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Probably high nutrients. I didn’t think I’d put much in though, and sprinkles and mixed it well, so no clumps…

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So frustrating for you.  I’m sorry I cannot advise you as I’ve only done 3 or 4 indoor grows so a in driver terminology I guess I’m “newly qualified “

It’s got to be a deficiency or an overdose!  It’s not critters at least…

Edited by Alys
Missed a word!
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Wormcasitings in your hole dude. I did recommend.The microbes break down the nutrients into what the plants need. 

Teamed up with mychorrhizal funghi is a winner. 

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@Madmacca sorry bro didn’t see your post recommending those, I’ll get onto that tomorrow, cheers 

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No worries man, needs to be built into the hole before plant out. Least 4 weeks before . 

You could try a topdress and water tho 

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2nd @Madmaccawith worm casting and mychorizal funghi. 


As a save I find worm cast tea is a must at times... Can't hurt :hippy:

Hope you find something.. 

Big Love



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Shit mate they are not looking great.

Its stressful when this happens to your plants, depressing almost..

At a guess it deffo looks like to many additives/ferts and the soil was a little bit to hot for those girls.. lack of rain hasn't helped you either and the ferts have prob become a bit concentrated as there breaking down..what did you add to your holes mate? And how long did you wait before planting out?

They do look to be pulling through it if you look at some of the new growth but they certainly look like this was the issue.. did you spray them at all with anything, perhaps to combat pests? Maybe you could try and flush a load of water through them every few days for a week or so, as long as the soil drains well it might help dilute the ferts a lil quicker.. hang in there buddy these plants are tough as old boots and with a lil bit of love they should recover eventually..

Its easy to throw to much into the soil when its a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that and if its doesn't have a chance to break down a bit before the plants go in there's a risk this can happen, it doesn't always happen straight away either, as I say a lot of it is slow release so its still breaking down..

I wouldn't throw anything else at them for now apart from water :yep:

Sorry to hear about the autos rotting mate..  fuker that is and as you say its been pretty dry so its surprising but quite possible its been caused by morning dew that has become trapped in the bud..

Good luck bro hope you get on top of it

Edited by Revive
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Me too man, I’m gutted about bud rot this early, does not fill me with confidence for the later harvest. Oh well, even if no decent amount comes out of it, I hope I at least get a few different flavours. 

watering all these girls is an absolute mission. I had hoped to only have to do it a couple of times in the middle of summer!


hopefully south wales returns to type soon and they’ll be ok.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tied the taller plants to the edge of the fence to pull them away from each other and give them each more space. I’ll get the cutters out soon and trim the bracken and brambles around them, in the hope they get better airflow and less rot than the autos. 
the auto dos si dos I didn’t get much from, but there was a nice flavour to what little unripe buds I did get.

the auto Girl Scout cookies that I had indoor had a nice smell and taste too, and seems a good harvest too.

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Been wondering where you been :thumsup:

Fuck the stealth, it is what it is. Get it all cut back, they plants they will blend in. No one’s going to notice them. It will give them lots more light and air. I cut shit loads back yesterday, trees and ferns. You’ll get little  sprouts growing back in a few days and it will start to look natural then trample these down when they get bigger and they’ll start to grow close to ground. Go for it! 

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Life’s kicking me right in the nuts tbh. I can’t seem to muster much motivation for a lot these days. Including keeping up the diaries. Then losing almost everything from 6 autos in the middle of summer was pretty big blow to my growing plans. Took away all the hopes i had of what I could get from outdoors. None of it was ready, cutting off half bud here and there avoiding the rot, everything still throwing out pistils, nowhere near ready. Think I’ll just try and expand indoors to meet what I need….


I’ll get out cutting on Tuesday I think, my parents are here at the moment can’t really get away without my dad wanting to help lol. 

Edited by Dreamer420
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33 minutes ago, Hole in the clouds said:

Been wondering where you been :thumsup:

Fuck the stealth, it is what it is. Get it all cut back, they plants they will blend in. No one’s going to notice them. It will give them lots more light and air. I cut shit loads back yesterday, trees and ferns. You’ll get little  sprouts growing back in a few days and it will start to look natural then trample these down when they get bigger and they’ll start to grow close to ground. Go for it! 


Second this.


We have ferns at the tyre plot, and brambles galore. Cut the brambles all the way back cos they're prone to bot from what I recall so you don't want them in sniffing distance. Ferns you can trample to keep ground cover.


Gutted for ya mate, hope this all turns round in good time!

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Autos are autos, pain in the arse and not designed for British weather! The photos will pull back time and again. Honestly try to keep the faith. Think we all the same with autos this year it’s hard not to become despondent when throwing mouldy buds in the bushes but seems it’s all part of the game. The only one I had that had decent buds went completely to mold in the couple days it took me to go back for it. I then snapped 3 branches on photos this weekend ‘training’ them lol 

Don’t give up :yep:

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A tad too hot mucker from what im seeing.    Remove offending leaf structure and crack on .  just got to ride it out mate , 


Certainlu wouldnt be adding anything else at the mo !    give it a few weeks before adding anything else ,  see how they play out :yep:


If all settles in a few weeks , your getting into them showing, then slowly give them something to assist but go gentle ,  MUCH easiet to add than detract mate


All the best with it

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Cheers guys. I’m not giving up, they’re all still out they’re plugging away. I’ve just given up on hoping to get much from them. Plan for the worst hope for the best I always used to say.  It hopes running on empty these day. 
mid i get anything better than plucking the occasional unripe bud between the rot I’ll be happy with that. 
I’ve just had the stuffing knocked out of me in a few areas in life recently. I’ll be low a while

but I’ll get back up somehow… cheers for the input gents.

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