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Am going to do a timelapse update today, and a photo update tomorrow.


This week has gone well, in fact so well I flipped the ladies over to a 12/12 lighting cycle this morning.  The lights went out at 8am, and will come back on at 8pm.


As it is pretty cold out the West side of London I have put a 3 ft tubular heater in the middle of the area.  I will see at 8pm if I need to turn it up a notch ;)


Feeding and watering has been fine, a splash of Rhizotonic and FishMix for them all, with the addition of Bloom for the Cream Devil Auto's.


Here is the timelapse I created earlier today, and as mentioned earlier...photos tomorrow, especially of the unusual Devil Cream happenings.....



Happy smokes ! :)

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makes yer go wooooooaaahhh when they explode up like that ..amazing videos and really nice healthy looking plants too

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16 hours ago, tokenroll said:

Timelapse is looking really good and plants seem well happy.



Yea, all cracking along lovely so far, the San Fernando Lemon Kush seem to have some leaf burn damage, all of them do ever so slightly but not like on these... they seem sensitive to something.


12 hours ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

makes yer go wooooooaaahhh when they explode up like that ..amazing videos and really nice healthy looking plants too


Yea the watering cycles.  You can see the back right two Cream Caramels starved of water for longer than I would have liked, the others are certainly getting ample water with the way they are moving.  


Things should be faster next week as the stretch will now kick in :D

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Sunday update, a quick one ! 


Devil Cream 3.  What a wolf in sheeps clothing she is becoming.  I do so like my mutant plants, ever since getting a double header from a Sweet Seeds Sweet Cheese Auto - I made seeds of these back in one of my earlier diaries two or three years back - I will pull out those seeds at the end of this grow and run a handful for fun and see what happens :D 


Muto-Cheese revival :hippy:


Anyway, I digress, suffice to say I like my mutant plants so am overjoyed to see DC3 has grown some flowers on the base of its leaf - Only on one, on two others I see an extra tiny leaf growing instead.


Here she is.  This will also be my competition entry photo for this month (unless I already put one up) 




Here is a shot of Devil Cream 3.  She is 44 days old and been on 24/7 (except for watering sleep breaks of 2-4h), and yesterday has been flipped to 12/12 :





I have also moved the Devil Creams position, they have been swapped with the Cream Manderine, so this places them in central shot for next weeks timelapse. 

Until next week happy, sweet and safe smokes everyone ! :)


Edited by Inspiration101
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Week 8.  Week 1 completed of 12/12.


Temps were a concern with the lights being off from 8am until 8pm but the tubular heater has done me proud and kept things at a toasty 16-18 degrees at floor level.


I have just fed all of the ladies and left them alone, no trimming at all.  Fishmix & Bloom, nothing else.  


The lights have been moved up six inches or so as everything is now well into their upwards stretch, although still looking nice and compact overall.


Here is this weeks time lapse.  20 fps so 1 second of video is 1 hour real time.  The 12 hour dark periods have been removed.



Photos tomorrow I guess, feeling particularly lazy today ;)

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@Smokebelch  Thanks.  I have worked out this past week one of the settings on the camera was incorrect hence the bright washed out time lapse this week.


A quick little picture update of the ladies.  They really are filling out that space with seriously thick branches.


The Cream Caramel and Cream Manderine are continuing their Christmas tree look, whilst the San Fernando Lemon Kush is really pushing its side branches upwards, making lots of great looking bud sites - Once again really thick branches, was looking for any weak ones but they are all feeling very sturdy and able to support a hefty weight.


Here is the right side of the tent, the section not in the time lapses, the four San Fernando Kush :




The Cream Manderine appear to be photo bombing this one, the two nearest on the left ;)


Here is the left side with the Cream Caramel furthest away and the Devil Cream in full flower nearest (and those Manderine's bombing again.......) :




And a shot of the Devil Cream.  She will have to come out into natural sunlight in a couple of weeks time for some proper shots to capture her beauty : 




Until next update have a sweet week ! :)

And finally 



Edited by Inspiration101
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On 2/24/2019 at 1:27 PM, Serpent said:

Looking good @Inspiration101 and that Devil Cream looks like she's going to be a winner :yep:


Cheers, they are really packing on the flowers now, two of the three are really showing some awesome colours.


On 2/24/2019 at 6:37 PM, jadenugs said:

Good to see them stretching and bushing out to fill the space, great stuff :yep:


Its pretty much cram packed in there now, most of the stretch is done now I think.


On 2/27/2019 at 1:39 PM, Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said:

Nice one mate, you're doing a very fine job on your plants ;)

All the best,


Thanks ! Just trying to keep it simple, this is the healthiest looking project I have run in quite a while.


On 2/27/2019 at 2:16 PM, tokenroll said:

Looking really nice, great to see the videos running at a constant exposure setting. Set it and leave as they say.



Thanks, yea, the camera stuff really does my head in to be honest, all those settings, and then remembering which ones are best suited to what I am trying to achieve. :)

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