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Bubba Kush Auto in my perpetual grow


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I've only grown one Kush strain, that was DP's Master Kush many moons ago so can't even remember much about it lol The descriptions sound nice though so no doubt I'll be growing some before long :) Looking forward to your report on this one.

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Yeah in the past I've generally gone with one feed for all , which is easy for me not so easy for the plants , I realize I've got my work cut out next grow but hopefully the results will speak for themselves and give me an idea of which direction to tread next.


Yeah I gave GA a call last week and said can you test my water? , the chap I spoke to was really helpful agreed to do water test , sent him a sample , waiting for reply 

Bottled nutes wise,I have a choice out of  Pm range , picked up some Bio CannaBio Flora and I have Plagron alga grow and bloom , not sure which I'm going to use yet. Not tried Plagron range yet , like the look of there Royal mix soil , but maybe to hot for autos. Another user on here said the bio canna and Plagron have low cal so might work with my water better.


I've just checked my drying box and  remaning plants no more rot thankfully . And yeah was on the biggest Cola right near the stem in the centre ,lucky I noticed a tell tell dodgy leaf, it was very small piece thankfully  It's been 3 days in there now so I'm doubting I will have any more issues until cure. Although I am checking daily, 

Will no doubt be checking over yours and botanics IP Cbd diaries again over the next few weeks , the grow chart size is a nice touch btw , good for estimating stretch .

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On 25/01/2017 at 5:29 PM, BarrySHitPeas said:

Yeah in the past I've generally gone with one feed for all , which is easy for me not so easy for the plants , I realize I've got my work cut out next grow but hopefully the results will speak for themselves and give me an idea of which direction to tread next.


Yeah I gave GA a call last week and said can you test my water? , the chap I spoke to was really helpful agreed to do water test , sent him a sample , waiting for reply 

Bottled nutes wise,I have a choice out of  Pm range , picked up some Bio CannaBio Flora and I have Plagron alga grow and bloom , not sure which I'm going to use yet. Not tried Plagron range yet , like the look of there Royal mix soil , but maybe to hot for autos. Another user on here said the bio canna and Plagron have low cal so might work with my water better.


I've just checked my drying box and  remaning plants no more rot thankfully . And yeah was on the biggest Cola right near the stem in the centre ,lucky I noticed a tell tell dodgy leaf, it was very small piece thankfully  It's been 3 days in there now so I'm doubting I will have any more issues until cure. Although I am checking daily, 

Will no doubt be checking over yours and botanics IP Cbd diaries again over the next few weeks , the grow chart size is a nice touch btw , good for estimating stretch .



Great to hear that no more mold/rot has showed up :) you should be in the clear mate. I thought I had replied to this post a few days back but must not have :(


All the best 



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Week 9 Update - Day 63

Only a week to go to harvest now and she has been packing on the weight over the past week and giving me some seriously tempting aromas from the tent whenever I open it up. The colas have been getting too heavy for the stems and I have had a few start to fall over, so I'm putting some canes(butchered kids fishing nets) on the outside of my pots to act as supports and it seems to be a daily task atm lol Her leaves have yellowed nicely and her pistils are starting to die back so looking all set for harvest at the Day 70 point :D


A note about temps and my lack of recording them. :naughty: I noticed a long time ago that I am identical to my plants with temp sensitivity, if its getting to 19/18 then its getting too cold for me and if its hitting 27/8 its too warm. I grow in my house so have adapted to be more than usually temp sensitive in the house for myself then its all good for the plants too. ;) I will say if it gets too cold or too hot but frankly it rarely does so I never mention temps unless its out the ordinary. I have a temp/humidity meter in both my growing areas but never bother to look at them these days as its just a form of stress I found I dont need tbh :)


She is on plain water all week and will be next week as well although I might do one final Molasses if I remember to :)


Lets get on with the fun part ....the piccies! :)


First up is an overall shot looking into the tent at her....




and one from a more overhead perspective...




and a closer one of the colas at the back of the tent....




Now some more close up bud shots :yahoo:




plenty couch locking trichs on display here :)




and some more.....




This next one got a bit of glare from the Flash but some of it came out OK :)




Same issue with this last one but still a pretty pic I thought :)




I think that wraps up this weeks update folks and I will be back next week with the harvest update :guitar:


So until next time keep it green all :oldtoker:


Edited by madgiz
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Bloody hell, you've grown a monster!


She's looking peachy mate, you'll have to go easy after the ipcbd she'll pack punch compared ;)

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Cheers @beezee I've not had to stake before so I'm impressed atm :)


Going easy isnt something I know how to do mate, been trying to learn but I've given up trying :oldtoker:

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congrats on the up coming harvest those are some stunning gals. I noticed when I ran the ipcbd these high cbd  strains get frosty.

nice work and enjoy

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@Fragg I've just tried the basic mouthpiece on the EVO and it aint bad at all, just a bit more tickle on the throat from the heat but still quite smooth. Worth having in case the turbine breaks, God forbid lol

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