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Well i just got in from plot the reason was mould check and to chop the small cheesy exo.

It turned out i chopped 2 i finally gave up on the big malawi she was 7+ weeks flowering another week or so and she would have been about right but all 3 main colas had rotted so salvaged what decent bud there was left bit lower down gutted cos lost more than 3/4 of the bud.

The cheesy exo lost a little to mould in the end not a lot couple of buds 2 or 3 nearly all the pistils had browned off and some lovely fat little please insert correct spelling of calyxs here. lol

Saying that i got more from her at 4ft than the malawi with three 7ft tops.

The mighty golds are mould free on the buds at least lost a few smaller branches to stem rot but i seem to have that under control now i used potassium bicarbonate sprayed on the infected area and an iso wipe to wipe it off chopping the small branch if needed.

The mighty freeze well i am hoping i can just get a bit to sample specks of rot here and there one has already lost its top.

The purple freeze have also had a few spots here and there the 2 i have in pots look nearly done pistils darkening lovely fat purpling buds on both of them which is odd as i thought they showed flowering after the one at front of bed yet that one looks a bit behind those 2 the other 2 purple freeze is about the same as the other one in the bed the other one is a few weeks behind but is the tallest of the purple freeze.

The other exo golds are ok so far i have chopped a few bits of the one in the large pot mainly tops to be honest due to stem rot  she is the last to flower of the exos so dont hold up much hope for her.

The 2 larger exos in plot are on par with the last purple freeze to start flowering unsure on length of flowering will have to look back but they have all white pistils as far as i can tell the same as the cheesy one.

The large exo i have at back of plot is a star no mould at all so far always looks hungry probably because she is in a 5 gallon pot and buds look fatter every visit.

Visits need to be more frequent at this time of year weather been shite cloudy and humid as feck and i got bud everywhere but i reckon with the regular visits u can save a lot more bud.


Can i ask a question to all u veteran GG or any growers come to that have i been counting when flowering starts wrong i been counting from i first see proper flowers not preflowers and stretch etc.

Maybe a strange question to ask but i am still a newbie don't forget only my second year and no i dont have donkey years of indoor growing under my belt either so all comments and help welcome.


I also have a dilemma the 2 at front of plot purple freeze and exo gold (pink) are also 7+ weeks and showing signs of rot now do i chop them 2 at weekend or do i chop the 2 that look done in pots.

I have room i reckon for 2 more as i bought some drying nets last year they worked well so got 2 filled with the plants i chopped today can hang another in there and hang one more in the veg space in my cab.


Mama nature can be a bitch and feck up a whole years grow in an instant rain forecast off and on next few days and when not raining its going to be humid so i stand by my decision to chop today and 2 more will go over the weekend.


Well i bet u all waiting for pics well i didn't take any wasn't really time and with 2 weekend visits planned thought i would do a few  chop or chop decider pics. lol









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Chopped 2 more this afternoon both purple freeze bx1 so will start to them.

Pics not brilliant today pissed down all the time i was at plot got a proper soaking.


The 2 purple freeze i chopped.




I have 2 more purple freeze very close to finishing and the last one is a good few weeks behind.




Bed pic.




Some mighty freeze buds.




Mighty gold bx1's.




The exo gold bx'1s.




I might go again tomorrow and put the exo at front of plot out of her misery and salvage what i can and also take one of the purple freeze's both are roughly the same flowering time but the bigger girl in the pot looks and smells stunning.



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Couple of pics of the purple freeze i chopped yesterday.




The exo gold i chopped this morning.




Left the purple freeze big one in the pot and took the smaller one in the bed instead.




The 6 i have drying now will get till next Sunday night and then into jars as the day after i have someone coming to the house so there cant be any smell and my cab cant make a peep so no fans running.

Which also means no more can come down until after the visit the one i am worried about is the bigger purple freeze as there's some nice big buds on her and she is very close to being done.




Edited by murphyblue
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Went back tonight on way home from work and chopped the purple freeze in the pot.

Few spots of mould here and there but not much and should get the most from her out of all the purple freeze's.

Wet trimmed at the plot bagged up put in my sandwich box quick squirt of smelly's  on my rucksack wandered home straight in my cab beer out of fridge job done.

Even with the malawi x and a couple of purple freeze in there drying soon as i opened the cab i smelt cheese that little exo smells proper lovely don't think my mate will be seeing any of her. lol

I am really tempted to bring the stump home and try and re-veg her will have a word with my mate and see if he's willing to do it up there he has more room and lives on his own.

If he is willing and she do re-veg i will try and keep her as a mam my mate is always on about doing one last grow before he pegs it. lol

He is into the second half of the 60 age group and i'm sure he said he ain't done a grow in 20 yrs but he gotta be better than me i can grow a lovely plant put it seems i always fuck it up indoors. lol

A plan is afoot re-veg have her back here when drying done dozen clones i train em here for a month bung em up to his to let him flower em out we both get a nice supply of cheesy bud. lol


No pics was busy snipping will pop back midweek and do a mould check and grap some then so until then.......




I also chopped one of the mighty freeze rot on every bud so chucked her.

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Midweek plot run to check for mould.

Just gave everything a check over snipping out any i spot and try and prevent any by trimming the dead leaves.

My water source has again dried up so will have to lug in a ready made liquid feed on the weekend as the big mighty freeze at front of plot is always hungry and as loads of yellowing leaves.

She is by far the biggest plant at plot maybe not the tallest but will easily yield the most out of all the mighty golds.


Mighty gold bx1's.




She has all white pistils here's a bud pick of one of the other mighty golds.




The remaining Purple freeze bx1.




A few exo gold bx1's.




