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Im steering well clear of this one, last time I picked up a Civ game I lost 2 years of my life.

I would if you value your social life, having played it a bit more now I can safely say it's a life stealer. What a game :yep: All the bits that have been tweaked have been tweaked for the better, religion works well, the new civics are excellent, combat is vastly improved. There's been loads of moaning about bugs but I haven't noticed any, though it is hugely resource demanding, specially later stage when the whole world is revealed. Though the resources are put to ecellent use, it's a gorgeous looking game, that gets better looking the more you play it cos at the start it's difficult to tell what's what, but once you get used to the visual style the level of detail is incredible. You can zoom all the way out, google earth stylee, til the world (or however much of the map is revealed) is there as a globe, clouds & all, or you can zoom all the way in to see the pigs in their pen on a square, or seals on a tile containing them, or any of the many other resources. Stunning game. Lest it were ever in doubt I hereby salute Sid Meier as a genius :realcool:

And now I'm back off to the game, time to teach Peter the Great that although I, as Gandhi, am by nature a pacifist, it aint a good idea to fuck with me when I've got ironclads and the only sources of coal and oil on the continent :wassnnme:

Now then, where's those buddhist missionaries I stacked for just this eventuality, off you go, spread the word of Buddha to the heathen Russians so there's less culture clash and so they take less pacifying when I march into their cities.

Mwa ha ha ha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just download the Gold Demo of Football Manager 6.

It gives you 6 month in charge of any team in europe ect ect.

Ooh its deeep. Very good game in my opinion and well worth a look from any footy fan.

Might even splash out on the full game at this rate.

Championship Manager just got better, And for all its worth updated!

Game On!

Shame my Team in UK420 Fantasy L is Terrible.

No Excuses now though.

A good game Football Manager 6 i would give it 8 / 10.

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Pro Evo 5 fully patched with kits , all the team chants from the games added in , boots , adboards the lot its been re edited and it blowes the original pro evo 5 out the water

For people in to pro evo and they dont have the patch .. you don't know what your missing :stoned:

Simply Unbelievable :)

Day ;)

Edited by Dayhu
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Fable : The lost chapters. Good game, lovely looking, but there's either a bug or a design flaw that ruins it (unless you're into cheating games). The experience system has a modifier dependent on how many times you've hit enemies without taking a hit yourself, you collect experience orbs when they die and those are modified by your multiplier - but every kind of experience is also modified, and that's where the problem lies, cos there's food you can eat that heals you AND gives you experience, which also gets multiplied, so you can get shit loads of experience just from eating fish, carrots & red meat during a fight when your modifier is massive, and worse that that, you get experience potions that do the same, so if you take a stength experience potion worth 1000 strength experience when you've got a 30x multipier, you get 30,000 strength experience. I didn't realise it was a bug at first, so happily banged up my experience every time, and now I'm just too fucking hard and the game's pointless lol

Plus there's the ususal trading bug, once you get level 3 guile you can make money trading with the same trader, if you buy all of the oakvale traders emeralds, sell em back to him & repeat you can earn over 100,000 gold in a couple of minutes.

Shame, cos it's a good game other than the bugs, they're just BIG bugs which ruin the whole thing.

Guess it's back to civ4.

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Pro Evo 5 fully patched with kits , all the team chants from the games added in , boots , adboards the lot its been re edited and it blowes the original pro evo 5 out the water

For people in to pro evo and they dont have the patch .. you don't know what your missing :woot:

Simply Unbelievable :ouch:

Day :guitar:

Is the patch available for XBox? how would I install it on xbox (modded)? Have just downloaded, I mean bought, Xmen Legends 2 for the xbox, only played it for 10 minutes but it seems quite impressive. Its got a Baldurs Gate (one of my favourite game series ever) feel to it and the comic book style graphics look lovely.

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After more consideration I've changed my mind, civ 4 is shit. The previous versions have all been plagued by cheating AI and less-than-random results in combat, but this just plain takes the piss. And who's idea was it to have the default barbarian setting to fucking stupid, game ruining activity or none at all. And worst of all, combat all predetermined at the beginning of the turn so even though it comes out with the same old ludicrous spearman beats tank, it comes out with it every single time - if it's been determined that your tank is gonna lose that turn, then your tank will lose that turn. Fucking shoddy, very fucking shoddy. Shame, because it really, truly does spoil a decent game, so infuriating is it to have a bullshit AI fuckup totally screw you over and for there to be fuck all you can do about it, save loading an autosave (which save pitifully infrequently, given the huge problem caused by the predeterminism of the game engine). Damn shame. Hope they release a patch to sort it out so either the battles are truly random every time, or that the AI doesn't cheat quite so much, cos it aint worth playing as is (unless you've more patience than I do, and are less inclined to break things when annoyed...)

