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I was on a mission this morning and went nuts with a pair of snips.

Had a hack at every plant on plot near enough the slugs and snails will feast tonight.

The little mighty freeze never made it bagged it chopped it and disposed of away from plot.

Some pics i took around plot when i first arrived.




I then got to work first removing the rotting mighty freeze then out came the snips.




Last of all bud shots all exo gold bx1's and purple freeze bx1's.




All looking good will have to have a read back to try and work out when each plant started flowering as not sure.







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Midweek update.


I just realized i didn't get a pic of the malawi i don't think and she was my main reason for visit what with both her sisters rotting the first one chopped affected the most second one i got of lightly.

Anyway few spots on her that i cut out lost the very top of the smaller of the 3 stems hopefully she will pull through with the better weather.


Will do the mighty gold bx1's first about a week and half to two weeks in flower.




Stem porn on the mighty golds.




I will say at this point apart from the opg freebies all RGSC plants are flowering.


Mighty freeze bx1's.




Exo gold bx1's.




Purple freeze bx1's.




Bottom of bed group pic.




Bud shots from around the plot.




Everything had a feed of liquid seaweed and liquid comfrey and a good watering before i left especially the ones in the pots no rain forecast and pots dry out quicker.




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Up and out early this morning bloody nice morning as well here in Wales.

Still not read back yet so unsure on flowering times but think my furthest along is the small exo gold at back of plot about 5 weeks i think.

Will start with the big Malawi x NL x DFG i grabbed a couple of pics today as forgot last time.

Picked a spot of mould out of the smaller of the 3 stems which i didnt get a pic of but the other 2 bigger branches are mould free so far.




Mighty gold bx1's some are showing all white pistils some with pink.





Some exo gold bx1's the first pics i think is my furthest into flower.




Purple freeze bx1's.




Bud pics from around the plot pink everywhere.




Will try and read back over the weekend and try and get a rough idea of flowering times for each plant until then.......






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Looking fantastic mate! I'd be so fuming about all those white things, whatever they're called, that are stuck all over your buds at this stage. I'd be there for hours picking them all off, the buds will just grow around them and then you'll be smoking them. It's the silver birch catkins that drop the orange things that get stuck in all my buds, hours of picking those things out of ground bud over the last couple years. I guess it's all part of the game but damage limitation would be considered if it were me, hard to do anything about the silver birch things as they drop in their millions all in late Aug usually and they're so damn small. Mind you if I were looking at pistils covered in whatever those white things are I'd sure be there obsessively picking them off lol 


Anyways, all the best mate, you'll have loads of bud come the end of the season, well in. 



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Will do a quick midweek update as really busy everything looking great apart from those white things. lol

@HullFeltMashematician ur right mate they are annoying me as well will have to have an hour or 2 picking em off.


Pics the first one is a mighty gold bx1 so i have pink everywhere.





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I done a bit of reading back and now think i was totally wrong with my estimations. lol

About the same are the big malawi the purple freeze and exo gold at front of plot at just over 5 weeks.

Then the little exo at just under 5 weeks then the 2 purple freeze in pots about 4 weeks.

So i am still looking at the end of September for a couple but most will be October.

I hope the weather will be nice the rain out west is heading northwards now and nice weather forecast for at least a few more days yet but the rain will come and it will be a good test as the Welsh weather can be a right bitch when it wants to be.

Its been strange of late cloudy as hell but no rain a few non RGSC plants i also have in pots have been drooping (gave them 10ltrs each last visit so hope to see an improvement on weekend).

I am thinking of having a shuffle around the smaller exo i can move into the space in the bed to finish off.


cut short as wifey shouted dinner.



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On 30/08/2021 at 8:22 PM, HullFeltMashematician said:

Looking fantastic mate! I'd be so fuming about all those white things, whatever they're called, that are stuck all over your buds at this stage. I'd be there for hours picking them all off, the buds will just grow around them and then you'll be smoking them. It's the silver birch catkins that drop the orange things that get stuck in all my buds, hours of picking those things out of ground bud over the last couple years. I guess it's all part of the game but damage limitation would be considered if it were me, hard to do anything about the silver birch things as they drop in their millions all in late Aug usually and they're so damn small. Mind you if I were looking at pistils covered in whatever those white things are I'd sure be there obsessively picking them off lol 


Anyways, all the best mate, you'll have loads of bud come the end of the season, well in. 



They’re likely thistle down. I used to get annoyed with it and the little orange birch mast / seed but then switched to vaping so don’t really care now. Pick of what you can but better than spice / glass risk from unknown sourced dealer weed 

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@murphyblue   I cant help but smile when looking at this thread and the effort you put in :yep:      I will have a full re-read this wknd to catch up on whats been happening with your run.


Keep at it mate,  the end is nigh sir :) 

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On 9/2/2021 at 8:32 PM, OldFord said:

@murphyblue   I cant help but smile when looking at this thread and the effort you put in :yep:      I will have a full re-read this wknd to catch up on whats been happening with your run.


Keep at it mate,  the end is nigh sir :) 


Funny i thought about you midweek while in work polishing up a brass radiator from a 1959 ford prefect. lol



Weekend update was up and out early this morning and another lovely morning it is in Wales see boyos.

