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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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This was brought to my attention by our new friend saber on another thred

btw i thought soapbar is dangerous? i read it often doesnt contain much weed, but infact its mostly chemicals and tranqs and crap, and it has be known to kill people

Grossly over the top I thought, but then I followed his link.


What does everyone think?

Admin Guys, please could this one be pinned? It seems bloody serious to me!!

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And more


Thats a long one and it doesn't contain much more info, so I'll copy it here

Can we please cut down the number of messages saying how bad soap is? Not

everyone is best friends with the local skunk grower, and down here (in

kent) as far as i can tell there is very little skunk, and what there is is

bought up immediately.

I admit that soap is a bit crappy, in fact yesterday i suspected it was

going to give me heart failiure but nevertheless that is all i am able to

get hold of (and have been able to get since i came back from amsterdam.)

So, unless anyone is offering me a bag of skunk, i'll stick with my coffee

and plant matter, because there isn't much else to do.


On Fri, 19 May 2000, you wrote:

> Can we please cut down the number of messages saying how bad soap is?

Er.... No.

People need to be told, because until my first visit to

Amsterdam I *didn't realise* that what I was smoking wasn't

actually cannabis... I caused myself some real hassle from

soap and I would rather a few people were pissed that they

can't score grass than the majority not actually knowing.

If you know that what you are smoking will kill you then

that is fair enough - free choice - but if people think

they are smoking a relativley harmless herb derivative which

is actually dog poo - that isn't on.

:stoned:  :devil:  :anger:


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Experience I guess, although by the sounds of it most of its pretty bad.  :D

I think I will stick with weed from now on!!  :colgate:

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Smoking REAL hash makes a nice change from smoking weed all the time :D

You just need to know the right people and know what your buying.

A few ways to tell good hash from dog shit is burn it.

If the smoke is black, sooty, or smells bad don't buy it.

Make a spliff, warm it up with a flame but dont light it, and then toke it a couple of times, if its contaminated you'll be able to taste it.

Have a look at the hash pics at The Smokers Guide  and compare them to what you are buying.

Ask your dealer to get you a few :D chances are he/she won't have a clue what you are on about!

If your dealer can't or won't stock anything but soapbar , find a new one :tounge2:


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When it comes to soap i just try not to smoke it,

but the thing is some people are looking for a cheap 1/8th of block so what i do is use the shit to make a fat profit.

i'm a complete assfuck for even selling the shit to people but i do warn them about the shit thats in it.

Just buying 2 ounces for 90 quid can earn you a £70 quid profit if i'm selling it in 1/8ths.

i gotta admidt i feel so guilty when i sell it but the quality isnt THAT bad, i mean the smoke isnt black but i know it shouldnt be yellow in the middle of the block.

c'mon hurl your abuse at me! :anger:

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I cant moan or bitch at ya BDK cause i have done the same i think most of us longer term stoners have aswell !! 2 oz for £90 is quite a good price too ............. heh heh "guilt guilt" heh heh  :0  :devil:  :D  :D

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Tccch...you soapdealers are all the same :D

Stop knocking it out, both of you and join the cause and start growing quality marijuana. This is the only way to rid yourselves of the terrible toxins you consume. :D

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if people didnt sell soap then there would be no ganja anywhere ,there isnt enough real green for people now ,what would happen if people stopped punting soap ?,i reckon 90 percent of smokers would have to go without and i dont want to go without ,you just have to be picky with your resin

also not all green weed is good,i have had some crappy homegrown over the years ,compared to the buzz of off a resin bucket a homegrown weed bucket hasnt really cut the mustard with me ,theres only been twice i have been wrecked of off plant ,thats why i want to grow some real potent shit :colgate:

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if people didnt sell soap then there would be no ganja anywhere ,there isnt enough real green for people now ,what would happen if people stopped punting soap ?,i reckon 90 percent of smokers would have to go without and i dont want to go without

Sorry Doc, i disagree ???

If you only ever smoke soapbar, you are already 'going without'   :D

If people didn't buy soap then there would be real ganja everywhere.

All it would take is for every stoner who regularly purchased soapbar to tell their dealers to stick the soapbar, then they would be forced to supply good quality gear if they wished to stay in business!

Those that couldn't get decent supplies would go out of business, and those that could, would quickly take their places.

Or, the government could, just for once do the decent thing and legalize cannabis, then we could all grow our own. :D

But untill that day, as long as we demand to be supplied, the dealers will supply that demand, and as long as soapbar is the best seller, that's what they will supply!!


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no way, i am in the north east of scotland ,i know a few semi big punters and they dont get offered anything else ,its all taken before it gets up north ,if they knocked back soapy then they wouldnt have anything else to replace it ,and once in a blue moon someone gets a bit of grass .So you pay 20 quid for a 4 g bag and get bumped cause its never that good .

also know one guy who usually gets nice stuff ,morrocan sometimes skunk ,but he charges £60 a half ounce and there is no discount for large amounts ,so he can run to fu@k but that means we have no alternative to smoke soap ,there is no way i would pay 120 quid an oscaroony

i disagree there ,the smoking community in my opinion is huge and to sustain the amount of regular smokers day in day out with quality bud would need a law change so it could be grown commercially in fields and massive greenhouses (and they would need to have been growing it for 2 to 3 years just to have sufficient supplys to last without running out till next harvest)

its a whole lot harder to get large supplys of sweet stinky bud into britain or even grown here cause of the law and custom blokes ,so the importers think its not as risky to bring in bars of soap cause it doesnt stink as much , easier to hide ,harder to find and also easier to make in a wharehouse in some industrial estate in england somewhere cause there is less smell than growing :D  :D

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Well I'm with Joolz on this. It stands to reason that if no-one bought soap from any dealer, that dealer would quickly have to sort something out to stay in business. Soapdealers are usually happy enough to make a mark up and because there isn't much profit on green, they still continue to knock out soapbar.

This seems more to me as an issue of addiction, as no-one is willing to go without until their dealer gets ecological and goes green, but if no-one refuses the soap, he will still sell it.

You do have the choice though of smoking soap for the majority of your puffing life, or get pissed off with it and decide to grow your own small personal supply (or smuggle. ??? )

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Quote from the d.o.c, posted on Dec. 01 2001,02:56

i disagree there ,the smoking community in my opinion is huge and to sustain the amount of regular smokers day in day out with quality bud would need a law change so it could be grown commercially in fields and massive greenhouses (and they would need to have been growing it for 2 to 3 years just to have sufficient supplys to last without running out till next harvest)

its a whole lot harder to get large supplys of sweet stinky bud into britain or even grown here cause of the law and custom blokes ,so the importers think its not as risky to bring in bars of soap cause it doesnt stink as much ,

Green is more difficult to import because like you say, it is bulky and hopefully smelly.

Soapbar is just as easy / difficult to import and distribute as any other type of hash!!

A nine bar (1/4 kilo) of finest afghani or turkish black is roughly the same size as a nine bar of soap.

The only difference is the price.

As long as the average toker on the street refuses to pay more than 15 quid a 1/4, then soap is all you are likely to get!

The other point to remember is that although you may have to pay 20 quid for an 1/8 of decent hash, it will probably last longer than the 1/4 of soap


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