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Bubba Kush Auto in my perpetual grow


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@@bobnudd thanks mate :) Yep heavy in both senses of the word if possible :naughty: so reckon I'll take her to Dinafems stated 70 days and see what I'm looking at, from what you are saying it should be spot on for me :oldtoker:

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Interim Update - Growth Chart


Just a quick update to have a play with the new site and image uploader :)

I think the graph is pretty self explanatory and I stop taking measurements when upward growth stops, I didnt harvest at day 51 ;)

Bubba Kush Growth Chart.jpg

As you can see she had a final spurt on her main that I tucked down just before she went into my flowering tent.


Hope this helps others growing out this strain and also beginners worried their plant isnt going through the roof at day 7 :)


Keep it green all :oldtoker:

edited to remove 2 images in the post??


Edited by Fragg
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6 hours ago, Fragg said:

Interim Update - Growth Chart


Just a quick update to have a play with the new site and image uploader :)

I think the graph is pretty self explanatory and I stop taking measurements when upward growth stops, I didnt harvest at day 51 ;)

Bubba Kush Growth Chart.jpg

As you can see she had a final spurt on her main that I tucked down just before she went into my flowering tent.


Hope this helps others growing out this strain and also beginners worried their plant isnt going through the roof at day 7 :)


Keep it green all :oldtoker:

edited to remove 2 images in the post??




I absolutely love these graphs mate and I'm sure many new growers will find these very useful. We don't see to many growers these days that put the extra effort in to help new growers whilst helping keep your own detailed growth for future reference.


Really love this mate. Thanks again for sharing this one :)


All the best 



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It's a great addition to the grow diary and I'm sure many will find this interesting :) definitely a old school grower :)


Love the dedication and the extra steps to make the diary stand out. Nice job mate!


All the best 



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Thanks for the kind words @Dinafem-Mark much appreciated mate :)


Just doing my best to showcase the really hard work done here which is the development of these strains in the first place. Not had a sub par bean from Dinafem yet! :)


ATB Mark :)

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4 minutes ago, Fragg said:

Thanks for the kind words @Dinafem-Mark much appreciated mate :)


Just doing my best to showcase the really hard work done here which is the development of these strains in the first place. Not had a sub par bean from Dinafem yet! :)


ATB Mark :)



Great to hear our genetics are doing as they should and we at Dinafem are very fortunate to have growers such as yourself who go the extra mile to make a great diary.


I do have a plan for 2017 which will reward growers that put the extra effort in :) Let me try and work the logistics out :) If it goes as I want I think this will be good for uk420 :)


All the best 



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3 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:



Great to hear our genetics are doing as they should and we at Dinafem are very fortunate to have growers such as yourself who go the extra mile to make a great diary.


I do have a plan for 2017 which will reward growers that put the extra effort in :) Let me try and work the logistics out :) If it goes as I want I think this will be good for uk420 :)


All the best 




Sounds interesting mate! :)

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Week 8 Update - Day 56

I have a slight confession to make regarding this update, which is the inevitable consequence of liking to spend my time on uk420 properly baked :smoke:

I went to upload the images for the post and they weren't in the folder....eeeek :scared: After some stoned fumblings around my computer I found I had left them in the Haze folder by mistake :headpain: not only that they may have appeared in that diary mistake lol In my defence m'lud I was smoking Dinafem weed at the time :D


Typical me really.... anyway this Bubba babe is now just 2 weeks from the chop and so I will changing her from water to water for the final 2 weeks ;) She is yellowing up nicely already taking all the nutes from her leaves as she builds Bubba bud! Said bud has started to cause issues so I have put a stake in to help hold the stem up and think I will need more as she grows given where I'm at now.


Without further ado here are the pics of her today kicking off with an overall shot of her on her own in the tent briefly.




Now some close up bud shots...



and another sugar dipped bud ...




and one more for luck




With 2 weeks to go, as I will take her on the dot of 10 weeks, its looking good for harvest time :yahoo: Hubba Bubba!!


