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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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only tried jack a few times...unless its the camera playing tricks..it looks a bit brown to me ..jack is one of the strongest indoors I'v smoked ..if its the real thing you will know by the ferocious stone

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Looks like regular dealer weed, Bit crappy IMHO, where are all the trichs, thats the problem with weed thats been through loads of bags before you get it.

But it doesn't look sprayed.


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thx for the replies guys!

deff does seem to be a serious lack of heads, from what i remember it wasn't very pleasant and i haven't smoked anymore of it since, i'll roll a fat one tonight and see how it goes.

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Also if your ever in doubt, try scratching a CD case, i know it sounds stupid but some of the sprayed weed would scratch a CD case if it was sprayed with sand or worse glass. :russian:

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I've seen a few different types of this gritty stuff flying around the past two or three years. There's a variety of different things being sprayed on it as it's often very different. It always smells really bad though and leaves a powdery residue after being grinded up. The stone is nonexistant. Strangely enough I have friends who have smoked for years and they don't seem to realise that this weed is even contaminated, some even going so far as to say its "good" or whatever which baffles me. I make it my business to be a dealer's most annoying customer these days and have burned a fair few bridges over this crap, I'll just hand it straight back to them if I think it's rubbish and make sure they know why I'm not buying it. It's funny the looks I get after I've snatched my money back out of their hands and thrown their weed back at them.

I'm lucky that I've got regular dealers who can get excellent green constantly, so I rarely come across the gritty stuff, and if all I could get was that absolute shit I'd just go without. But even the "good" dealers are charging a tenner a gram for the nice green, which is waay too expensive. I've made it my mission to get a grow started before the end of this year so I never have to deal with these arseholes and their shite/overpriced weed ever again.

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I must admit to not having read this entire thread, but I did read some questions about what exactly is being used to bulk-up weed.

I just happened to read an article about making a projection screen using latex paint and sand blasting beads and thought that the wikipedia entry for abrasive blasting media was quite interesting. It lists quite a few possibilities for what that weed bulking shit might be, assuming that it is being blasted at the plants.

I've definitely seen glass beads (of various sizes) in use - look how cheap it is compared to the product.

Some blast media, like crushed nut shells or fruit kernels, might not do much harm, but some of the stuff listed in the wiki entry is a bit scary.

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i would smoke it if i was desperate :D but only that! ;)

realy :unsure:

peace out farmer boy

i dunno.. from how it was explained, doesnt sound tooo nice to me :D

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don't know if i've said it before in this thread, but i had some once, it fucked my chest in a big way.

lungs half full of fluid when in holland is not fun.

i'd had a 'nice bit of green' a week or so before my trip and with 2 days to go , i came down with a bit of a dodgy chest.

it went unchecked until i returned , not the best of moves, when the doctor told me i had pneumonia ;eek:

Then soon after, my wife picked up a leaflet describing gritweed and it triggered the memory of when i bought the 'nice bit of green' ......

i'd skinned one up at the cunt's house and licked my fingers after adding the pot, i thought a little sand had got in there at some point (which wasn't impossible as he lived v. near the beach) , shrugged it off and carried on as if there was nowt wrong :headpain:

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