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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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I personaly would do a grow keep it small and maybe find a better dealer that knows there kush from there crap shit lol sorry to rant just pisses me off people still spray shit ect


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There used to be some gritty stuff round here a few years ago. I don't know what it was, only it was very very light green and looked very crystally. The lad I used to score off just called it 'pukkas'. To be fair it was some banging green. I grown my own now for a fair while and have never grown anything so light green in colour.

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Unless your parents agree don't even think of growing weed in their house, its the equivalent of them using your bedroom for swingers parties when you're not in.

Sounds like grit weed from a few years is back, get rid and don't buy any more til its gone, that stuff is not healthy and usually contains very little THC as its already been tumbled and getting somebody else high right now.

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Yep, bullsh*t weed that's been f*cked with.

Dealers generally chase money rather than give a toss about it being tainted with f*ck knows what.

Grow your own, get another dealer, or don't be desperate enough to buy cr*p before checking it thoroughly.

If you say you don't check it before parting with you money as you trust your dealer...... I will stop there ;)

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As far as I know no weed is naturally gritty.

Of course weed is covered in trichromes that could make it appear dusty I guess, but as they are an oil like consistency you should be able to tell, if the stuff left in the grinder is actually gritty to the feel as apposed to oily then it sounds like it's contaminated.

If this is the case stop smoking it immediately fuck knows what's going into your lungs.

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  • 3 months later...

Easy peeps Several times this year I've purchased weed that made me feel sick dizzy and unwell it feels like some kind of toxin whether that be something used as part of the feed, a new product or something dodgy sprayed on it idk.it leaves you with an headache and feeling like crap which most have experienced from over fed under flushed synthetic nutes (organics is so much cleaner and better) even made me gag a bit when smoking it. It's a bit of a weird buzz and then this horrible dizziness sets in, and it ain't cause it's strong it's not white death I was smoking normal weed an hour before which was stronger and then when I tried that stuff, ill. Whenever ive had it i either send it back or get rid and get somthing else and then im fine but then a week ago I picked up some cheese I smoke cheese all the time every day all day so I know it's effects I vaped a bowl and the dizziness set in but the dizziness didn't wear off and made me really ill a week later no smoking I'm starting to feel better but that dizziness is still there lingering idk if it's triggered some kind of vertigo or what but it's quite worrying.

I've been smoking 20 years and it ain't anxiety or because it's powerful weed. Anyone else experienced this? Or know of anything that dodgy MoFos spray on weed? Or in general the side effects of smoking weed? I really noticed a difference in quality when smoking organic and think weed can/does/will get a bad press because of the other stuff going into the plant rather than the pure plant alone? I've heard of stuff like spraying coaltar, and pans ink there was a load of weed going about a couple years back that wouldn't burn properly you could tell it had been sprayed with somthing like an oil you couldn't taste it tho, is it a government conspiracy to bad name weed? There are chemicals that if you put on weed would alter the chemical structure and make you trip but end up going insane I'm not saying which but I wouldn't put it past some in an attempt to make it stronger (not talking about pans ink) so many lotions and potions out there being forced on growers to magically make your plants better I think most are a con a do more damage we need sort this out before we all end getting cancer from weed

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I wondered what happened to that toxic weed topic. I typed a reply and it wouldn't post. Thought it had been deleted... Anyway...

I'm pretty convinced i've had sprayed weed recently. It's just too crystally and not sticky enough. However, no hard ash but it tasted a bit soapy. Too much boost i think.

Not too sure what they're spraying it with but its not grit weed like silicon - seems we've moved on from that to something that's easier to hide with totally unknown affects on our bodies.

One theory i had was it was sprayed with a 'spice' type research chem though i can't prove that.

Be careful out there. If it smells strong it's definetly shit, if it's super crystally it's shit, if it's very dark green it's probably gonna taste like shit.

If it smells subtle and doesn't look very crystally its probably the safest bet. Avoid the "got some proper stinky in" type weeds as these are probably enhanced in unhealthy ways.

Recently it's been tasting like smoking mdf - proper nasty. Though i've got summat nice right now, it's always hit and miss when buying dealer weed.

Stay safe and be aware :yep:

Edited by Pot Luck
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Ahh my post is here can't work this site out properly yet lol I thought I was starting a new thread the toxic weed but don't know what I did to end it up here sorry about that mate

I'm in Birmingham bro

Thanks bro I am starting to feel better a week later But light headed still. I go through loads of dealers they come and go you know the score.

You could be on to something with the synthetic spice chems being laced on to weed this was an early thought of mine too because some the toxic weed was kinda trippy and it was dissimilar from the weed buzz, my first instinct after smoking it was "God I need a spliff" lol

Even though it was a cheese strain.

I've never tried the synthetic legal highs so I can't compare.

It's not the gritt weed although there is plenty of that in Birmingham lately we call it haze as a generic term but it's weak as you like, dusty tasteless crap I heard it was import but could be from large scale gangster growers

The hard ash gear from a few years back was like an oil substance I had it notts and london but that was to noticable for people not to complain so that phased out preety quick i thought this might have been soaked in pans ink or something like that. if you smoked a bowl you were left with black material not ash

How people have the audacity to taint the peace hippy loving herb is just 'raving'

Our ability to exploit is our biggest strength and our biggest weakness

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Don't deal with people who sell shit there is plenty of top shelf stuff about throughout the majority of the uk.

@@Pot Luck seriously whoever you associate with to score sack them off, I've not had a sniff of dodgy weed for years , dont go back to anyone that sells you shit!

@@Kaoticnzymes the stuff your describing sounds like synthetic cannabis, don't buy anything of those oxygen thieving fucking idiots selling that shit.

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I just finished smoking some of that dry powdery shit that was being talked about (I presume). Import does sound about right imo. It was defo mixed bud in my case.

Right at the bottom of the bag the dust smelled of chemicals of some sort (I had to wash my hands after handling it) so I will not be having anything to do with that "poisoner" again if I can help it.

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