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Stigs rgsc 2023 hunt for the dank


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Afternoon all my fellow guerillas... 

So I took a bit of a day off and just stashed water at a leisurely pace 10l at a time to each site for the day yesterday, and seeing if I could see any signs that anything had been sussed while knocking some more soil up for my new found piece of heaven... 


After sitting down for dinner and she started watching her TV my mind naturally started drifting off to "the soldiers out in the field" so I packed my little rucksack, gaiters, waterproofs and coat all put in there and a drink and of I went to check on the girls at "the bitch site" I suppose I was in a world of my own and it took me a good hour to get through as I try and not make paths.... Well I didn't name it the bitch for nothing now.!!! lol

On my way through all the thick undergrowth I decided there and then that I am expanding as all this for 6 photos and 6 autos is a nightmare, so as I got to another section of this garden I just let my anger out and with 20l of water and odds and ends in my burgan I just started launching it, marching to it and launching it 3/4 times in a circle and launched it again to repeat the process, after 5 of these making my way to the plot I stopped fell on my bag and sparked a zoot :smoke:that'll do.... 

Re assess what's best on next visit for late plant out. 


So tantrum over I decided to go take myself back on track and all the way to the final section of the garden, to the rgsc plot and give them a top dress some water and some tlc. 


Here's some shots, 






Just a hand full off neem meal, and on the lemon cake lagging I put 1/2 handful of fbb and some fresh soil, they had 2l water each, topped tallest mighty gold and tidied up any bits that needed it. 


Off to next garden to do the same. 


Stay safe




Edited by Stigofthedank
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Afternoon you lovely lot, 

Been meaning to get an update in since 19th but been flat out with one thing or another, 1st chance to sit down and update you all on the stigs guerrilla adventures:skin_up:


So 2 days ago, the 19th is when I took the photos and got to "the hillside garden" in time for a few cheeky photos. 


So in no specific order, here are some snaps of the girls, 







Recovered autos 







And a cool moth





So was lovely to see them all doing well, I have each one a once over, a little top dressing for the hungry ones and neem meal all round. Try to do my best to cater for each plants needs and giving them a gentle start over 'hot soil' has worked for most but some just need that extra bit of love. 


Going to be concentrating my efforts in the patches I threw my bag in at "the bitch site" lol

Should be a good few days of evenings and early mornings to get there, but I can see nothing but good coming from that particular area. 


Stay safe




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So am off today.. :notworthy:

Still busy just appreciate a lie in once in a while, thought I would have a little peek on here before I am off to work on new plots at "the bitch garden" should get one finished today, takes me a good hour to get to where I enter the site, and I am going in to work on a night spot (mostly) just hope that were I threw the burgan has left a few spots I can get on my knees and hide, soil here is decent and got a lot of supplies stashed on walks over the last week :yep:

Need to get it done to make home for an extra few girls I put in water late last night, very late so I wanna see how they perform, I am planning on putting more than normal in a smaller area as they have a lot less time, still got a foot feeling about these patches, ;)


So realised when looking through seeds and this diary, that I have a few girls I intended to have in are 

not in this rgsc diary. It's been a hot spring so as time is really getting I am excited to see what happens with this experiment. 


Gonna double up on "pink cherry pie" girls and make sure I do the test strain justice here on uk420, nice one @panik, these are looking nice and stocky, I will take my camera upto another of my plots where they reside atm, was only going to do bud shots when chopped as its a bit hard to photo them there, will do my upmost, it's kind of an apology as haven't put any up so far for the diary. 


Will also be adding others to

"the late garden" 


 "kushty bx1"

"greengold bx1" 


Will up date with some more photos and what I managed to get done. 


Stay safe guerrillas



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Having tech issues again, gonna keep plugging away here but it may be a few mate updates to diary when I get back to missus house with the joys of fast wi fi


Off to do a quick check of last night's work and go from there.



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Morning uk420 family, 

Though I would just give a quick update while I have a bite to eat between water runs before it's way to hot..

Was out late again, making sure I finished of the hillside garden with a few extras to go up today :Dlol

Can't help myself and feel like I am not doing the plot justice. 


Here's some photos of the rgsc girls from yesterday evening I took them before watering and before I started to lose the light,


Fems /fasts 


Fast cookies



Guerrilla dawg







"Fast lemon cake"
















Tied a few of the bigger girls out to start the making of some bushes, was doing this under moonlight, very very nice times :thumsup: grab some more photos next visit, I will make more time for you lovely lot and try take some group shots without compromising the plot :ninja:


"recovered autos" 







So that's "the hillside plot" from last night, 

Running around like a mad man today to try finish up all the prep for "the late garden" , got more water runs to do and make some more cages up, one busy guerrilla today, 


Stay safe, hope your all getting on well out there with this weather, 




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Ps sorry for lack of consistency you lovely lot. Having constant tech issues, 

Big Love 




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Some great work going on in here @Stigofthedank I love seeing them girls bursting out there cages.. your on for a bountiful harvest bruvva and with the graft you have put in you bloody deserve it..

Great diary stig im sure everyone is enjoying it as much as I am..

What happ to the new lil spot you found or did I miss your update about that somehow 

Keep at it dude and be lucky :yinyang:

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Morning bruv, how's things, foxes stopped bullying you? lol


Thanks mate, having real tech issues atm and am just doing best photo wise will make a trip one morning to get better photos :ninja::D


So new spot I found, it's in other diary, but is gonna end up in both, as its mostly rgsc and there bits in 21 open pollination with some of mine it should probably just go under one diary... Muppet :yes: Hahaha


So on way to "the bitch site" had a moment!! You are more than aware of then type... Inner. Rage, rahhhh, chucking my Burghan with 20l water and have made some big holes in brambles, made my way to bag and launched it again and again, oh and again... lol

So I linked 3 with tunnels and have cleared the ground, and turned over and ammended two going up in a minute to drop cages of at the perimeter stashed ready to plant this evening, 

2 of your "GG3 x Rene x gg3" going tonight,one is a boy, showed sex all ready so is in quarantine to be moved into the  mix :guitar:at the breeding plot. 

