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I was a bit disappointed with Q4, it gets a bit monotonous after a while just like Doom 3 did.

COD2 on the other hand, is fantastic and really engrossing albeit a bit too short. :smoke:

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Been wasting my time with Freelancer. I like certain aspects of the game but there is a precise storyline which means you have to perform at a certain level to pass a particular stage, But the engine reads your status and always make it so that you can only just do it. At a later stage the same 'bandits' act differently because engine has read your abilities so the same foes at different times have different strenghts. This makes it too forced and rigid and manipuplated. Have given it neck at moment cause I want to play the game not be forced into a straight jacket by the program. I don't want to be aware of the program really, and you are, constantly. Still as I'm new to moderncomputer games it wasn't bad as a second game. Got to level 14 using a touchpad, realize I need a joystick now as the game goes to levell 38 I think and have got to point that I cant get any more out of touchpad in terms of performance.

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gotta b Quake 4 and Battlefield 2. BF2 is awesome online. U get to spend all your time wasting camel jockeys and theres no better way than that to spend it. Shame its not for real.

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If Youre that eager to kill "camel jockeys" then why not sign up to the army....or maybe you wont because youre the sort of person that like to sit in front of a keyboard and arbitarily call people derogatory names based on their creed or colour.perhaps you should stop caring about Rodents and start to educate yourself as to other cultures then maybe you wont type such stupid blanket statements.

oh aye,wasting "camel jockeys"on-line....the Iraqis must be shi**ing themselves.

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Id rather kill rabbits than camel jockeys.

Have just heard that SENSIBLE SOCCER is going to be released on all formats. It wont be as good as FIFA and PES but it should be a good laugh, Ive missed top-down football computer games. I hope they leave the spelling mistakes in again.

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Guest artofzen

a game called assume someones identity and ruin there life, ........ i made it up........ my old maths teacher is next.....

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In 20 minutes and counting I'll be playing.....

Civilization 4 ;):yinyang::smoke:lol

Word has it that unlike certain other recent sequels to sequels, this one's a corker.

Full review sometime about March, if it's as good as it looks.

18 minutes and counting lol

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In 20 minutes and counting I'll be playing.....

Civilization 4 ;):yinyang:lol;)

Word has it that unlike certain other recent sequels to sequels, this one's a corker.

Full review sometime about March, if it's as good as it looks.

18 minutes and counting lol

cant wait been a fan for years ,civilization 1,2 and 3 played them all to death .cant wait for 4 :smoke:

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Hmmm. Civ4 first impressions... well, I installed it just after posting my last message in this thread, and just started it for a little look, and now it's 3 am, so that's a good sign lol.

Looks fantastic, and the animation of the combat is brill, I like the way they've chosen to go for cartoony over realism, first time I saw the macemen in action I nearly fell off my chair laughing :D

Leaders animations during negotiation are funny too, catherine the great is well flirty & slaps you if you offer a crap deal, and I think montezuma isn't too HP with me at the mo, cos whenever I negotiate with him he just stands there with his face in his hands lol.

Gameplay wise, seems fairly civ, the culture from civ3 has stayed, and there's religion now, but I still haven't quite worked out how that works. Also seems to be a new wonders system, and heroic characters that can appear and be used up building special wonders, triggering a golden age etc. Seems very quick, though, even playing on epic speed, half an hour and you're up to feudalism & building war elephants. Also unit building has been vastly slowed, so no chucking out a phalanx a turn from every city, war requires a hell of a lot of forward planning.

All in all it looks like it could really be deserving of the title, though obviously I'm gonna have to test it some more :stoned:

The tutorial's a bit naff, though, evein if it does feature a virtual Sid Meier.

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The review on Eurogamer (Clicky) tells you a bit about religion, dunno if its any use to you or not...

Im steering well clear of this one, last time I picked up a Civ game I lost 2 years of my life.

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