I been trying out my new camera last few visits and did get a bit snap happy and as i am still learning how to use it a lot of pics went straight in recycling bin this is what was left. lol

Had a shuffle around and moved the smaller exo in the small pot into the bed to finish up she is about 5 weeks into flower.

Added stakes here and there mainly on the purple freeze's gave everything a good check over for mould and gave each pot 5ltrs of water and about 6oltrs over the bed.

Trimmed a few leaves for the slugs and snails attempted to get that white stuff of the buds bud it was almost impossible fed the robin who came for a visit took some pics and home.


Will start with the big Malawi x NL x DFG she is a big girl and plenty of bud on her but i have picked a few specks of mould from her in the past not today thankfully though.




Mighty gold bx1's some showing all white pistils some have pink.




The exo gold bx1's.




I have 3 of each exo's 3 with all white pistils 3 with pink.


Some purple freeze bx1's looking really nice and much of the smell at plot is coming from them.





And here are all the bud shots couple of mighty freeze in this lot.







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Midweek update.

A couple looking hungry will give them a feed on weekend apart from that still looking good to be fair no mould i could spot just gave everything a quick look to be honest.


I really cant complain about anything really but it has just pissed it down here and the humidity is really high more rain forecast tomorrow and friday i think.


Pics from around the plot.




And some bud pics.





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Looking superb in here mate let’s hope the rain doesn’t do too much damage , it’s been a right weird year weather wise perfect for good vegetation but we need sun now and no more rain .. 

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12 hours ago, panik said:

Looking superb in here mate let’s hope the rain doesn’t do too much damage , it’s been a right weird year weather wise perfect for good vegetation but we need sun now and no more rain .. 


Weather been really weird over this way mate we usually get shed loads of rain lost nearly all the autos i had at this plot last year cos it just pissed down for weeks as they were finishing.

This year i have been watering at least once a week at one point earlier in the season my water source dried up.

They forecast a few days of showers here so am a bit worried about the exo gold and purple freeze at front of plot they are 6+ weeks i think after reading back and getting quite chunky.

Also the big malawi x is about the same age and already picked a bit of rot of her not surprising really as both her sisters did the same but nothing for a week or so now so hopefully she will make it.


As i said in previous post i went and watered everything on Monday took pics but only now checked em out and a few nice pics always better pics when the sun is shining.


Pics from Monday's extra visit.







Edited by murphyblue
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Spent this morning at plot lost a couple of smaller buds and a few branches to stem rot checked every plant cut everything away removed from plot oh and a wipe over with iso wipes of the affected areas.

Could have been a lot worse to be fair weather been odd again we have had only a couple of heavy showers been cloudy but very little rain so long may that continue. lol

The weather has improved even since i got back we now have blue skies slight breeze and sunny.


Ordered some fishmix but it hasn't arrived yet so gave them some tomato feed was all i had at hand to be honest.


Some of my best and most healthy looking plants are in pots to be honest no mould at all on the 2 purple freeze or the big exo gold at back of plot.

And as for the smaller exo gold i moved into the space in the bed i cant wait for her to finish she is about 6 weeks into flower now she has all white pistils no pink at all and looks and smells very cheesy she is also clean as a whistle no rot in sight.

I did lose a few close up pics as still learning the new camera and they were blurry.


Will start with the exo gold bx1 cheesy looking one first.




Think this is one of her buds pic.




Big exo gold at back of plot again in a 5 gallon plot she has pink in her pistils.




The other exo i have but in a larger pot was the last to start flowering of all the exo's not surprising really as i tortured her a lot and she also has pink in her lost a few branches to the rot on her.




The 2 purple freeze bx1's i have in 15 gallon pots are about 5 weeks i think looking really healthy and filling out.




The mighty golds are at various stages of flower the one at front of plot is the furthest about 4 weeks i think she has all white pistils and really piling on the bud but they also suffered with stem rot here and there.




The big malawi is my furthest along i think no more rot on her so far can it be that pissing on ur plant stops the rot lol 

It must be true i read it on here lol anyway i been peeing on her when i get to plot as i had already cut some mould out of her in the past she was the perfect test subject.




The bud bed.




The 2 taller ones in centre of above pic are both white pistil exo golds about 6ft.


The rest of the pics that survived.








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Took advantage of a couple of days of and went out early this morning to plot.

Cut a few spots of rot here and there not to bad so far and a few plants mainly the purple freeze were clean.

I been searching through my pics to try and get some idea of how long each plant been flowering and think i have 4 plants that are 7 weeks or 49 days into flower.

They are the pink pistil exo and purple freeze at front of plot the big malawi and the smaller cheesy exo in the small pot.

I checked the trics on the cheesy one today few amber but not many but dont think she will be long.

The 2 purple freeze in pots are about a week or so behind these yet look further along which is a bit weird. lol

The big mighty gold at front of plot is the one thats really shocked me all white pistils was the first gold to flower and piling on the bud at about 5 weeks i think.

Any way here's some pics from this mornings visit.






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