Really hope I get a girl dude 


And on the way out found another decent site but will see how I go may just put 3 there and expand on it next year, but and it's a big but. Find it hard to stop lol


Cheers for popping in @Revive


Big ups to you my man,

'comeback kid' 


Big Love 


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5 hours ago, Stigofthedank said:

how's things, foxes stopped bullying you

lol funny ive never been bullied in my life but these fukers put the shits up me for sure..not seen any the last couple evenings ive left when the light died but not seen them on my way out either, saw 1 on the way in the other eve but it never wanted to challenge me so maybe they realise I'm not a threat to them..they may have claimed my plot while I wasn't about ,told ya they shit in a few pots before I got the plants in them.

Now ive claimed it back they might have accepted that, heard the babies fighting and playing close by so they are around but no angry parents lol

I remember another member using a simular method to get through the bramble but using a log not his bergen lol if it works it works buddy.. loppers do the job for me cutting at the base or it just springs back up if you just trample it down..

5 hours ago, Stigofthedank said:

of your "GG3 x Rene x gg3" going tonight,one is a boy, showed sex all ready so is in quarantine to be moved into the  mix :guitar:at the breeding plot. 

Really hope I get a girl dude 

You wanted a boy didn't ya? Yeah fingers crossed the other is girl, really want to see how it performs in the wild as ive not run any myself, hands well and truly full..another member has a couple out too but not sure if they been sexed yet..

Bruvva I don't no where you are but spots seem 2 a penny where you live, its murder where i am, if I could only grow in concrete lol my plots are never far from people and it does make whats already hard graft so much harder..I need out of this manor and somewhere more rural tbh with this hobby and my greed it would be so much easier..if it wasnt for my business id be gone I reckon.. being a comeback kid in this neck of the woods is a fuking tall order sunshine lol

Look forward to your next update dude, got my last soil run in an hour or so then I will get a few more in the ground before plot completion tommorow..and then I will start the bastard plot where the gg3 are going lollol just 6 spots, its loaded out and very easy to get in and out of, only issue is they train horses on the field the other side of the gorse patch so silence is the order of the day again,its downfall is no water source and the tunnels through the gorse and bramble are quite long and very tight to get to the plot, back breaking with 30 ltrs in a bergen that you have to take off your back to get through it..fun and games but soon be feet up time well minus the water runs that is..

Hope the mission goes to plan bruv

Be lucky :yinyang:



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Makes me laugh, but rather you than me any day, fuck a close quarter scrap with a fox dude :taz:


Glad to hear you have claimed it back!!

Its lovely but a lot of different obstacles to manoeuvre, farmers and psycho land owners being one, farmers with salt pellet :bored:ouch, to complete nutters in the most strange of places!! Gotta play the same game with different rules. But I would rather have my ends to yours, fullstop. You are a real comeback kid in the concrete jungle dude, :badass:


Yeah I cut with billhook and rested all the fan leaves from the ferns over the top :hippy:looked good, just back from one run to reload with soil, and turn areas over ready to take plants. 

Its a similar situation with long tunnels to get to each 'burgen bomb site' and watersite is close but not close enough, plus as you said not fun in hands and knees with 25l dragged behind you!! But without it would be ripped :pitchfork:


Yeah I want a boy, ideal :yinyang:

Gonna carry it on and hit it with some BC "grapes of wrath" pollen, will keep a good log of them.

just hope for a good couple of girls,one is squat and the other more branchy, 


Gonna head off now for soil run, hope your plans all go well 


Stay safe



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3 hours ago, Revive said:

Bruvva I don't no where you are but spots seem 2 a penny where you live, its murder where i am, if I could only grow in concrete lol my plots are never far from people and it does make whats already hard graft so much harder..I need out of this manor and somewhere more rural tbh with this hobby and my greed it would be so much easier..if

You would love it, 

Proper have to hold back lol


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Evening you lovely lot. 


Had to cut my trip short due to something going on with emergency services

,I am not hanging around to see what's what with that, :pitchfork:

As quick I made the cross over from road to the entrance I was making my way across and put through stupid thick vegetation. 

To make things easier on myself and to get out in one piece without drawing attention to myself I left 2 x bags of ammended compost off at a different side of the site to my normal stash spot, and made a quick exit. 


So glad I left the plants till the morning, could of been interesting:spliff:


After a shower found another tick.. Fuckers, and God knows what time I will be picking thorns out my legs... All in the name of Mary :hippy:


Will be out 1st thing to grab stashed bits and get some snaps before finishing of expanding "the late garden" 


Glad she was named "the bitch garden" very apt!!! 


Keep fighting the good fight guerillas



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Afternoon uk420 

So after the agg of having to make a swift exit and stash my stuff I made my way back next morning. 


On my way round thought I would spend a little while looking for signs of what happened. Couldn't find any but did notice roof felt I was going to use has been moved/taken, so now I am concerned that I have been compromised, so I am not using old entrances and am going I am from the other way. 


I am in a bit of a rush so thought I will just stick up the rgsc bits from the "bitch site"


"Mighty gold bx1"






"S61" recovered fro the bunny attack 





"Maff" recovered from bunny attack 




"Fast lemon cake" recovered from Bunny attack





Going up when it cools down for the evening to widen all these cages and move these to the late garden and finish caning and tying these out and down, they can't get much taller but can get wider, lol


Stay safe and be lucky 





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