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The Protection Thread

mr. clean

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Hi not sure if this has been mentioned before but i have just come across a product on the bay called defenders - rabbit repellent. It claims to repel rabbits and deer. Its active ingredient being Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate! Not sure how often it needs applying so not sure if its suitable for gg's!

If anyone has any experience then any info would be much appreciated

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Just wanted to add...the Vaseline paste mix is great but you need to add a bit of veg oil to make it spread & stick better.

Not one slug has got past my beer cans with the paste smeared below the cuts / flaps like 'KeepitGreen' mentioned previously.

Crushed eggshell and catlittler is great perimeter defence aswell cos not many get past that to even get near the cans


edited to add...

soz about the missing pic....not my fault - posting method has changed ......again.

if you click it...it will come :)

Edited by curiositymike
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to add...the Vaseline paste mix is great but you need to add a bit of veg oil to make it spread & stick better. Not one slug has got past my beer cans with the paste smeared below the cuts / flaps like 'KeepitGreen' mentioned previously. Crushed eggshell and catlittler is great perimeter defence aswell cos not many get past that to even get near the cans http://www.uk420.com/boards/uploads/gallery/album_6207/gallery_70384_6207_52464.jpg edited to add... soz about the missing pic....not my fault - posting method has changed ......again.if you click it...it will come :)

Really liking the combination of these two ideas. Mine are out this year with spiky plastic bottle closhes with copper tape. I'll definitely upgrade to the cans for next year with the paste. Am thinking of cutting 5mm wide 1cm long long strips into the can edge and then bending them out to make a kind if awning over the paste to protect from the rain a little. 3 or 4 organic slug pellets on the inside of the can to safeguard against 'mole' slugs should seal the deal. Any slug that can tollerate that lot deserves the plant to itself for a cannabanquit!

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Seems like they don't work...


Just a thought but i'd disagree m8... I think your idea is great.

I reckon that little fecker has climbed something local and trapezed onto your plant...too much surrounding vegetation makes it easy to do that.

I have witnessed this happen - they can climb up thin blades of grass very easily and when it bends they effectively 'travel' over any barrier.

There's absolutely no way a slug could cross that copper scrubber in my opinion.

Do a bit of weeding/flattening around the plants and I bet it doesn't happen again.

Peace :yinyang:

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Just a thought but i'd disagree m8... I think your idea is great.

I reckon that little fecker has climbed something local and trapezed onto your plant...too much surrounding vegetation makes it easy to do that.

I have witnessed this happen - they can climb up thin blades of grass very easily and when it bends they effectively 'travel' over any barrier.

There's absolutely no way a slug could cross that copper scrubber in my opinion.

Do a bit of weeding/flattening around the plants and I bet it doesn't happen again.

Peace :yinyang:

I was just thinking this when looking at the pic, looks like a lot of straw/dry grass for it to climb from. Also @@curiositymike I like the profile pic ;):headbang:

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Try and get rid of all that grass and straw that is touching the bottom of your plant. You would be surprised how far a snail can stretch to grab a leaf. I make sure there is nothing they can trapeze over from. Give a good foot of space around the plant.

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Try and get rid of all that grass and straw that is touching the bottom of your plant. You would be surprised how far a snail can stretch to grab a leaf. I make sure there is nothing they can trapeze over from. Give a good foot of space around the plant.

I'm a bit reluctant to cut back any vegetation or expose any soil because I think it would produce scents that would attract unwanted fauna. When I planted them I was very careful not to disturb too much soil,

Plus cut back vegetation grows back rapid.

I'll stick to tramping it down for now.


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  • 2 months later...

I think im gonna be useing cages next year or keep em off the ground cuz my ghouse is such an attraction to toads and slugs.

I went down there this morning and saw this big old toad perched in 1 of my pots killing a purple maroc.

Then i realised another 2 marocs dead and my 2 freebies lol

I diddnt kill the toad but i might :smug:


In greenhouse this year I had some trays pots standing in, in bigger trays filled with water ie forming a 2inch moat around the pots and trays. no slug damage.

Placed pallets on floor for when bigger to sit pots on in trays, with a scatter of a few slug pellets underneath the pallets again no damage. a few under the pallets but I never saw one on top.(rough sawn pallets)

Bubblewrap the sides, had a few climbing up inbetween glass and the bubble wrap but that was as far as they seeded to had got. Did not see one trying to climb the outside of the bubble wrap Almost as if they prefer using the glass for climbing??

Along with a line of pellets all the way round the edges of GH (applied once) and the above, for the whole grow only 2 fukers I had to remove of a mature plant and put that down to were the bubble wrap came loose, exposing the glass to a leaf and from climbing in from were I had a bottem roof pane off, up the inside of the roof to again a leaf that was against the roof panel. Both so small couldn't have cause much if any damage to the plants at that stage, but still went for a flying lesson lol. had a few big ones dead under the pallets when I cleaned up after harvest though.

Cheers RB

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  • 4 months later...

Gnarly cans with Vaseline impregnated with pellets and short couple mill of fine copper wire. Couple of pellets in surrounding area and a few in can- no slug damage but good year for slugs last year. Here s hoping for more of same.

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