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Ducksfoot double trouble

Crow River

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Managed to visit the Frisian Ducks earlier. The clone that I potted up a week ago is now flowering, whereas the mum that I'm tucking into the ScrOG net has not started yet. I suspect this may be due to the clone being severely root restricted in a 0.5 litre pot for several weeks prior, maybe that's what triggered flower. I daresay the amazing weather last week helped too. As for the ScrOG, well she keeps growing and I keep tucking. Flower can't be far off now. I am going to have to add some canes to the long edges of the net to make it a bit more rigid, as the mum is very vigorous, and lifting the centre section up as she grows. Next visit... Both girls got a good drench with Flower Power and some chicken manure.


Frisian Duck clone




Frisian Duck mum before tucking



After tucking


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Made it down to the bramble plot late afternoon yesterday. Weather was a bit drizzly, but reasonably warm. The plot felt really autumnal compared to the last visit just two weeks ago. Nearby birch trees have started shedding leaves, undergrowth is starting to die back. The bramble berries all around have started to rot. 


All the girls are well into flower, except the Super Kush mum. Quite a few yellow leaves around, but mainly on certain strains, a few on the Frisian Duck too. Now this could just be fade during flower, but on most girls it seems a bit early for that. So I'm assuming they're hungry, and some plants redivert resources from the leaves to build buds if nutrients from the soil are insufficient. 


I went round removing any dead or dying leaves from all the girls. Gave them all a handful of bonemeal as a top dress, and all got a root soak of Flower Power too. Might bring manure for the hungrier girls next visit. 


All in all, it's going okay. But I have a nasty feeling several girls will be affected by rot as buds ripen. The forecast for the last week in September is looking better than the current wet spell. Dry, bit of sun, decent temperatures for maybe a week or so, going into early October perhaps? An opportunity at that point to harvest some buds if they're ready. 


Oh I also picked 1.5 kilos of brambles, not the rotten ones though. Another batch of wine underway now...  


Plot on arrival



Frisian Duck clone



Plot at departure


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More Frisian Duck action this afternoon, when I went to do my weekly tucking and give the girls a feed. It was incredibly wet, so I can now add tucking leaves in a ScrOG in the pouring rain to my life experience. lol All I can say is, thank God for army ponchos. :) 


Anyway, both girls are doing fine. Both are now in flower too. :yep: I added a couple of bamboo canes to straighten out the net before doing some tucking. Given the mum is in flower, this might be the last bit of tucking as I let her do her thing. Her daughter the clone is growing well, oddly slightly behind her mum in flower now. As it was so wet, I went with dry ferts, they both got a good helping of bonemeal. 


I'm looking forward to some better weather forecast for next week, the girls would benefit from some sunshine.


Frisian Duck mum before tucking




After tucking



Frisian Duck clone



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Bit of an update on the two Frisian Duck clones at the bramble and embankment plots.


At the bramble plot, the Frisian Duck looks great, she's not the tallest but was plated out fairly late. Beautiful purple buds, almost black. Leaves are a little yellow around the edges, possibly she's hungry, but I'm now prepared to accept that this may also be fade as a consequence of getting further along in flower. I removed a fair few leaves which had gone completely yellow, and/or crispy. Gave her some bonemeal, Flower Power root soak, and a bit of liquid seaweed too. Due to the fast draining, sandy soil at this plot the plants here need more feeding than elsewhere.


This first pic was taken using the macro lens (forgot to switch). The next pic was taken using the standard lens. Somehow between the two, maybe we get a better impression of how this lovely plant actually looks...





Over at the embankment plot, a much smaller clone is also in flower, though at an earlier stage. She was planted out very late after vegging indoors and in a polytunnel in a small pot, that's why she's tiny. Still growing well, nice and vigorous. She also got bonemeal, Flower Power root soak, and a bit of liquid seaweed. I don't know if she'll get much bigger, but I'm guessing she has maybe another month to go before finish, so still possible she can put on some height as well as fattening those buds.




I'll be visiting both plots weekly now that harvest is getting closer for some girls, so will post another update at the weekend most likely.

