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Rennie's 2021 RGSC Guerilla Adventure's


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On 10/07/2021 at 4:55 PM, B-real said:

Id say so mate thats what mine are looking like found a baby slug on a leaf and removed it .not seen any others they seem to be nocturnal lol.

There all on my fuking plot mush, you won't find anymore lollol


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1 hour ago, Revive said:

There all on my fuking plot mush, you won't find anymore lollol


Piss on them mate give them some ammonia lol

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10 minutes ago, B-real said:

Piss on them mate give them some ammonia lol

I would mate  but everytime I see my half eaten plants my cock and bollocks shovel and  disappear into my stomach cause of the shock lollol

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Afternoon all, popped out to the plot the other day as i thought they'd been in need of a drink given this hot and sunny period we've had. As it happened they didn't look particularly thirsty but gave them all about 4 or 5 litres each anyway. Wasn't planning on taking pics as it was only a week or so ago i took some previously but the growth seems to be coming on so fast now so thought you all deserved some RGSC strain porn! lol 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had kind of written off the pylon plot and forgotten about the plants there as they got munched by slugs when they were young but went for a look the other eve and they're looking pretty good. The slugs essentially 'topped' the DFG and it now has 4 main stems as opposed to one! Also found a half eaten slow worm next to one of them.





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  • 2 weeks later...

These two are getting close to being ready, no signs of rot on the random but a couple of small spots on the S6 which i've cut out.




^^ How much longer do you reckon till i should chop em? 

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I've noticed quite a few of my plants seem to have a bit of leaf curl and the leaves themselves look a bit veiny. The plants look a little droopy, i'm pretty certain it's nothing to do with lack of water. Can anyone shed any light on the situation and is it something that i can rectify? Here's some pics of the problem;



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Looking good mate , everything seems well into flower for you there , a lot more than most at this date I can’t work out how ? The s6 almost looks like it’s Auto’d at this date 18th August that really early :ohmygod:

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4 hours ago, panik said:

Looking good mate , everything seems well into flower for you there , a lot more than most at this date I can’t work out how ? The s6 almost looks like it’s Auto’d at this date 18th August that really early :ohmygod:


Cheers, yeah i was quite surprised by the S6. Still not found a single male out of all those regs you sent me either :yep:. Have you got any experience of the curled/drooping leaves above? I'm guessing it's a lack of something in the ground, anything you'd recommend to throw down during flower? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update, no pics this week im afraid. The random and the Serious 6 above are due to be cut tomorrow, the leaves on the random are all bright yellow and barely any bud rot, the serious 6 isnt far behind with a few more spots of rot that ive cut out. The enormous OPGxFreezeland had finally decided to start flowering, is going to be a beast i think. All but a handful are flowering now, most are around the 3/4 week period. I went round trimming the all the bottoms removing leaves and small branches, some of the larger plants have stems thicker than my wrists. Unfortunately it seems i spoke to soon regarding the regs... discovered 6 males this week which had to be removed, gutted as 5 of them were some of the biggest and nicest looking ones, 3 super 61's, 2 NL2xchemxOPGs and i forget the other one. I've banged in some extra support sticks for some of the larger plants, will probably have to do more as the buds get bigger and they get more top heavy.

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