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As mindsoup said it looks like the leaves are low down shaded ones but they do look to be yellowing.

The ways you could deal with lack of nutrient availability in your living soil are top dressing with kelp meal for N, Alfalfa meal for NPK and trace minerals. You could even use fish mix or seaweed extract as a quick boost. I went for a full top dress amendment of life cycle, charge, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, malted barley powder all watered in with Biosys. Then I planted my cover crop and allowed it all to settle for a few weeks before planting.  

Just bear in mind that topdressing means that it will take at least a few weeks to start to become available to the plants.


Hope this helps.



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@MindSoup @lildaveham Thanks very much to both of you for chipping in.. Interesting point that they're not going fully yellow before dropping, not sure if that's more or less worrying if it's not purely hunger? I didn't realise the shaded out leaves did that to be fair so hopefully you're onto something!


I think I'll maybe give them some weak seaweed solution to keep them ticking over in that case, then go for a decent dry amendment after cropping. Interestingly I spoke to one of the guys at ecothrive and he said something along the lines of: 'if you use fish mix in living soil it basically over stimulates the microbes in the soil and they go to work really fast and then burn out'.. He recommended that if I were to use it then go with a dose of 1/4ml per liter which isn't a lot.


It's odd that we're both having similar problems at the same time Mind, hope you figure out what's causing it :o

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8 minutes ago, Rustybiff said:

It's odd that we're both having similar problems at the same time Mind, hope you figure out what's causing it :o

Im not having any issues now mate. The soil in my pot is about 4 years old and it was at around 2 years when I started having some issues. I still think it was my fault as I wasn’t amending much after harvest. 


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@lildaveham sorry man I meant Mindsoup with the issues! Your recent Cheese/Digi grow looked sublime :)


So do you ammend those things you listed after every cycle then? I know people say that less is more with this style of growing so can see that I've fallen into the same trap of doing too little

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It’s in no way scientific or a set measure of this or that. I think of it as putting back in what I have taken out. Yes I use most of the listed amendments after each harvest. I also make sure the soil life is thriving before I plant the next plants in the pot by getting the moisture levels consistent. All of the leaf trim goes back into the pot and the sugar trim goes in the hash pile. 

That cheese/digi is a lovely smoke! Very lime/lemon/menthol/cheese and a very smiley buzz but after a few too many vapes it’s goodnight Vienna!! 

Feed the soil not the plants :smokin:

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Brilliant stuff well I'd say I'll take notes but no need, thank you diaries! Cheers for the input I'll bear it all in mind going forward :)


Sounds really nice that does, glad you're enjoying it! It's painful looking at all these great subbies while not being able to afford them! Summer's rolling round soon enough and when the work comes in a lifer shall be mine :pitchfork:



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15 hours ago, Rustybiff said:

It's odd that we're both having similar problems at the same time Mind, hope you figure out what's causing it :o


Although they're similar in some ways I don't think we're having the same issue, if you start getting more leaves dropping or dropping from higher up and your bud development slows down then it might be time to worry, but I'd be surprised if your bed is already running out of food. 


I think like Dave that I may well have just not been adding enough and or at the right times. Perhaps the bed just needs a good boost after being used fairly intensively for a good few runs now. Although obviously it's not ideal I'd say it's better to realise you've not been feeding enough than to realise you've overdone things with a no till bed, it's a lot easier of a problem to rectify. 


E2A I'm pretty sure your on track for a good harvest.

Edited by MindSoup
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@MindSoup Yeah I agree man think it must be a bit of a different issue, although some of my dropping leaves have weird spots on them too... Just gonna have to play it out and see what happens. I think they could be running out of food a bit as it's happening to all of the plants, though maybe they're just running low on nitrogen? A lot of vegetative growth has gone on in there... I don't really know though, seems silly to guess as I don't have the knowledge to support anything hah


Too right, would be seriously crap to have a bed that's too hot... Think I may go the comfrey route with you instead of seaweed, got some old comfrey tea in the garden, just better not spill it on the bedroom carpet lol.


