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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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Oh well thank you for the thought chunkz. Yeah, the trial period for the site was for a week - thought it was a month and they cut me right off. Think I'll try again if anyone else is interested. I'm was well pissed as I lost 15 questionnaires that I didn't print out. Would be nice to put it on here but I haven't a clue how.


PS - yeah, I'll put it up again and get back

You really motivated me Chunkz to do another questionnaire - it can be found at:


Thank you so much :smug:

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I thought I'd give soap another chance a few moons ago, and there was a big lump of plastic, as if off a cd case, sticking out of it.

Needless to say, I didn't smoke it.

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OK I'm gonna be totally honest here :yep:

For the last 14 years, apart from the odd trip to 'Dam, and the "buy a bag of skunk 'cause I'm rich" occasions (maybe twice a year), I have smoked soap constantly. I managed to limit it to a quarter a week, but only because of finance restraints.

I have often felt guilty posting on UK420, knowing that I aint mashed, just thinking I am, because I have had a "joint". I knew then, and I know now, that it isn't weed. Its some sort of mish-mash of what-have-you, chemicals, plastic, all sorts of shit. But it gave me that feeling in my head of dullness.

Since I filled in Bel's questionnaire (4 times), and I was ticking "yes" to just about everything, I realised it had to stop.

So I stopped.

I haven't had a joint now for 6 days.

In that time, I've stopped the "Oh my god I can't breathe I'm gonna die this time" coughing (scarey as fuck, the kids think it's funny 'cause I go purple), I've also stopped drinking, and I've decided never again to smoke soap.


Do the same, fellahs. Knock it on the head and say "No more".

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easy all,

on the subject of soap, this months issue of soft secrets (as well as havin a fabulous entry on the readers pics section) has an article entitled;


a very interesting read, and one i canny be arsed to typeout in full (copyright you understand :stoned:) BUT it does say this (in so many words mind!)

'under license from the home office, the UK medicinal cannabis project have run an analysis on soap bar.........

250g of soap contains LESS than 10g of pollen (resin glands) 200g of ground up shake leaf 'various noxious substances'

hoever, when you look at the OTHER INGREDIANTS:

glue, colouring agents, ground coffee, beeswax, boot polish, animal lol (true!), henna (an old friend!), condensed milk, and milk powder.

also goes on to say about carcinogenic solvents like toluene & benzene. oh, and possibly nettles in there too!

oh, and to 'boost' the high of soap, additives like ketamine crystal, speed, crushed ASPIRIN (can fool you the first smoke!) barbs, tranqs, and any other pills the bloke might have in his bathroom cabinet!

havent smoke it in years, never will, apparently a kilo of :yinyang: costs £1500, which works out around a £5 per 1/8th. cheaper than 1972!

good article, good read, and great pics :smoke:




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  • 2 weeks later...

....smoke soap die young...... there is no joy smoking that shit anyway, it doesn't make you high, it makes you dizzy!!! (and fucks up your throat as well)

done some soap when i first came to the uk, was the worst thing i've ever had, never smoked it since.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

"TALK TO FRANK" bah.. frank's an idiot

I was Cained :yep: on some nice skunk, when i decided to give them a call :unsure: .

"Soap is an impure form of cannabis" was the answer I got when enquiring about The dreaded Soap bar


Soap poses more of a problem to cannabis smokers in this country than smokeing tobacco does.

I smoked it 3-4 times... every time it made me wanna hurl lol

The sooner they legalise the herb - the sooner the government loose the problem they barely know they have.

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The soap bar here has got way down in quality.. I`m only a social smoker, but 6 years ago the quality was much better and I suffered no major ill affects from it..

After taking a trip to Amsterdam at the start of the year I suddenly realised just how utter crap the soap bar now is. I was able to smoke alot of grass and get up the next morning not feeling any pain / weirdness in my throat or chest, and the high was so different and 100x better..

Its looks like I`m going to have to learn to grow, its impossible to get weed here and I`m not smoking soap no more..

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High folks I've been away too long!!!

I just stopped smoking soap bar!!!! This very second .........

....... anyone know where to get decent quality weed north of the border??

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....... anyone know where to get decent quality weed north of the border??

Yeh, buy some seeds and grow it for yourself, otherwise dont ask here. This site isnt for dealing, dont get joolz in trouble.

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D [] []v[] []D' date='Apr 22 2004, 05:37 PM']

Yeh, buy some seeds and grow it for yourself, otherwise dont ask here. This site isnt for dealing, dont get joolz in trouble.


you really told me!

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Guest lazlo woodbine

Soap... the name says it all.. DON'T DO IT - IT'S EVIL!!! :yep:

How about a helpline for those struggling against the temptation to make that call to the shady character* with the even shadier product.

Maybe a nationwide network poised to rush supplies of the real deal to the sorry citizen... It' a dream I know but ..... well anyway - If we all do our bit.. growing and sharing with our nearest and dearest.. who knows?

What is so heartening,reading many of these posts is the fact that so many people all over the UK are obviously doing the right thing and taking control..

*(ok,not ALL dealers)..

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