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After more consideration I've changed my mind, civ 4 is shit. The previous versions have all been plagued by cheating AI and less-than-random results in combat, but this just plain takes the piss. And who's idea was it to have the default barbarian setting to fucking stupid, game ruining activity or none at all. And worst of all, combat all predetermined at the beginning of the turn so even though it comes out with the same old ludicrous spearman beats tank, it comes out with it every single time - if it's been determined that your tank is gonna lose that turn, then your tank will lose that turn. Fucking shoddy, very fucking shoddy. Shame, because it really, truly does spoil a decent game, so infuriating is it to have a bullshit AI fuckup totally screw you over and for there to be fuck all you can do about it, save loading an autosave (which save pitifully infrequently, given the huge problem caused by the predeterminism of the game engine). Damn shame. Hope they release a patch to sort it out so either the battles are truly random every time, or that the AI doesn't cheat quite so much, cos it aint worth playing as is (unless you've more patience than I do, and are less inclined to break things when annoyed...)

Peter the Great twatted you didnt he? :yinyang:

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Recently acquired Tony Hawks American Wasteland for the xbox, Im quite impressed.

Millions of tricks, massive world with seamless loadings and nice graphics. Theyve gone for a GTA style approach with the game, the graphics and controls are pretty similar, the level design and the way you chooes side missions is almost exactly the same.

I struggled a bit with the controls at first, I just seemed to be bouncing off walls for the first hour, but once your stats build up you can do some pretty amazing shit.

You also get the option to travel on foot and use your board as a weapon (that actually really sucks, one mission you have to catch a skater and beat him with your board, he was travelling at about 30 mph and I could walk at about 3 mph, the only way I could do it was to work out his pattern and stand at a point mashing the swing button and praying) and there are also bmxs scattered around (not as easy as boarding) for you to try out.

Everything is customisable, as seems to be the norm in games now, you can change your hairstyle, clothes, graffiti tag and your board and pads.

The 2 player is where the game really shines, all the original modes are here as well as a few new ones that let you launch fireballs and things at each other (a bit gay).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest budassbud

I play Command and Conquer Generals online, I'm quite new to the game I only got it a month ago but I've played C&C Tiberian Sun into the late hours of the morning. I used to play Doom 3 a lot but I'm stuck in Hell with the Boss who is ridiculosly hard to even start to kill, anyhelp with that would be appreciated.

Anyone got Battlefield 2, I'm getting that for Christmas and I hope I can play online, I think I will.

edit to add anyone heard of a game where you build an army of nice trolls who mine gold, cut down trees, and fight magicians?

Edited by budassbud
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edit to add anyone heard of a game where you build an army of nice trolls who mine gold, cut down trees, and fight magicians?

Could be warcraft 3, could be dragonshard. Warcraft 3 is a good game, if a bit old. Not played dragonshard yet cos the version I downloaded still has the copy protection and won't install. Or if it's turn based, it's probably one of the heroes of might & magic series, or perhaps one of the age of wonders series. Warcraft 3 is probably the best of the bunch (though as said, I've yet to play dragonshard).

Wasn't impressed with battlefield2 cos I use the keypad for FPS games, and it won't let you bind any controls to the keypad :wassnnme:

Playing KOTOR2, decent enough but man, is it an ugly game :P SERIOUSLY crap graphics, you can tell it's a console port.

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Dunno about the troll game but Battlefield 2 rocks, dodgy server selection screen though and stupidly high load times. Doesnt distract from the gameplay though, beautiful game, as close to perfection as they have got so far in my eyes.

Have recently been playing Spartan: Total Warrior on the Xbox, lovely looking game, a bit of a button basher, some very frantic, chaotic moments. Not to keen on the magic in the game but I can see why its there.

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I play Command and Conquer Generals online, I'm quite new to the game I only got it a month ago but I've played C&C Tiberian Sun into the late hours of the morning. I used to play Doom 3 a lot but I'm stuck in Hell with the Boss who is ridiculosly hard to even start to kill, anyhelp with that would be appreciated.

Anyone got Battlefield 2, I'm getting that for Christmas and I hope I can play online, I think I will.

edit to add anyone heard of a game where you build an army of nice trolls who mine gold, cut down trees, and fight magicians?

to kill the end guy in doom3, just run round backwards away from him but always facing him. Fire everything at him, starting with the biggest gun first, and when there are lots of baddies on screen let rip with the soul cube just dont fall of the edge :yinyang:

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Guest budassbud

to kill the end guy in doom3, just run round backwards away from him but always facing him. Fire everything at him, starting with the biggest gun first, and when there are lots of baddies on screen let rip with the soul cube just dont fall of the edge ;)

yeah I'm trying to do that but I keep geting killed cos I cant get rid of it's dumb protection spies, I thought there was some secret I was missing, oh well I'll just ave to keep trying.

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Battlefield 2 Expansion Special Forces, featuring (among others) the British SAS.

Grappling hooks and zip lines are 2 of the new kit features.

Look out for a map called Ghost Town, graphics are unreal, especially in SLI with 2x 7800GTI's on an FX-55 and 2 gig ram.

If anyone here thinks the Xbox 360 is cool, you aint seen nothing. :band:

Best server by far.....


Lock n Load SAS style. :blushing:

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