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Rough and ready extracts


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@Rustybiff  I start cold with the straightners set to lowest setting 110c, turn them on and let it heat up while pressing, once I hear any kinda crackling noises I turn the straightners off and keep pressing. How long I keep the pressure on I have no idea I've never timed it lol

Edited by Military Grade
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@BilgePump that is brilliant in every way lol proper bit of practical thinking there..


@Military Grade ahh that's very good to know thanks, I'll try it out tomorrow! Think I've been going too hot and rushing it a bit.. cheers for the level of detail :)

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Okay so I've had to adjust it a bit because I don't think the plates were flat enough when closed, kept leaving shiny bits (like in the photo below) on the pressed nug which I imagine is rosin that hasn't left the bud?




Or is this wrong? Anyway I cut the shiny bits off with scissors and repressed them all for a darker bit of rosin in the end.



Here's the process I used the other day and I'll tell you what @Military Grade, the colour has improved greatly, I must have been pressing way too hot. Do you know what determines consistency? Some was waxy, some was shattery, some was just oily and ungatherable.


Found pre-pressing really helped but knackered the press straight after taking this lol



As military grade said, I put the straighteners on the second to lowest setting, then started pressing, then turned off when the noises started. Left the vice closed probably for 45 seconds after that.



This was the most successful one. I used strips of a tin can to make small adjustments in height to one side of the press, and it seemed perfectly dialed in here!



This is the result of a fair few presses, probably over 3g but the product is way too dry really...



These were your ogzkdogs @badbillybob, I must confess the smaller of the two plants (the one that wasn't looking healthy pre-flip) dried out too much as the buds weren't as dense as the other plant so I'm using it to practice with.




Haven't had much luck with the quartz banger, I'm going for low temps but still find it dries my lungs out and gives me a bit of heartburn.. also I swear I'm not getting as high as I should be. The piece was really cold when I used it though so my theory is that the wax is condensing before it even reaches my lungs.. think a vape pen is the way to go.


Anyway that's my latest effort, so much room for improvement though!


Cheers guys, peace and love, peace and love

Edited by Rustybiff
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save all your shiny chips and press them again at a slightly higher temp..should get the good stuff out of once run chips .

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im dirty i smear it on a paper and then roll a normal bifta none of this glass banger or rig malarkey ..

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Mate I did that and it was the best biff I'd ever smoked! Flavour was unbelievable..i may just stick to being a dirty toker as well then, nice to know, don't really like the feeling of using a rig. I live with my family still so while they're fine with my growing it looks a bit hardcore if they walk in while you're bubbling some brown shit through a waterpipe lol


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I ground all my pucks up when I was dry in a metal grinder then a plastic one cos the teeth make it like a coarse powder and the metal one just loosens the pucks a bit.

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have you tried a joint of the ogkz yet?

its fookin lovely, but i might be biased, what is your opinion. 


i would have tried thesse plates years ago, but the older i get, the lazier i am....

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@B-real good to know that cheers, I feel like a dick for throwing them away now lol I'll get em kept in future!


@badbillybob too right I have and it is lovely indeed, my best mate reckons so too, vaped some in his Mighty and said it was awesome.. i'm gonna squish a nug of it later, cover a skin in it then put some flower in and get a full on picture of what it's like so i can write this smoke report up :) glad I've got a few beans left that's for sure. I'd bloody love to try your chelato/blaster cross.. you taking any of those further mate? Must feel amazing smoking something you've bred yourself.. 


P.s. i am a very lazy bastard, it's so little effort honestly, defo worth it

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  • 2 months later...

@MindSoup righto mate, I jumped in trying to make some iso oil yesterday with no fucking clue what I was doing. I mean 5 minutes skimming here and youtube lol.. Got a couple of questions in the post if you could shed some light


Was all a bit stressful in a way but there seems to be something coming out of it. Not sure about the milkiness but I've read that's normal, some kind of emulsion because of the oil? It does look odd though. How would one proceed from here to end up with a usable product?