Thats it for this weeks update folks its all plain sailing for the finish now :oldtoker:

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Lovely healthy plants ! (I have no idea how to mention you now )

I'm going to try to emulate your grow style somewhat next grow, inspired by your grow diaries , going to order 2 air pots today and air pump ,bucket etc for compost teas, I'm going to cut courrners somewhat and buy pre made amendments in the form Plagron super mix and probably buy some pre made compost tea as it will on 2 of the 6 next autos I do . Just want to see what the grow style is like ,a bit puff off with having bigger pots to lug about but willing to give it a try.


Few questions if I may ?

How much would you spend on air pump , would just be used for compost teas and to bubble off tap water.

What size bucket lid do you use 10,15,20 ? Any specific type of air stone ? I presume 4mm tubing ?

 In regards to pot size I know you used 20l airport just worried I wouldnt get 2  on aroot it heat mat ,could I get away with 15ltr you think ?

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@EcDriver thanks man! :)


@BarrySHitPeas cheers dude, mentioning isnt clickable any more but if you type the @ symbol then start to type the persons nick after a few characters the name should appear and then you can click it ;)


Rather flattered you want to copy my growing style mate and that I have provided some inspiration to others too :) I'll do my best to answer your questions:

  1. Air Pump get the best you can afford is all I'd say really, the more air the better as its the bubbles bursting that oxygenates the water and thats great for every watering let alone the Compost Teas. I'd be looking at dropping about 30+ notes on one I think?
  2. I use a 10l bucket and also 5l sometimes for ACT too
  3. Air Stones - funny you mention them I started with a diffuser air tube but have since used air stones until the other day when I bought a new diffuser tube as I was finding the stones a fucker to clean after ACT and they seem to have less bubbles than the tube too. Just need a weight of some sort to keep the tube in place. And dirt cheap this kit with as you say 4mm tubing from pet shops ;)
  4. I'm sure 15l will be fine, 20 just suits my space and is the max I can in and out of loft

Main thing I would recommend is to get some worms going, it will take awhile to get EWC to use in your pots from them but no time at all to get the enough to start your own ACT off using the perfect microbes from the castings


HTH mate and best of luck with your mission for proper organic herb, you wont regret it and the journey itself is a fun one :oldtoker:

Edited by Fragg
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Yeah to be honest I'm unsure which direction I should be heading , in regards to grow style , I'm doing a bit of trial run on 3 different ways , 1 with growers ark chem nutes , 1 with Ro water using bottled organics , one much like your own and see what works for me. 

Ideally I want to  go organics specially with meds it just makes sense.

Your autos are consistently large and healthy  , I don't expect simuliar results as trying anything new takes time to zero in , it's more to see if that style can work for me.

thanks for the advice is greatly aperciated off G&H  to order me some pots and air pump.


ive just had to cut down 2 bubba photos dead on 8 weeks bloom , found a dodgy leaf and tiny piece of bud rot in the biggest cola , it wasn't much caught it just in time. But precaution I've chopped 2 out of 4 as safety precaution , both cloudy trichs I was hopping to go another week with them to get a few more ambers but somethings better then nothing and its sugusting to me that Ive over watered as Rh has actually been OK always learning and all that .




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@BarrySHitPeas sounds a solid plan tbh, if a little confusing after smoking a few as to what is required with each plant hehe


Growers Ark is used by many a top grower on these forums so I think you will like them, they tailor to your water if you send a sample I heard?? If they do v cool and respect to them. Not used them myself so cant comment personally, which bottled organic nutes are you going with? Take your time and you will get there with organic herb mate and its worth it flavour wise and frankly strength too I think ;)


Best of luck dealing with the rot mate I loathe it more than anything I think, it strikes the biggest and best colas usually too grrrrrrr . For watering make a habit of lifting your pots daily and you will soon get a feel for how much they are drinking, apologies if you do this already :) Anyway hope you save the rest of the crop :)


ATB man :oldtoker:

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