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First ever attempt to grow


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2 hours ago, Zilla12 said:

thanks for this. I’ve given them a thorough water today and I’ll be checking them tomorrow as well. I’ve been scared of the whole over watering them thingy but obviously I’ve not considered that if they’re bigger they need more water.


its all learning from the mistakes. Thanks for the advice it’s much appreciated 

I'm watering my 1.6m Laughing Buddhas every day now... not drowning them though, just watering them. You definitely need more water as they get older and bigger. It's when they first start out that it's very easy to kill them by over-watering them. They also look to me as if they could do with a bit more sun (but I could easily be wrong). I (or rather the wife) over-watered the three I planted the same time you did. They are beginning to make up for lost time now though. I'll post a photo on your thread in a few days to compare. Good luck.

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15 hours ago, MC2 said:

I'm watering my 1.6m Laughing Buddhas every day now... not drowning them though, just watering them. You definitely need more water as they get older and bigger. It's when they first start out that it's very easy to kill them by over-watering them. They also look to me as if they could do with a bit more sun (but I could easily be wrong). I (or rather the wife) over-watered the three I planted the same time you did. They are beginning to make up for lost time now though. I'll post a photo on your thread in a few days to compare. Good luck.


Thanks, i've not put a can next to the greenhouse i may sprinkle a light bit of water on every other day (especially cause of the heat) and then a good water when i add my nutes. 


I gave them a pretty thorough water yesterday as the soil was pretty damn dry so i'm making sure its at least moist from now on. The plants look very healthy at the top and growing quite nicely. Not sure about the sun they're south facing so they're exposed to the sun for a pretty long time but i will keep an eye out for any further issues. 


Thanks again. I look forward to your progress pics. I'll post some in the coming days. 

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One last tbing. You probably know this but just in case... don't water them when they are in the sun. Can lead to leaf burn. Best first thing in the morning or in the evening.

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4 hours ago, MC2 said:

One last tbing. You probably know this but just in case... don't water them when they are in the sun. Can lead to leaf burn. Best first thing in the morning or in the evening.

I did not know, thanks for that i'll keep that in mind next time now you say that i probably have been watering them in the sun which would explain the leaf issues maybe. 


Learning all the bloody time!! 

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On 12/08/2020 at 2:12 PM, MC2 said:

Wait till you start to grow melons... gets really complicated then. :-)


I think i'll leave that to the pros like yourself. 


I have gone and planted some Peppers near by, mainly experimental. Reckon i'm getting into this whole greenthumb stuff. 


My actual important plants seem fine now, leafs that were yellow have either died or slowly recovering, flower seems to thickening up more than i was hoping so fingers crossed i get a mildly good crop, for a first grow anyway. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update for everyone. 


These photos are a few days old so the flowers have fattened up a little bit since the images were taken. 


Quite the wiff when i go near by greenhouse but thankfully nothing that might get any neighbours suspicious yet. 


I've got a few more amber shoots over the weekend but i don't think they're too close yet, maybe 2 weeks left? 


Either way here they are: 

The white window my youngest plant but its caught up with the rest and fattening up quite nicely. Lots of different flowering points too. 




The Candy Cream is quite possibly going to be the small yield of the 3 but hopefully it fattens up a little more. 



The Cheese XXL is the tallest of the bunch and hopefully will become the fattest of the lot. 


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I’ve removed the offending bud and I’m going to take off some of the fan leafs off in the morning so hopefully the buds have more air getting too them.


fingers crossed it’s not spread thankfully it wasn’t in the main bud. 

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Having a bit of an issue with 2 of the plants. 


I've got these horrible white spots growing coming up on almost us the leafs. From the reading i've been doing its either pest or some sort of deficiency. 


Giving i think the plants probably have about a week and half left should i even look to doing something about this? 


Any help would be amazing. 



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Looks like spider mite damage to me, turn the leaves over and look for small black dots on the underside. If you only have a week left and a bit left, I wouldn't worry too much, there is not a lot you can do.

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10 minutes ago, Farmer Fett said:

Looks like spider mite damage to me, turn the leaves over and look for small black dots on the underside. If you only have a week left and a bit left, I wouldn't worry too much, there is not a lot you can do.


Bloody things, it has come on so rapidly too. I might try and get some neem oil which i believe is a recommended remedy and just try and quell them incase they need a little longer. 


Thanks for the advice. 

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You don't wanna be spraying neem oil on your buds at this stage mate, anything you put in them now will stay on there, you don't wanna be smoking neem buds :). Maybe try to brush them off?, get a hoover on them? (I did this once, I don't think I lost many crystals, and the mites had gone). Flush and chop.

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14 hours ago, Farmer Fett said:

You don't wanna be spraying neem oil on your buds at this stage mate, anything you put in them now will stay on there, you don't wanna be smoking neem buds :). Maybe try to brush them off?, get a hoover on them? (I did this once, I don't think I lost many crystals, and the mites had gone). Flush and chop.


I didn't even think of that thanks for the heads up. 


Yeah i'll grab a paint brush or something not sure about the hoover haha. i'll try and remove as much as possible just to see it through to the end, i'm hopeful the plant will make it. 


Thanks again. 

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Find lady birds and stick them on your plant. You can also buy predatory insects online.


I used life cycle by ecothrive in my soil this year, it has neem cake and has proven to really help keep the pests at bay. They also have great customer service.

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