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You need to find that really vigorous purps1, when you smell that you'll be amazed! 


I'll remind you when they're all finished, see what you think is best then ;)

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13 hours ago, beezee said:

You need to find that really vigorous purps1, when you smell that you'll be amazed! 


I'll remind you when they're all finished, see what you think is best then ;)

I will remember... Unless I get to involved in sampling... :mashed:

Are you pollinating one your purps? 


But yeah.... Interesting question... Shame I will be putting these girls to the test... Harvesting on the 27th... (except QC which I will try and harvest next weekend)..... 

But it all adds to a relaxing holiday... Sitting in the sun... Not once will be mind flitter onto wondering how my plants are getting on... :bangin:

It's going to be a gamble...and I reckon it will either go one way or the other.. Either come back to real fully cooked flower show... Or a mold show... :g::lookaround:

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23 minutes ago, MacGanja said:

Are you pollinating one your purps? 

I did, but I'm not sure if I lost that branch,  so I brought a clone back :D


Fingers crossed for a really good Oct for you, could be a really busy few days when you get back! 

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2 hours ago, beezee said:

I did, but I'm not sure if I lost that branch,  so I brought a clone back :D


Fingers crossed for a really good Oct for you, could be a really busy few days when you get back! 

Cheers mate... Lol.... Yeah it could be or not... 

Jeez beez... Your gonna have a serious seed stock for next year... With some class genetics... When is the shop opening? :yep:

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Quick update.... Smoked a sample of kush n cheese.... Its very nice....nice smelling... Mine has a hint of cheese... But not over powering cheese.... Mind you it didnt have that smell in flowering.... Very good heavy stone to begin with then levels out..... Everything is a bit slower than normal... But puts you in lovely chilled out mood... Had a beer and smoke in the sun round my mates pool perfect afternoon ... Proper smoke report to follow.... When it has more of a cure... 

Edited by MacGanja
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29 minutes ago, MacGanja said:

Quick update.... Smoked a sample of kush n cheese.... Its very nice....nice smelling... Mine has a hint of cheese... But not over powering cheese.... Mind you it didnt have that smell in flowering.... Very good heavy stone to begin with then levels out..... Everything is a bit slower than normal... But puts you in lovely chilled out mood... Had a beer and smoke in the sun round my mates pool perfect afternoon ... Proper smoke report to follow.... When it has more of a cure... 



Nice to hear the initial testing is going well ;)


Let her cure a little and you'll have some pure fire on your hands  ;)


Enjoy brother  :bong:


All the best 



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On 28/09/2018 at 6:02 PM, MacGanja said:


Interesting one.... 

Not sure... 

I have only had one purps to go by so far... (I have another one tucked up my sleeve that I haven't seen since a seedling...) 

The purps I had was very sativa and early flowering... Which could of been amaze balls... But it drowned... Not at sea... 


My PMD definitely has a interesting fruity smell that I can't place and I reckon will only get better... But not that early in flowering.. 


QUICK Critical... Is earlier flowering and has a much sweeter smell... 


Jury is out at the moment... 


I think I will sit on the fence with this one until I see some results and how well they deal with the British October! 



When the season is over we will have a much better feel for the new strains and the UK climate :yep:


Quick Critical should in reality be finishing mid to late October mate so this should be the first strain coming down with Purps and PMD going until late October possibly into November. From what I'm seeing so far both "Quick" Strains are doing well but so is PMD. Let's see how they finish and I think this will let's the community know what will do well next season ;)


Looking good brother and as always thank you for the outdoor update  ;) . I'll drop back in on the next  :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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14 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:



Nice to hear the initial testing is going well ;)


Let her cure a little and you'll have some pure fire on your hands  ;)


Enjoy brother  :bong:


All the best 



Cheers mate I can see this not last long... Lol... It went down very well with a few friends yesterday... 

So I have put hid it away... (from myself) well just put it in a awkward place to get too... To try and keep it Xmas.. 

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14 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:



When the season is over we will have a much better feel for the new strains and the UK climate :yep:


Quick Critical should in reality be finishing mid to late October mate so this should be the first strain coming down with Purps and PMD going until late October possibly into November. From what I'm seeing so far both "Quick" Strains are doing well but so is PMD. Let's see how they finish and I think this will let's the community know what will do well next season ;)


Looking good brother and as always thank you for the outdoor update  ;) . I'll drop back in on the next  :bong:


All the best 



Cheers Mark.... 

QC will have an opportunity to come down on the 7th... If not its the 27th... For all plants... Can't do in between due to ill thought out holiday...... So PMD and Purps will be tested for mold by myself... Looking forward to see these new genetics all ready to go with some real colours on them! It will be a real flower show for sure..


Cheers mark :yep:

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PMD looks lush dude, hope she holds out with the mold til 27th for ya.

DMcbd looks a good un too ;)

I'm surprised she hasn't purpled up outdoors like! Mine had proper dark purple leaves indoors but I haven't seen the different phenos.....til now :D


Nice growing mate, enjoy your holiday ;)

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16 minutes ago, jadenugs said:

PMD looks lush dude, hope she holds out with the mold til 27th for ya.

DMcbd looks a good un too ;)

I'm surprised she hasn't purpled up outdoors like! Mine had proper dark purple leaves indoors but I haven't seen the different phenos.....til now :D


Nice growing mate, enjoy your holiday ;)

Cheers dude... 

Yeah me too..

Dinamed looks like it's gonna turn purple any second... .. I fully expect a purple flower show.. But I haven't seen it for a good week or two... So with this crazy weather... (frosts in sep!)... I willing to bet she will show her feathers... I will keep everyone updated... But very happy with the growth and the way she smells... Esp considering its being grown by the people who drowned my Purps... RIP...

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6 minutes ago, jadenugs said:

I hope you've double checked the pot for holes lol


Literally the first thing I did.. "hi... Hoz it going?... Not being rude... but just need to check..." :yep: 

Edited by MacGanja
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