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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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just signed it.

i have smoked soap for years and being honest the only cannabis in it is less than 10gram of pollen..........per KIlLLO.it gives weed a bad name and should b illeagal

untill it is no longer made.my verdict on soapbar :):puke:lol:):yep: ...hpoe every1 feels what im sayin.

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I hear ya, that shit has reared it's head in the USA as well, marketed as cheap hash, something to break up and add to your bowl to make the weed last longer, it's possible to have all kinds of nasties in there, excrement included.

Just say no to shit kids, just say no.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been reading all of the previous, and felt compelled to write.

Don't blame the people who are buying the soap. People who are ripping off their fellow tokers (at 40, 50, 60 quid per oz, it's a total rip) are the ones who need to look at themselves.

If you are logging on to this site, you can't be claiming ignorance. You know what's what, and you know what it does. Selling 'soap' to your 'mates' is one of the worst things you can do for them.

Although I would not, nor would anyone else I imagine, condone the breach of any criminal law of the UK, instead of selling them eighths why not redirect them to a forum of information about the stuff and let them decide for themselves how they want to proceed?

If we don't look after our own, no one else will!


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blinkin flip dave are you making sense? :)

you must be straight lol whats up not allowed to smoke in the library anymore?

it`s wrong to call the shit that we can get in the uk as soapbar anyway, as we all know that real soapbar is sold in 100grm blocks, not 252grm blocks..............

ditch the dealer and smoke homegrown..... yer lungs will love you for it!!


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MDP, that's my point exactly.

Blame the sellers, not the smokers.


And anyway, I smoke all of my doobies outside of the library. :)

Anyway, I don't ever recall getting anything close to 252g from you....... ;)

Getting back to the point, I have the same idea as you.

ditch the dealer and smoke homegrown..... yer lungs will love you for it!!

Just stop pointing the finger at those who are unable to defend themselves, that's all I'm saying. There are loads of people who, through no fault of their own, find themselves smoking 'soap' on a regular basis. I don't think that's right, and neither do you. Give help not harsh words is all I am saying.

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lol sd.....

no-ones blaming the smokers, tho they are almost as responsible for the so called soap as the dealers..... if the buyers simply stopped demanding cheaper and cheaper hash then maybe just maybe some decent solid may start to filter back into the uk.... its not like its not available or that the dealers and importers wont make their $$, cos it is and they would...imo loads more than selling 250gr of crap for £200-£250!!


Anyway, I don't ever recall getting anything close to 252g from you....... 

dunno what your on about m8 :)

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Guest lazlo woodbine

If you are logging on to this site, you can't be claiming ignorance. You know what's what, and you know what it does. Selling 'soap' to your 'mates' is one of the worst things you can do for them.

Although I would not, nor would anyone else I imagine, condone the breach of any criminal law of the UK, instead of selling them eighths why not redirect them to a forum of information about the stuff and let them decide for themselves how they want to proceed?

If we don't look after our own, no one else will!

Nicely put Shady... (sorry for the free use of your monica in my earlier post.. :wassnnme: )

information is power...



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Hashish/Charas is supposed to be the most refined variant of cannabis, literally the resin rubbed/shaken and collected from the leaf and bud of our favourite plant, this is simple maths how can real hash be cheaper than real weed ? When you're in Amsterdam the top hash is always two leagues up in the price divisions from the weed (though not always necessarily quality stakes) er ... go figure

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to smoke SoapBar between crops but in the last 3-4 years this stuff has gone from nasty to unsmokeable :smoke:

I make sure that i grow enough for myself now :spliff:

I've sent all of the links off this site to friends who smoke that shite. Hopefully there'll be some new converts to growin'.

BTW, they use the excuse of quantity/quality :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

it is really hard to find decent hash but when on holiday my preference is to buy hash rather than weed...had sum dynamite morrocan hashes in me' time...really potent..but i always find hash a heavier hit than weed(coz it's made with indica's mainly)...but i try and avoid so called soap like the plauge used ta be decent back 15 yr ago...it's also hard ta buy decent street weed an'all mind most growaz sell the trash i think..

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  • 3 weeks later...
it is really hard to find decent hash but when on holiday my preference is to buy hash rather than weed...had sum dynamite morrocan hashes in me' time...really potent..but i always find hash a heavier hit than weed(coz it's made with indica's mainly)...but i try and avoid so called soap like the plauge used ta be decent back 15 yr ago...it's also hard ta buy decent street weed an'all mind most growaz sell the trash i think..

If your on holiday, how would you know whether you're buying decent hash or ;) ? At the time of exchanging money for it, you don't get the chance to test it out, nor do you get a receipt.

The only way you should be able to know you're getting some decent smoke for a fair price is if you have a contact over whereever your going, ie. a friend who grows his own etc.

Too much :soap: around to know what your getting in my opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just thinking out loud here, not trying to encourage any one to do this. people will seek out soap bar over and above cannabis. why ? i'm fucked if i know, probably the cost is what swings it for them. any one who has any leaves and shaken buds left over from making their own pollen, push it all through a sieve add some non toxic colour, binding agent and perhaps some ghee or cooking oil. cook, mould into bars and press. knock it out to some soap loving billy bunter to cover the cost of your own grow. you aren't wasting any of your own precious buds and recycling the waste into a profitable by product. it would be a less toxic, higher in thc alternative to "le savonette". you could even call it a new name, shit bar, turd bar, gakky black, i can't believe it ain't dog shit, what no plastic. you would coin it in, no danger

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