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@Shumroom, another question if I may sir ..


Outside temp has obviously gone up quite a bit in the last couple of weeks so I switched back from 24 to 18:6 in the tent for this auto (you might remember I had gone to 24 because tent temp was dropping below 20c in the dark period). 


Dark period is between 11:30 and 17:30. I am still however seeing max temp close to 30C before 11:30 and until maybe 19:00 when the light is back on (250W dual spectrum)


Is this too hot for this late stage ? Should I increase the dark period ?





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Yeah that's probably the best way to deal with the high temps :yep:



That WW girl in the greenhouse is looking gorgeous :thumsup:


How's she smelling? 







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Just now, Shumroom said:

Yeah that's probably the best way to deal with the high temps :yep:



That WW girl in the greenhouse is looking gorgeous :thumsup:


How's she smelling? 







Thanks mate. She’s actually started to smell quite strongly over the last week or so. I’m obviously no expert but she smells pretty damn good to me :)

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Just now, Shaunx said:

Thanks mate. She’s actually started to smell quite strongly over the last week or so. I’m obviously no expert but she smells pretty damn good to me :)


Next year grow some Lavender in your garden it's like an outside air freshener. It will also attract some Bees which is a good thing.

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Thanks @Lux_Interior, @Shumroom, I must admit, what started as a one off experiment has really grabbed me already and I've been thinking about next year. I really wasn't expecting anything from the greenhouse grow. As I mentioned earlier, I only bunged the WW auto (which was an unexpected free seed from LSC) down there because I soon realised it wouldn't have room in my little tent with the Fast Eddy (or Fast Ethel as we've come to call her). I had a 200L tank and autopots there already, previously dedicated to somewhat less psychoactive salad vegetables. So I've done literally no more than fill the tank and add nutrients once (though actually increased nutrient dose from .7 ml/l to 3ml/l on your advice when there was some deficiency). I also removed several glass panes from the back of the greenhouse and I leave the doors permanently open which seems to have kept the humidity down nicely. So I'm pretty blown away that she seems to have done so well (fingers crossed). I have a feeling I may be getting our salad veg from Morrisons going forward ;)


Regarding neighbours, we only have one anywhere close to the greenhouse (over the fence behind it). They are however very cool and we're pretty tight with them. The woman is a Geordie like me and we do tend to stick together here in the deep South. Got pretty drunk with them a few weeks ago and tested the water. Turns out she has a nephew who suffers from seizures and has fairly recently been prescribed medical cannabis, which has amazingly cut the attacks by 90% !!! Sounds like an expensive business though so I'm thinkiing I could end up growing a medical strain for them next year in free sunlight. Would be great to be able to do something helpful like that if they're up for it. We'll see. Her husband is an eco warrior, cuts his grass with a scythe (!) and already has a small apiary so we're covered on the bees front too.


I do like the Lavender/Lily advice, thank you, or rather my Mrs will as she controls the aesthetics around here..and pretty much everything else as far as I can tell

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I’ve just been reading some other diaries and I believe it’s specifically Asian lillies that are the most smelly ;) 

That would be a great idea to help out with your neighbours nephew :D 







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That WW is looking class sir :yep:      Top work !  


As @Shumroom  says ,  get as many Oriental Lillies as you can ,  they drown out our girls aroma :yep:


Stagger the bulb planting and you will have a fantastic smell defence from early June through til September if you stagger the bulbls over a 6 to 8wk plant. 


Get as many as you can ,  the do smell incredible and saved my arse numerous times mate.  


Szeuchuan Pepper plants another wicked smell defence :yep:     smells mental and if your lucky and get a decent season you will get some peppercorns too :george:


All the best with it mate

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@OldFord, thank you sir !


Sadly, my wife now informs me that most lilies are highly toxic to cats so not an option for us. I'm a big fan of Kung Pao chicken though so the Szeuchuan Pepper plants might be the way to go ;)


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Just now, Shaunx said:

@OldFord, thank you sir !


Sadly, my wife now informs me that most lilies are highly toxic to cats so not an option for us. I'm a big fan of Kung Pao chicken though so the Szeuchuan Pepper plants might be the way to go ;)



Mate dont worry about the lillies  & cats :yep:   


I got the mental Bass Cat & Mrs No Name , both feature quite a bit in my diaries  ,  both sleep & play amongst the lillies and NOT once have i had any issues , that includes them nibbling the leaves, rolling in the pots !!   

Its the pollen heads that are reputed to be toxic to fur babies and you can remove those with your fingers simply & swiftly :yep:

I have never removed anything and have had zero issues with 4 cats and over 15yrs of lily growing and i got literally over 100 heads at a time :george:

The wife will love them as cut flowers too & believe me ... get enough and the neighbours will enjoy the perfume too :wub:

Pics in my previous years runs of Bass Cat in the lillies and rolling in them ,  we had a white cat that used to come in with pollen streaks down her flanks  ... and no issues helath wise at all , in fact she went on until she was 18 and had liver issues get her.   

I honestly wouldnt try sway you onto lillies if i thought they would harm your fur babies mate,  HUGE animal lover here :wub:   More time for animals than people lol 

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Just now, OldFord said:

HUGE animal lover here :wub:   More time for animals than people lol 


I'm right with you there brother. We've also had 4 over the last 16-17 years. All Norwegian Forest Cats. Cat flaps everywhere and can't close a bedroom door as they'll just batter it until you let them in. Just one 12 year old girl left now. She loves coming down to the greenhouse with me. I see there's a Cats! thread, I'll post some pics when I get a mo.


I'll speak to the Mrs about the lilies. Cheers mate.

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