of the week, I tried her on 3ml/l of just Bloom and Runzyme on Day 60. She didnt seem to like this as her pot was heavier the following day and I didnt give her a feed as a result. Then I dropped the Bloom and the Grow entirely from Day 62 on, just giving 2.7ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Runzyme.


Here's a few pics of her at Week 9 with a supposed 17 days left on the clock as she is an 80 day Auto.


Overall View



Moby Dick Week 9 Bud Shot




Moby Dick Week 9 Bud Shot 2



Moby Dick Week 9 Bud Shot 3



I will be scaling back her feed I think over the next week then I will only have 2 more weeks to go with her which is looking about right at this stage:yep: She is still kicking out lots of white pistils so plenty more bud fattening to go:guitar:



A brief update on the BAXXL, I managed to burn her a bit with Bloom this week :wassnnme: thinking she could take a stronger feed given her large size and also the fact Dinafem say feed her like an Indica. Like the MDXXL she is a thirsty girl drinking 4l daily. Drinking me out of house and home the pair of em lol  I started the week with her on 2.5ml/l Bloom and 0.4ml/l Grow and 1ml/l Run, that burnt her and I backed down to 2.2ml/l Bloom only with 1ml/l Runzyme, upped to 2.3ml/l Bloom on Day 49. She seems happier now drinking the 4l easily every day :)


I had the bright idea to try and take her out of the tent for a better photo...didnt work out too well :wallbash: all a bit blurple...but you can see her size from the door as a reference



BAXXL bud- smells AMAZING!



That's all for this evening folks back tomorrow with the Dinamed Kush CBD auto at Week 5 that is the looker of the bunch with her purple buds:woot:


Til next time keep it green all:oldtoker:


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