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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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so how do you know the difference between propper hash and soap? do they look similar?

Soap is suppsedly black and kind of stiff/crumbley and proper hash can be molded by hand after a wee bit of warmth...from YOUR hand! It's the equivilent of super pure gold... (which as well will melt wih the heat of just a minior lamp...)..

I've only had it a few times but the tiny BB sized doses strewen throughout a spliff (6 in total) did have me talking to nothing that was surly there....;)

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just thinking out loud here, not trying to encourage any one to do this. people will seek out soap bar over and above cannabis. why ? i'm fucked if i know, probably the cost is what swings it for them. any one who has any leaves and shaken buds left over from making their own pollen, push it all through a sieve add some non toxic colour, binding agent and perhaps some ghee or cooking oil. cook, mould into bars and press. knock it out to some soap loving billy bunter to cover the cost of your own grow. you aren't wasting any of your own precious buds and recycling the waste into a profitable by product. it would be a less toxic, higher in thc alternative to "le savonette". you could even call it a new name, shit bar, turd bar, gakky black, i can't believe it ain't dog shit, what no plastic. you would coin it in, no danger

What about a mash of pipe/cigar/fag tobbaco mixed in with some decent THC content leaf and adding a hamrless binding agent (IE just compression as tobacco will stick)?

It'd be harmful in one sense but as many soap smokers probably smoke cigarettes..some flavored pipe shit mashed in with a decent amount of pollen...it'd be fairly safe. They could probably selll for near tenth prices and get away with it...least it'd be a better high all around.

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do we really need this thread AS WE ALL KNOW SOAP BAR IS SHIT



but until we all stop buying it and smokin it we will keep getting it

encourage all your m8's to grow even 1 plant and we can soon get rid of the shite :spliff:

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Sadly neill, some peeps don't!

exactly Bish, the post stays so that everybody DOES know. Its not a debate, it information telling people Soapbar is bollocks.

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  • 1 month later...

I think the price should tell you as much as anything.From as cheap as £300 for a 9 bar !! I have also in the past been quite happy to use this shit they call soap bar.

Personally speaking I too have broken it with a big knife & hammer.I have also found plastic & believe it or not what appeared to be a toe nail (cringes at the thought of it).

I know for a fact it gets laced with ketemene.(cant stress enough how dangerous this ketamine is .It is the ketamine that gives you a simulated high.

From personal experience earlier this year I had a ketemine infusion through an I.V. drip, in the Pain Clinic I attend.

Belive it or not I had a torrid time which stared by hallucinations followed by being unable to move any part of my body or being able to speak,leading on to an out of body experience very frightening !!! At the time I thought I was dying.

Make your own mind up !!

Best to leave well alone

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i thank uk420 for bringing this matter to my attention :yinyang: i cant believe there is actual dog :yinyang: turd in the stuff i didnt smoke it any way only sticky icky 4 me but i know a few people that do and i know somke people that sell it as well and next time i see them they will get a good kicking for flooding the streets with shit the dirty filthy animals

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I dont think giving the dealers a hard time about it will do any good imho, lets face it these ppl would sell u a dandelion wrapped up in clingfilm if ur prepared to buy it from them, for me the answer is to educate as many ppl as is humanly possible about the dangers and hope that more + more ppl come round to our way of thinking. After all, if there aint no demand for it there aint a market :ninja:

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I know for a fact it gets laced with ketemene.(cant stress enough how dangerous this ketamine is .It is the ketamine that gives you a simulated high.

From personal experience earlier this year I had a ketemine infusion through an I.V. drip, in the Pain Clinic I attend.

Belive it or not I had a torrid time which stared by hallucinations followed by being unable to move any part of my body or being able to speak,leading on to an out of body experience very frightening !!! At the time I thought I was dying.

my mates used to take ketamin every weekend, sounds great doesnt it :puke:

i was never into k, i smoked soapbar instead ;)

i smoked soap because weed was too expensive as a jobless teen, £10 would get only get you a few spliffs. if you go halfs with a mate on a quarter of soap you get an eighth each plus a fiver left for a few tins of super tennants... friday night sorted :stoned:

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Soapbar doesn't get you stoned, it just screws your brain with all the other chemicals in it. My friends and I call it 'diesel' for obvious reasons. I remember coughing up so much crap in the days of dirty UK hash smoking, I wouldn't even touch it these days

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  • 3 weeks later...
Tccch...you soapdealers are all the same :rolleyes:

Stop knocking it out, both of you and join the cause and start growing quality marijuana. This is the only way to rid yourselves of the terrible toxins you consume. ;)


i agree if you cant get good gear then dont get any, admittedly it is a total bitch when all you really want is a nice spliff and you have run out. but buying shit wont get you a nice spliff more a nasty tasting terriblehigh with practically none of the effects youre after and then youre even more pissed of when there is some nice gear about but you cant afford to get a decent amount cos you blew all youre hard earned coinage on shity shity soap

i understand the economic viability of just pasing the shit on for a bit of profit but then who youre passing it on to are usually mates and knowing how shit it is thats really being a bit of a cunt. and even if there not mates no self respecting toker could possibly put all his love and respect for the beautiful herb to one side just for a quick bit of cash. id rather be arse rapped by a sperm whale than pass on shitty gear. wheres the self respect if you refuse to toke it then it wont be sold. hows about a bit of quality controll. consumer rights just cos the stuffs illegal dont mean weve got to put up with shit. infact its illegality puts the consumer in a position of greater power as no dealer will get what he cant sell refuse all but the best ang soap will die aswell as all the other shitty little things out there sold under the guise of skunk or hash

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ive found someone who sells pure pollen @ £10 a gram!!! and this stuff is the real deal, a pure sandy unpressed powder, fucking slaughters you. i think its made from NL waste but im not too sure

he can only get it now and again but its worth the wait :spliff::headbang:

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