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What Games Are You Playing At The Moment?


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If your a molineux fan Booj, you may be interested in 'Movies' coming out next month I think. From what Ive heard, its a bit like the Sims, but you have to create movies, will probably be wank lie most things that molineux gives himself a hernia hyping over, but I do like it when devs try to do something a bit unusual.

If your after a copy of bw2 the best place is the #rapeus channel on MIRC. theyve got loads of bots serving it. all the torrents I tried were hella slow and I got my copy in about 5 hours.

Fahrenheit is a good game, if a little short, and the storyline goes a bit fucked up towards the end. Well worth a look though as I think it will set a trend for computer games/interactive movies.

One game thats on the horizon and has me more excited than a nun in ann summers is 'Spore'. devised by Will Wright (the sims). You start off as a single cell creature and gradually evolve however you choose, apparently, if you want 9 legs and tusks or 4 wings and 9 eyes, you can. I hope this one lives up to the hype....

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I'm still playing Fahrenheit and am finding it one of the most original games I,ve played in years.Last night whilst playing, my characters ex-girlfriend called round and I knew that by making the right conversation I could get her into bed,,,which i did. Then hilariously,You have to time your (ahem) "thrusts" getting quicker and quicker on the joy pad until the joypad starts to vibrate and BINGO!

I havent laughed like that playing a game in God knows how long.

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Dungeon Seige, trick little blightes gobblins. help, be kind, its me first real go. How the bub when youve cleared thier wierd factory do you get out. I'm nearly at the end of me Wallop and still have a small group of gobblers to mash.

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Dungeon Seige, trick little blightes gobblins. help, be kind, its me first real go. How the bub when youve cleared thier wierd factory do you get out. I'm nearly at the end of me Wallop and still have a small group of gobblers to mash.

Bills other puter is an Apple

Edit:(ive been doppleganged)

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Battle realms - a strategy game with swords and bows and blood and magic

quite a laugh theres 4 clans to play with - dragon, serpent, wolf & lotus all with different units ;)

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which one jimbof?

i have microsoft flight sim century of flight ,il2 forgotten battles,battle over europe and lock on.

do you play on-line ?

Hello pro, CFS1 is the only one i've played and yup i've dabbled on-line at msn gamezone,what a hoot,

tho it didnt take long before i was fed up with cheats/mods...sooo,tend to 'fly' alone ;)

we should link up sometime :wassnnme: have a scrap ;)

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Aye up peeps. As usual bored of fifa and pro evo after about a week. So now im on with Brothers in Arms - Earned In Blood and Far Cry Instincts (xbox btw). If Far Cry is anything like the pc game ill be happy, awesome game.


P.S. Jimbof, at your age :wassnnme: . Just a young un at heart m8. ;)lol lol

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Metaboli is a new(?) french (spit) site that is pretty cheap and allows downloads of a lots of games, DS DSII prince of persia, Neverwinter wends(????) + about 60 others. Games that are multiplayer you can log on and join a team. :wassnnme:

Only draw back is that after a download you have to paly game through thier player which doesnt alter game a jot (have got DS now on disc so can compair), but unfortunatley in single player mode you have to be online so they can apportion the money they get to the various software houises.

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I'm still looking for the next game that really lights my blue touchpaper. I was really big on Mechwarrior 3 & 4 and the Homeworld 1 & 2. I only ever played the missions once and spent most time playing online (the BEST way IMHO)

But no matter how many computer games I play, I always come back to BACKGAMMON, played mostly online courtesy of Netgammon.

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hi Mr Sesmesesles,

But no matter how many computer games I play, I always come back to BACKGAMMON, played mostly online courtesy of Netgammon.

i downloaded play65 yesterday

but haven't had a game on line yet 'cause i wanted some time to get used to playing on a virtual board (and the controls)

i see netgammon has a practice area, do you have to pay for your subscription?

when i get up to speed i could maybe give you a game online ( i'm not bad on a real board but haven't played for a while )

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Been playing F.E.A.R. for the past couple of days, it's a bit disappointing imo lol .

Decent AI though.

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Rome total war : barbarian invasion. Mixed feelings. Like the new factions & look of the interface, but the AI doesn't seem any better despite what the reviews say, and the campaign is extremely short (mainly due to the fact that each faction has spoecific goals, greatly reducing the options for expansion and probably replay value too). Also yet to see the much lauded night battles, I've played one campaign game right to the end and didn't get a single general able to do a night attack :soap:

New horde thingy seems cool, though, can lead to some heroic defences, had a full army with half an army of reinforcements next to it defend a bridge from 6 consecutive attacks of a full army each of huns in a single turn :yinyang: If they'd have had one more army, even with just a couple of units of peasants in, to attack one final time they'd have had me :( General went from 1 star to 6 stars in one turn :unsure: Also promotes non general army commanders to family member on a good victory far more frequently. It's good, it just seems like more of a reduction than an expansion, the campaign just feels smaller and seems to be over far faster. Have only played as 2 factions though, and the horde factions and the declining roman empire factions look to be a lot different in how they play. Frankish axemen rock, they throw axes before chrging like the scutari type units with their javelins, but they got more range do you don't get hit by charging enemy while still throwing, and they do massive damage lol with a huge followup charge bonus for the axemen lol

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Playing Evil Genius at the moment, its one of those base building games like Dungeon Keeper, except with a Bond villain feel to it. I think its quite easy but I get very anal about making everything ergonomic and getting the maximum equipment for my space, so a half hour game takes me about 4 hours.

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Coupla hours into quake 4. Have to admit I'm enjoying it (had grave doubts after doom 3, dreadfully disappointing game), but that could be because now ID have showcased how visually stunning the engine can be, and how well it does things emerging surprisingly from the shadows, they can now get on with the business of actually making a game (doom3 felt like some long, protracted hardware demo or summat - whoo hoo, look at the real time shadows cast by that fireball, yes very nice, but after the thirty-odd imps previous that have materialised out of nowhere and done it, it kinda loses the impact). Felt a bit like halo 1.5 at first, that opening sequence is very hackneyed, but once going it's a fairly decent single player shooter, don't add owt but not a total disappointment. Still doesn't 'feel' very quake4, though, yeah it's the stroggs, and yeah some of the enemies from quake2 have been kinda revamped, but this just lacks the same feel (much of which was down to the music IMHO, but I was also fond of the kinda grainy graphics). They've got the big robot dudes with the hammer & spike, but they just aint the same cos they don't scream "trespasser" when they see you like in quake2. And no sound of the troops round the corner cocking their weapons like in Q2. Bit too much going round with other squad members, too (but at least they aren't utterly stupid so not too much of a liability) - just get the feeling that in trying to be like other games (most notably halo) it's kinda forgotten to be that much like quake 2, which it is in essence the sequel to. And it's the haloesque bits that don't work - the vehicle bit (only done one so far but I assume there's more) and the squad based missions.

School report would read final grade C - must stop trying to copy the other children and just be itself, concentrate on it's own strengths and forget what everyone else is doing. Would jump over a cliff if the other children did.

Oh, and cos it's the D3 engine, it requires a monster PC, but also cos it's the D3 engine, all the console performance tweaks for doom3 also work for quake 4

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