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Combatting Leaf Spot Fungal Infection.


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I noticed a few plants in my clone/mother room developed this dreaded leaf mould business. I've removed the offending leaves, but I was just wondering what else I could do to treat them? The babies have been vegging for over 5 weeks (not really babies any more!!).

As for prevention, I think I've improved the airflow but it's really only a cupboard so it's difficult. I'll clean it all out properly and see if I can't install some extraction for the next one.

I read OT's post which mentioned BioLife but I think that was more related to prevention than treatment... ? I could be wrong there, heh. I've also seen a few people mention copper fungacide - is this suitable? Will it do any good? Is it ok to use on 5 week veg clones and a couple of mothers? Will it leave any chemical residue in my plants?

Thanks people!

so far i used a spray from a regular garden store which is specifically for plant fungus, ask at one at a garden place that sells books, they showed me pictures of other plants with this, i asked at a grow shop amd was also told it is ok, but not sure, its why i posted here myself, i am almost sure its a fungus but not sure which spray is best.

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colloidal silver homemade works on any fungus/lsf,an awesome budrot preventative for outdoors plants aswell.

Colloidial silver as a foliar spray also encourges female plants to hermi. I wouldn't use it unless trying to make home-made femmed seed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
colloidal silver homemade works on any fungus/lsf,an awesome budrot preventative for outdoors plants aswell.

Colloidial silver as a foliar spray also encourges female plants to hermi. I wouldn't use it unless trying to make home-made femmed seed.

Yes you are right about causing plants to hermie but at low strength (5ppm) it does not cause hermies you would need 50/100ppm to do this .I had two plants in my garden,one was showing lsf and spreading rapidly the other had no lsf,i gave the infected plant a good spraying twice in 2 days the other plant none.when it came to the chop unknown to me budrot had set into the unsprayed plant lost about 80% of it while the sprayed plant only had a 5% rot and the lsf had not spread any further from the initial sprayings.U made the silver using a generator with a constant current circuit and a ppm pen for measuring the strength.

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed a few plants in my clone/mother room developed this dreaded leaf mould business. I've removed the offending leaves, but I was just wondering what else I could do to treat them? The babies have been vegging for over 5 weeks (not really babies any more!!).

As for prevention, I think I've improved the airflow but it's really only a cupboard so it's difficult. I'll clean it all out properly and see if I can't install some extraction for the next one.

I read OT's post which mentioned BioLife but I think that was more related to prevention than treatment... ? I could be wrong there, heh. I've also seen a few people mention copper fungacide - is this suitable? Will it do any good? Is it ok to use on 5 week veg clones and a couple of mothers? Will it leave any chemical residue in my plants?

Thanks people!

had a bad problem with leaf spot fungus i've used a few different thing's to combat the problem with no lasting affect until i used a fungus fighter in a spray. I used it twice a day for three weeks, its been over 5 now and i've not had a single rusty leaf i'm buzzin with the results as it was begining to be a real arse.. make sure the plants have a good air flow as it is the main concept for this to work and soak the leafs with it dont be shy....


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i used a fungus fighter in a spray.

What kind of fungus fighter did you use?

Systhane Fungus Fighter (systemic fungicide) it also work's on Black spot/mildew/rust/scab and kills insects to, personally I think its a great all rounder, for what its worth I'll be spraying it while veg on every grow until I put them in flower, hope this helps..



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Guest 2hi2try
thrush cream lol

Leaf Spot Fungal Infection all sorted 2hi no more rusty looking leafs for over a week lol

I only suggested essence none of that systemic stuff, stay clear of that and don't spray it on buds

ed-didn't realise when you mentioned it but I would realy stay clear of that stuff m8

Edited by 2hi2try
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thrush cream :ouch:

Leaf Spot Fungal Infection all sorted 2hi no more rusty looking leafs for over a week :rofl:

I only suggested essence none of that systemic stuff, stay clear of that and don't spray it on buds

ed-didn't realise when you mentioned it but I would really stay clear of that stuff m8

it works great 2hi I don't spray in flower


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  • 4 weeks later...

had the same dreaded LSF on 3 crops...