Froze the bud and iso first, it was just a jar of stuff I'd over dried so crumbled it up with my fingers. Probs about 10g to begin with?


Then shook it in a jar for 2 minutes, strained into a coffee filter through a teaball. Then washed again and did the same thing, and here's where we're at now




Lovely colour!




This is after it's been washed, I can still see trich stalks on the plant matter... Is this normal?




So what actually is this stuff, looks like it's trichome heads.. once washed I take it all the good stuff has headed off through the filter? Now it's dry it feels like sandy dust, no stickiness, I reckon it's headed for the bin



Part way evaporated, looks like a bit of oil among it to be fair




Well there we go, plenty of budget extract fun to be had :D

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I had it go milkey like that once, think some water got into it somehow, it all seemed to dry up alright though. 


Also never seen that much sandy stuff left over, although I only ever use trim so maybe that's why. I imagine most of the good stuff wil be gone, but you could soak the what's left that sandy stuff in more iso for a few days, see what comes out.


What you've done is more of a quick wash (qwiso), so all being well with the milkyness you'll end up with some pretty potent oil/shatter thats probably best consumed as it is. For jelly hash I do a long wash, like maybe 24-48hrs or so with regular agitation, strain, evaporate off the iso and then I mix the scuff in, if it comes out too oily you just keep adding scuff as you get it. Long wash oil isn't as good for vaping or dabbing on its own as its less oure, but it ls more thorough of an extraction. 


But yeah see how it comes out, if it's a light colour and more crystaline/hard/or very runny then use it for dabs and such, if it's dark and sticky/tar like mix it with scuff and go for the jelly hash, it can get really messy, but keep working it and it will all start melding together and becoming more manageable 


A really handy tool you might want to invest in is a potato ricer, makes light work of squeezing every last drop from the material. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Man thanks for the write up that's really handy! It seems to be coming to an amber brown sort of colour, hopefully after gathering it up and further purging the cloudiness will disappear.. Probably a bit of water ended up in there along the way. It's sitting in the freezer now waiting for a scrape up but we have a guest sitting right infront of it lol


Just now, MindSoup said:

Also never seen that much sandy stuff left over, although I only ever use trim so maybe that's why. I imagine most of the good stuff wil be gone, but you could soak the what's left that sandy stuff in more iso for a few days, see what comes out.


Yeah man must just be extra trich heads then, this bud was very frosty and very dry so maybe the trichs didn't readily disolve in that time? Might do a long soak with some trim I have in that case because the jelly hash looks very appetising :D bob on, gonna try what you've said. Should never have composted the left over bud ._.



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The time it happened to me I think it came out like shatter but worthers original kind of colour. It absolutely ripped me to shreds on my mates dab rig. 


Maybe they're like empty shells, with all the juicy goodness leached out of them, but I reckon there might be stuff still in there.


Yeah man do it, the ratio of scuff to oil is surprisingly high, so unless you have a whole heap of dry sift work little bits of oil into the scuff/sift at a time until it's reached the right consistency. 


"Jelly Hash" 


This shit will get your face sweating :fart:. I like tucking a little ball in the middle off a fat bong or getting it cold and quickly making a sausage to spike a joint.  



And this is some stuff my mate made a similar way, but he has a different recipe, I think he adds a bit of the soaked bud back in there as well, not something I'd do but it's still pretty good. It not as strong but it's nice and smooth and mellow, bit less whitey inducing lol.



All kinds of fun to be had.

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Wow @MindSoup your first bit there looks mouthwatering.. Who wants less whitey inducing anyway? Going west on the sofa by yourself on a weekday evening.. That's where it's at lol


So I scraped it all up and put it in a mini jam jar, re-dissolved it in more Iso and now it's just sitting, not really evaporating. Was thinking of putting it in the oven to decarb it and get the rest of the iso off. Would that work do you reckon?

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