If all goes okay then I can see it being around 8oz, so fingers are firmly crossed! Gotta get those backup fans going ASAP cause I can't have anything go wrong now

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Air Circulation solution


Wazzahhhhhh... Just wanted to share my idea for getting circulation fans where you want them in a small grow tent. Should have sharpened the ends of the plastic so it didn't stab through the roots so aggressively when put into the soil, but I'm sure it wont have hurt them too much (hopefully)


Just two holes drilled in each bit of plastic and 3 cable ties to keep the tension... Simple. Could have used bamboo or anything but just had this to hand.


They're facing opposite directions in the tent to keep air moving under the canopy.


Cheers :)



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Day 37 - second day of week 6


How dooooo marras? I decided to crack out the DSLR today and try to up my photo game. Tricky getting the exposure right but fairly happy with the outcome and look forward to being able to document my grows to a higher standard. Not all the time, took hours with the editing + compressing but it was worth it, really enjoyed myself :)


@Seedstockers-Mark time to say thanks again, these plants are just gorgeous and I'm chuffed to have more seeds - not long til the panty punch can climb into my airways, looks like she'll be the first :skin_up:




Panty Punch


I can't seperate the smells right now but she's frosty, fruity and fookin lovely looking




Wish I'd focused on the middle of the 3 colas instead of the back one... Always next week eh?




Mack and Crack

Reckon she'll go a bit longer than the others, no brown hairs yet (also good because hopefully she hasn't been pollenated like the rest must have been) a ways to go in terms of packing on weight.


Again, she's the best looking plant of the lot in terms of health.




Apollo Black Cherry


Lovely hues, look forward to growing again and doing her more justice.





Smile F3 (Tall)


Still got a fair way to go in terms of chunking up, maybe will happen more last minute? Any idea whether the parents fatten up later on @ratdog mate? Definitely the stankiest plants, I can smell them on my fingers hours after touching a sugar leaf. Pistils are browning already, hoping they're not going to be badly seeded as there's definitely rogue pollen knocking about somewhere




Smile (short)


So annoying that this plant is totally hidden, there's an F load of bud sites on it and it will be a hell of a producer if it fattens up!




Thanks for joining me on this wild ride :smug:

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she does look a bit slow/low yielding, here's the post from day 41 in my diary of the mum, a bit ahead but definitely bigger


you are the first to show any of my current crosses in flower, doesn't fill me with confidence at this stage tbh, i guess i'll have to wait and see what mine do.

Edited by ratdog
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Cheers @ratdog I had a rough browse through for a pic the other day but couldn't find one, that's really handy :)

Interesting, does look lower yielding than yours but hard to tell what with you having a bigger light. The actual flowers seem to be the same shape, conical christmas tree sort of thing. Pistils seem to be at about the same stage of browning...


Not too worried about yield as all the plants together should still be a good amount, and actually just scrolled through to day 53 on your grow and seeing how they've puffed out is really reassuring... Just got a lifer so I've decided to give some of your zkittzo x smile a go, to be honest they all sound brill so possibly try another too! How does the zkittzo mother smoke? :)


Edit: Just read that the Zkittzo had a fairly rank stink to her, I'm after something summery for my next grow, fruity and refreshing in high and smell, would you recommend any of the other crosses instead? Premier sweet looks good!

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Just now, Rustybiff said:

How does the zkittzo mother smoke? :)



i can't remember myself exactly but i gave an oz to a mate for his missus, and she loved it, she also said the mum smile i let her have was better than any sleeping pill, she lost her son last year and was having trouble sleeping.


let's hope yours packs on some weight in the coming weeks :)

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@ratdog that is so sad to hear :( I imagine there's no greater pain for a parent to suffer, glad you could help her out buddy..


Well thanks for the info anyway it's been really helpful. Do you know if there's an area in the diary with descriptions of the mums in the crosses? Feel bad bombarding you with questions all the time!

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