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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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If the grass is too strong I suggest you shake some crystals off it - that's what half the dealers do anyway. Some of the crap going around might as well be hemp for all the trichomes that exist.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if the skunk your buying is to strong them simply put less of it in a joint.

I do agree smoking weed can make you edgy, but it all depends on what state of mind your are in and what enviroment your in and loads of other crap.

I think you have a good point about the exccesive potecy, it can be a bit to much at times if your not a regular smoker, but it only came about becuase people who smoke bud regulary get a tolerance quickly so they look for stronger bud.

I keep hearing of people who claim to be buying good clean hash, but they tell me they are paying 10squid for 3 gramms so they clearly arnt.

I think the best way to tell the quality of hash is the price. Dogbar is cheap the proper stuff isnt, simple, unless your getting ripped off..............

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soap? I don't think that is very popular where I live since most of the people here never even heard of it. All that is sold here are nice fat nuggets, then again I've never bought anything from downtown LA lol


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Not likely to see soap in downtown LA mate, it knocks about Europe, i believe the French call it Chernoble. It's supposed to be hashish, but it's a blend of a small amount of resin powder and god knows what else. I daren't think about what in it lol

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Keep away from <_< - if there is any truth in these rumours about cannabis and psychosis then its most likely down to the shit the crims add to make soap - research into real herbal cannabis has repeatedly cleared cannabis of causing harm.

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soap is shit...............i would never buy it..............i heard somewhere some guy doing a survey re adulterants of soap discovered that there was really only 10grams of good cannabbis in a 9 bar (250grams) !!. The rest is supposed to be boot polish-pine resin and all sorts of other shit.



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a friend of a friend has just had a sample of soapbar analysed.

i can't remember the exact results, but it was basically ketamine, henna, binding agents, and very very little THC. :guitar:

if i can get the exact analysis i'll post it on here.

Edited by caballero
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yup down with the soap! but i cant see anything changing for a longtime yet. i would love to get me hands on some decent hash and would be willing to pay the extra pennies for it no probs. ive been able to get hold of some pollen now and again but still its not up to old skool standards. me thinks the only way im going to get any decent hash (apart from bubble) is to go get it from source myself! maybe sometime soon, but ill tell ya its all percy :stoned:

Edited by Dobby
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It wont change until people know they're buying soap.

I recently temped at a place that had a lot of tokers who smoked soap. I tried to explain what was in it etc. They listened but as far as they were concerned I wasn't talking about the "hash" they smoked. I quote "The stuff I get aint shit, I buy it in bars, if it was shit i'd take it back to him"

I knew for a fact it was soap cos I'd had tokes on his spliffs.

The point being that a lot of people don't know what soap is or just purely refuse to beleive that what they have IS soap or have never seen/smoked/tasted/smelt real hash to know the difference.


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or have never seen/smoked/tasted/smelt real hash to know the difference.

I think thats one of the main problems mate, they have nothing to compare the ;) with! :stoned:


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puke: the soap is slowly but surely goin out just give it time,

im not sure if all soap bars are made from :blub: some 1 let me know the score cheers.

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Nothing will change until people realise that you get what you pay for.

If it's £40 - £50 an ounce then it's shitbar.

If you want premium hash, you're gonna have to pay premium price.

I've got half an ounce of hash coming tonight. £75 squid. but I know it's gonna be worth it & I know the source.

Oh for the good old days when good Leb, Afghani, Nepalese was £10 an Oz & compressed DP was £8. I still can remember buying a quid deal in the early 70's and getting nearly an eighth.

Happy days .... Maybe I'm just a sad old hippy.



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  • 4 weeks later...

nah hash (not soap) isnt that expensive... u just have 2 know the right people. And not all bars are soap. Not soap as in cut with lotsa shit anyway. In my area its about £350 for a good clean bar. Which works out at about £5 an 1/8. of course its not goin 2 the streets at this price, dealers gotta make a profit but £10 an 1/8 isnt that hard 2 get hold of... these are prices in cirencester (glos) btw...

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Its about £270 a bar If I want it but no thanks. Its come down from £700 a bar to this lowly price cos people are reacting and growing their own. A staggering amount of the weed being smoked in this country is now being produced here. There was an article in High Times about 7 years ago where they analysed a bar of soap, from what I can remeber, mollasses, some old vinyl, tranqualisers, fibres from an unknown source and the most worrying thing silicon. Apparently they inject silicon into the bar to bring its weight up. Silicon is a poison when smoked but is known to be addictive. Stick to the weed and stuff you or people you know have grown. As for proper Hash, oh yes, give me a slice of opiated temple ball any day. Toked on some Kashmiri the otherday and that was awesome.

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