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Amnesia kush grow


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@@Salty will keep a close eye on this dude, got some for diary along with original from the Dinafem team


Aye pop in anytime mucker. Watch and nae overwater them,they don't like it. I think sy had problems with the same thing.

All the best dude.

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@@Salty Don't no what it's like to over water or underwater all I no is hydro bro. Any way good luck dude.

One person I no grows 50/50 coco and soil, uses soil feed,and only uses small amounts at a time.I think towards the end of flower the most he will use is a pint glass of feed in 20 litre pots every other day. Never waters until runoff and pulls some decent yields


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@@Salty Don't no what it's like to over water or underwater all I no is hydro bro. Any way good luck dude.

One person I no grows 50/50 coco and soil, uses soil feed,and only uses small amounts at a time.I think towards the end of flower the most he will use is a pint glass of feed in 20 litre pots every other day. Never waters until runoff and pulls some decent yields


Never tried hydro mucker. I can be lazy at times and hydro might be a bit too unforgiving. I can imagine things can go tits up in a hurry.

Thought about coco run to waste but always just stuck with compost.

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Aye, good old fashioned mud, I like it too Salty mate :yep: very much, had a look at the hydro guys what they do and that :eek: thought about tinkering with some bubblers mind, but it's all a bit scary I reckon lol

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Aye, good old fashioned mud, I like it too Salty mate :yep: very much, had a look at the hydro guys what they do and that :eek: thought about tinkering with some bubblers mind, but it's all a bit scary I reckon lol

To me hydro is very much witchcraft/alien technology and must be avoided at all costs.

Or somethin like that eh

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Cuts are looking damn fine. I had over watering issues with mine. But they pulled through. I sadly never took cuts.

Hope your feeling better old chap. I find that if I dwell on things,it can make things difficult. When dark times come,look for the good in the situation. Sometimes we can't fix things,but the experience we can learn from. Try to take some comfort it those lessons mate.

Stay strong my friend, things always get better.

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Cuts are looking damn fine. I had over watering issues with mine. But they pulled through. I sadly never took cuts.

Hope your feeling better old chap. I find that if I dwell on things,it can make things difficult. When dark times come,look for the good in the situation. Sometimes we can't fix things,but the experience we can learn from. Try to take some comfort it those lessons mate.

Stay strong my friend, things always get better.

Alrighty sy. Yeah,mine were fucked after the overwatering so I was chuffed when two cuts rooted. They are beautiful plants too.

I got some good news the other day there. I had my ATOS medical for esa about a month ago and it looks like I've scraped through that. Im still waiting for a letter but my money was up. I've been geetin by on £115 a fortnight,now its a couple of hundred bucks so that's one worry less.

My eldest lad lives with me and he's just got himself a summer job with the council so yeah,things are lookin up.

I've made my mind up and al be flickin 12/12 on Wednesday. I've got the two amnesia kush,three ugorg#1s and a smellyberry in a 15ltr pot so my little 1m square tent is gettin a wee bit. crowded. Everythin is lookin good to go so aye,Wednesday.

Thanks for poppin in brother,always appreciated

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@@Salty I have got a hernia at the thought of lifting a wet 15l pot. lol

You have got some quality plants in that tent me old chum, I bet your carbon filter loves you.

Top job mate.

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@@Salty I have got a hernia at the thought of lifting a wet 15l pot. lol

You have got some quality plants in that tent me old chum, I bet your carbon filter loves you.

Top job mate.

I cant lift it wet mucker,it kind of gets dragged/shuffled along.

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There we go bud, see never know what's around the corner eh ;) and proper result on the ATOS check up mate, that'll reduce the anxiety a bit for sure, good stuff :yep:

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There we go bud, see never know what's around the corner eh ;) and proper result on the ATOS check up mate, that'll reduce the anxiety a bit for sure, good stuff :yep:

Oh aye,major relief. I've got a pip assesment comin up on the 18th iirc but al just have to take it as it comes n nae stress about it too much eh.

I had all the plants out for a trim earlier and I've done myself in. Should have done a couple and left the rest,now al be in agony for a couple o days. It's 20 odd years on the trawlers takin its toll and I need to realise/accept am nae as young n hardcore as I was.

Won't be long till the jars get a refill though.

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Hey Bro,

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but you've got your chin up again now 👍

As my Old Man still says

"don't let the bastards grind you down"

And the plants are looking delicious 😋

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Hey Bro,

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but you've got your chin up again now 👍

As my Old Man still says

"don't let the bastards grind you down"

And the plants are looking delicious 😋

Alrighty mucker. Aye its fuckin nippy gettin auld. I feel like a young boy trapped in an old man's body and I need to learn to deal with it.

Just had my mate Shaggy on the phone with a wee bit work for me tomorrow. Nothin too strenuous,some repairs to a panel fence and some other bits n bobs so everythins rosy today.

Yeah these amnesia kush are lovely plants. Real healthy lush specimens. We shall soon see though coz the timers have been reset to 12s.

Thanks for poppin in brother,always appreciated.

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"Aye its fuckin nippy gettin auld. I feel like a young boy trapped in an old man's body and I need to learn to deal with it"

The parallels between us are a little uncanny.

I have a few years on ye, but most of those were chucking boxes in a small seafood processing business, with a couple of years fishing on a family boat.

And yep, 3 spinal procedures later, I'm officially disabled. And yep, I suffer from depression too.

But I'm still here,

so are you,

winter's gone

and F**k the Begrudgers lol

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