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Emergency situation... 

Need some advice.... 

My sheep plot harvest is in danger of being ruined... Trust me this will be a big blow.... Some great strains... 

So I have gone on holiday at exactly the wrong time... Drying and curing time... 

So I harvested before I left... And left all my harvest with a trusted friend...he has since dried it in his attic to the stem snap level (7-10 days... Slow dry) but now he has has to go away for work for 4 days.... (AMSTERDAM... coincidently... Lol)... No problem I said just chuck in brown paper bag for those few days... That method is used a lot by Americans...

However he since informed me yesterday... that he is going on holiday practically straight after (about 5hrs in the UK) for 12days...

This is really gutting.... 

I have ALOT of primo bud snap dry and ready for curing but I am in a different continent... And no way of getting it or being baby sat by someone else.... So what do I do is the question ? 

My educated guess... (no experience) is to whack in brown papers like the Americans do and then add a boveda 62... I have resigned  myself to the fact I won't get the best out of this haul... I just dont  want to lose it to mold or taste like hay.... My main concern is it tasting like hay.... So with that in my mind is it paper bags or jars?? .. With a boveda 62? I think paper bags in the drying loft with a boveda... And then folded closed... To allow it to breathe a bit more.... Any other suggestions with experience I would be welcome to... But I am genuinely torn.. As I haven't come across this situation and have no experience.... Ps this last day before I can order stuff on amazon hence the urgency... 

Any help would be greatly appreciated... Cheers guys! 






Edited by MacGanja
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in the past i've tried big vacum seal bags (the ones where u can suck the air out with a hoover) or air tight seal bags depends how much you have and how dry with boveda 62. i wouldn't use brown paper bags for too long as you might find when you get back the buds are too dry and crumble to dust.best of luck mate

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I agree with beezee, stick them in jars and they should be fine.  You could always stick them in the freezer as an extra precaution but I have no experience with this but can't see what harm it would do.


Home all turns out good...

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I never hang dry for to long, when the still have a little moisture in them, I put them in my jars and burp the jars every day or two for a week or two till they are dry.


I find it keeps the buds spungey but dry not crispy flakey.


This year, I chopped my red purps and after 4 days , I thought they where dry enough to jar up, so in they went, burped the jars for a week, then didn’t open them for a week or so.


Told a mate to call over for a smoke as he loved the red purps last year, when he got here, I opened a jar, took a wif, told him to, both of us where like, fucking lovely.


Tipped the jar upside down and tried to shake it out, nothing, put my finger in to break it up and it was still to wet to smoke, was gutted, put it in there to early. No mould of any kind.


So I’d say, if you dried yours for 7-10 days, it should be fine to go in the jars even without boveda but if your worried put the boveda in

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Cheers @beezee, @inapond13@stayup4ever, @Jack010 for your very speedy responses... Much appreciated... Prime wouldnt do next day delivery to my mates address which is odd.... So it up to him to get some the old fashioned way... At a shop...May have been over over reacting its just hard to hand it over to someone else... At this stage... Thanks once again guys! :yep:

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2 hours ago, beezee said:

Cheap jars in home bargains atm ;)

He is in Dam atm...  Suitcase full of empty jars and boveda packs... lol

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On 19/10/2018 at 7:02 PM, MacGanja said:

He is in Dam atm...  Suitcase full of empty jars and boveda packs... lol



That's the best solution for this situation mate. Get it in jars with boveda pack's and all should be good for 10-14 day's  ;)


When you think the outdoor season is over lol


She rears her head ;)


The Quick Critical looked to have done really well and 10 day's faster is what we wanted. I know @beezee has been let down by QC but thankfully he is willing to give her 1 more chance  :)


Keep us posted on the drying phase buddy ;)


All the best 



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Hey sorry for late reply @MacGanja. Been so busy I haven't had much time to visit. I'm not sure what I would have done but the jars and Boveda seems spot on. I lost loads of prime buds of MOB in my loft. I had the weekend off thinking all is rosie in the loft. Carbon filter in big cardboard box with holes in it. Worked fine for ages but at the weekend the RH of the ambient air must have been well high. 

I've had so much going in the box too it was rammed and that must have been part of the problem.


I tend to finish the drying process in some sort of tupperware with silica gel in a paper envelope attached to the lid on the inside. I don't put too much silica gel in it and change it  daily - I use the colour sensitive ones. I have a few hygrometers for cigars and check my RH every day and I stop the process when I hit between 55 and 63 RH. All of this is obviously not possible when you're away from home, but though I'd share my method anyway :rofl:. Hope all wil be ok with your situation. I find the drying process the hardest part of the hole growing process when you're not allowed to do it at home. 

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Alright Mac, I'm sorry too for the late reply but the above comments cover things for you, relax man :)


Like others have said, if your buds are already snap dry you won't have a problem, with or without Bovedas as it's only a week. Only time I could see a problem is if you already had any rot deep in your buds that you hadn't noticed. Happened to me with some fat Industrial plant cbd buds where I found small bits of rot deep in the buds months later but the rot haden't spread through the jar. I think I was very lucky that time but still had to throw a few buds away. IIRC they were dried quickly as I was due to go away. The buds that were affected must have been ones I hadn't checked before going in the jars. I only check random buds to see if the stem snaps.


The burping of the jars daily is to exchange the gasses from the curing process so if they're left a week I think it will only slow the curing process down a bit, provided they are dry enough ;)

Good luck dude, hope you've had a good holiday.

I'm sure your harvest will be fine :yep:

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Cheers @Dinafem-Mark and @Boomslang and @jadenugs for the advice..no worries about the lateness... It was a bit of a time sensitive last minute obstacle...so included a few people in just to try and get reply... But appreciate your reply...

But yeah drying and curing is a bit of a bitch and I am not the best at it... 

Sorry relying on Cafes WiFi at mo... So can't do long replies... 

Cheers guys! 

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On 26/10/2018 at 1:30 AM, jadenugs said:

How is the cure going Mac, everything ok?

No mold.... Not sure on the smell... My mate has no sense of smell.... Should be all groovey.... From that one plot 626... Dry... Just need to get the cure right.... Boveda and jars are a gogo! 

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39 minutes ago, MacGanja said:

From that one plot 626... Dry... Just need to get the cure right.... Boveda and jars are a gogo! 


Nice one dude :toot:

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