OPG freebie foreground mighty freeze background.




Mighty freeze bx1's bud shots.




I think that's all of them will make up 10ltrs of fishmix and mollasses and chuck in some liquid comfrey for good measure and give them a feed on the weekend.

The cheesy exo is lost i haven't got any where to re-veg her as cab full of drying bud and my mate got a bloody landlord inspection will have to get more beans for next year and hope to find the same pheno as the taller ones in plot all look like the pink pistil ones.

I have some really nice big buds especially on the big mighty gold and will go on a daily basis if necessary to try and control the rot i have found that stem rot can be controlled with potassium bicarbonate i found it more on small lower branches but did lose a few tops to it.

I haven't tried spraying it on any buds to test it to be honest i just cut them out with my new super dooper snips bargain of the century 2 snips for under £6 on the river site one straight pointy one one got a curvy pointy blade which i like for getting right in there and chopping out the rot. lol

Fecking hell look at all that writing i must be stoned ok i will feck off.





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Right dudes no pics tonight just a mad Welshman's ramblings. lol

I came home from work very keen to get in the cab had a few drying in there for a week now one of them the cheesy exo.

Buds are lets say on the airy side but she proper stinks and she was pretty good in the mould resistance as well only lost a couple of lower buds 3 or 4 if i remember right.

I been living on scraps of the first 2 malawi x's for a week or so now as i refuse to go and buy some yes i is a very tight Welshman who would look to re-use anything if i can you cant beat "free".

See i bloody gone off the subject already the cheesy exo gold bx1 yielded me 43g of some very nice cheesy bud which i have just rolled a large fat one and very nice it is will be better with a few weeks in a jar.

The other one that been drying for 7 days was the big malawi x but there was very little of her she weighed in at 16g was gutted as she had 3 tops was 7ft tall and loads of bud threw 3-4 ounces in the bushes.

Anyway bunged an ounce of the exo in a jar will smoke the malwai for now bagged the rest up to give to my mate the bugger was going to go buy some so gave him some of what i had on me to tide him over and will give him the 15g tomorrow.


Another anyway got to go wifey calling me for grub innit see butty.



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@murphyblue  Enjoy the fruits of your hard labour mate :yep:       Sharing is caring :)   


Im going to sample some of Paniks gelato & mazar goodies this weekend , bits been in the jar for a few wks now & smell wonderful :)     

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Feed and mould check run this morning.

Made up 10ltrs of feed fishmix/molasses/comfrey gave em all a drop but mainly on the big mighty golds.

Got a few close a week or 2 away but the weather been pretty shite this week and dont look to good for next week either.

I will probably chop the exo in the 15 gallon pot she is nearly all rot should have done it today but had a lot to do checking all the plants.

Like i said checked every plant cutting out any i find Mighty golds are pretty good only a few pieces on them.


pics of todays run.







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Right dudes cleared the cab weighed it up and jarred and enveloped it (note to self buy some bags u tight sod).

The salvage job i did on the exo gold yielded 18g not tried it yet.

The combined weight of the purple freeze was 117g not tried that yet either.

Not as much as i thought to be honest but it always looks more when wet and im a bit picky when it comes to mould "if in doubt chuck it out".

Anyway i got me some choice for next few weeks so all good the envelopes are for my mate squeezed half ounce into each of the purple freeze envelopes and a couple of buds in the others.






Looking at them yesterday theres more that can come down next week saying that some of the mighty golds need at least 3 more weeks i reckon so mama nature better be nice.




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@murphyblue   Looking good sir :yep:     Its always a great time when getting them down & drying :)     

Your hard work looks to be paying off and making it well worth the effort.  you deserve a nice bounty with the effort you put in sir  :yep: 


The purple freeze will be on my list for next year for sure.   

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Workman didn't turn up coming tomorrow now so i booked another holiday and braved the showers and went to plot.

I chopped the mighty freeze all of them and salvaged what i could nice dense buds but that was their downfall as rot on them.

I also put the exo gold in the 15 gallon pot out of her misery chopped and dumped her.

Also chopped the last purple freeze rescued half ounce at most of her.

Chopped the top bud of the exo in smaller pot as rotten but moved her to front of plot.

The 2 exo golds left in the bed are not far away as is the big mighty gold at front of plot she is holding out well nice dense buds on all them even the pink pistil ones.

To be honest i would have taken the 3 exos and the big mighty gold but had 2 non RGSC plants to come down one was proper done other a week or so away but were starting to rot so they had to come down.


No pics will do some midweek when i visit until then.......


STAY SAFE OUT THERE.:smokin::hippy:







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Got pics for update but no time got2 bags of bud to trim and sent one upto my my mate also looks like a long night so will update tomorrow.




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Went last night and chopped the exo golds that were left and 2 of the mighty golds the big girl at the front of plot and a pink pistil one from the back row.

There is now 2 opg freebies which are tiny and 4 mighty golds left.

That is if they aint blown away today been strong winds and constant heavy rain all day here and set to continue overnight into tomorrow which looks better before another shit load sat.


Bud pics of the 2 opg freebies.




Mighty gold pic pre chopping of the 2.




Other bud pics.



And some exo bud pics.




Will try and assess the other mighty golds tomorrow when i visit its the only dry weather forecast for the next week to 10 days.

Have sorted more drying space at my mates just in case i chop em as i have no room here for a week or so.

To be honest i am expecting a mould fest tomorrow the way the weather been so i might just cut my losses if its to bad and just leave the little opg freebies see if they can beat mother nature.



Will try and get some dried bud shots up but might leave that for the diary end.


STAY DRY OUT THERE. lol :hippy:




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