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Went to see the Frisian Duck mum and her daughter this afternoon. Beautiful sunny day, with a nice breeze ruffling through the leaves. The girls seemed to be enjoying the sunshine. The clone has got fairly large now, remarkable given she was pretty small in the polytunnel. Seems to be thriving outdoors. The mum is incredibly vigorous, the ScrOG screen is struggling to keep her under control. If I do this again, reckon I need to use something more rigid, like metal fencing mesh or similar. Anyway, they are both doing fine, building buds nicely. I gave both ladies some bonemeal, and a root soak with Flower Power. Weather looks nice over the next few days, I'm sure they'll make the most of it.


Frisian Duck mum



Frisian Duck clone


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  • 2 weeks later...

Visited the two Frisian Ducks by an apple tree today. Wanted to see how they were getting along after this weekend's Biblical deluge. Both are just forging ahead, no problems. Building their buds, stretching a bit. I gave both a bit of tomato feed to tide them over. Might do a bit of re-tucking around the edges of the ScrOG screen next visit, now that lower buds are getting taller.


Frisian Duck clone



Frisian Duck mum



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Visited the Frisian Ducks and also the embankment plot, just to see how things are going. Also was ready to harvest any girls that might be ready, ahead of forecast cold snap tonight and tomorrow night. 


The two Frisian Ducks by an apple tree are steadily continuing to grow and build buds. They were drinking in the sunshine.


Frisian Duck mum



Frisian Duck clone



Over at the embankment, two large clones had been blown over by strong winds at some point. Looked like it must have been a few days ago, as the tops were bending towards the light. I righted both, and re-staked them to try and prevent a repeat. One had been pretty much smothering the Frisian Duck clone, which has spread out to try and get some light. Maybe she might finish at the end of the month, maybe early November.


I did not water or give fertiliser to any girls, because of the forecast cold nights. Better if the soil is a bit drier, so it won't freeze. I'll check in on them all in a week's time.


Embankment plot on arrival



Frisian Duck clone



Embankment plot on departure


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Went to the bramble plot for the first time in over a week. I took paper bags ready to chop any other girls that might be ready. Also carried bottles of Flower Power to give them all a root drench.


Unfortunately, the rot has been steadily attacking the girls at this plot. Also quite a few broken branches on several plants, I'm assuming wind damage. All lowers, some were still attached and alive, others had fallen away and lay dead on the ground. I went round salvaging snapped branches from a couple of plants including the Frisian Duck, but it was too late for some others. Five girls were quite badly affected by rot. A pity because some look maybe a week away from finishing otherwise. It wasn't quite clear if the Frisian Duck had any rot, some dead leaves but if there is rot it's not obvious. Reckon the huge downpour last weekend has not been good for these girls. If we hadn't had some nice sunshine the past few days, might have been even worse. Cut out buds from the affected girls, some went straight on the compost, others had some basic surgery on site and will be triple checked back at base.  Some plants were unaffected by any damage (yet).


I am probably going to return in a couple of days, and will most likely either chop all the girls that have had rot, or do a progressive harvest, taking tops and leaving lowers a bit longer. I'll assess the situation then, but will be prepared if need be. Given that the girls that had some rot are unlikely to fare very well during days of constant rain, I might just take them all early. So potentially could be harvesting five plants, plus uppers from another two.


Bramble plot on arrival



Frisian Duck clone



Bramble plot after third harvest


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Great to see the Frisian Ducks do so well in a guerrilla garden so far up north! :realcool:


In my opinion the colour of the Frisian Duck mom just looks stunning...  :wub:

Do you still get some decent buds from her? Or is it mainly fluffy tops?

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@Antonio_DutchPassion yeah the buds are such dark purple they are almost black. The tops are quite airy and leafy on most of the girls, but the mum in the ScrOG screen has some chunkier buds developing. Seems to be partly about environmental factors, including soil. The buds on the girl at the bramble plot are getting bigger, but quite a loose structure. Maybe this helps prevent rot...

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Most of the time it does help against rot indeed, fluffier is good for bad weather, too compact and rot will take over easily because there is less airflow.

For indoor in a controlled environment no problem, for outdoor that's killer..


Cheers man, hope the buds will fatten a bit more during the next week(s) :thumsup:

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@Antonio_DutchPassion I've been really pleased with this Frisian Duck. Very robust, vigorous, easy to clone, hardy and seems to handle wet weather pretty well. I think it will be a staple for future outdoor grows. :) Also have some crosses and F2s hopefully, will be interesting to see what phenotypes emerge...

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