1st crop used juice of boiled garlic, did nothing but hash was tasty :smug:

2nd i used bio sept and again it did very little

last time i had it i used copper fungicide ( for fruit plants ) and it did far better than the others. didn't kill it, but it slowed it right down and i had a succesful crop.

hope this helps anyone with this problem...be lucky

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had the same dreaded LSF on 3 crops...

1st crop used juice of boiled garlic, did nothing but hash was tasty lol

2nd i used bio sept and again it did very little

last time i had it i used copper fungicide ( for fruit plants ) and it did far better than the others. didn't kill it, but it slowed it right down and i had a succesful crop.

hope this helps anyone with this problem...be lucky

many thanks for the info the fungus fighter that i used slowed it down that i did not have to take many infected leafs off, i if anyone finds the ultimate cure plz let me know,

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  • 2 months later...

Essence every 5 days or so definitely worked for me! The stuff is fantastic, and I think pretty damn reasonable for the number of hits you get out of a pot! :yep:

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  • 1 month later...

I thought i would just post this as i know these sprays cure LSF.

Its mainly for those who cant quickly get hold of Essense or any other reccomended products.

I would advise that normally there are no side effects but occasionally it can cause the leaves to shrivel up and stunt the plant growth for 2 or 3 weeks, maybe it would be less time with lighting, im not sure.

Anyway, for those outdoor growers or those who cant afford other cures. the following sprays are invaluable.

Doff systematic fungus control) (£2-3)

Fungas clear gun (£5-6)

not sure how effective they are on there own but together they work.

Edited by Blake
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  • 2 weeks later...

LSF and chamomile tea

I have early LSF on one of my plants and as I can't get to the nearest town until the weekend to buy fungal sprays (also bit skint!) I did some research and read some marvellous things about treating plants with chamomile tea, specifically it's anti-fungal properties, among others.

I steeped a couple of pure chamomile tea bags in boiling water and left for about an hour to cool and gave my girl a good gentle spray all over before bedtime. Today she looks happier than she has for the last week or so and many of the tiny spots seem to have faded, also she now smells lovely and sweet! I'm going to carry on spraying every couple of days (or should I do it every day?) and see what happens.

Has anyone tried chamomile as a plant treatment?

Edit: meant to say the tea bags were Twinings Organic Chamomile.

Edited by RubyMurray
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to try Chamomile on my plants, got 2 organic tea bags in a litre of hot water cooling now. Heres some info on it from the web ..

Use Chamomile Tea When Starting Seeds,

It's a Mild Fungicide

One of the most common problems people face when starting seeds is a fungus called Damping-Off.

To avoid this problem there are several things you can do, (damping-off story), but a really easy to use, and great preventative, is Chamomile Tea.

Chamomile is a naturally high source of sulfur and a good fungicide for preventing damping-off when starting seeds.

You can either use whole flowers to make your tea, or chamomile tea bags, and the spray can be used on seed starting soil, seedlings, and in any humid planting area.

Using Whole Flowers:

* To make a chamomile fungicide spray, place a large handful or about 1/4 dry cup (not liquid cup) of chamomile blossoms in a heat-proof glass bowl and cover with 2 cups (470 ml) of boiling water

* Cover and let steep until cool

* Strain through cheesecloth and pour into a spray bottle

* Spray can be used as needed on newly planted seed starting soil and seedlings to prevent damping off

* Use any time a white fuzzy growth appears on the soil of seedlings

* Liquid can also be used as a seed soak prior to planting

* Leftovers will keep for about one week before spoiling

* If fresh chamomile flowers are not available, dried ones may be purchased from most health food stores

Using Tea Bags:

Pour boiling water over a chamomile tea bag, leave to steep for ten minutes, when cool use as a spray the same as mentioned above.

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