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Cannabis tincture and cannabis oil


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is this cannabis oil the same stuff thats used in "run from the cure" to treat cancer? and is it better to rub it in or leave on the surface of the skin?

Rick's method is in this thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a way to filter out the green plant material/

You should filter out all the plant material before you evaporate the alcohol off

COFFEE FILTER WORKS FINE, throw away after use obviously ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently in the process of making tincture with vegetable glycerine.

Using 4oz of good trim and 3g of kief that I had laying around and 1.2L of glycerine.

This mixture is in a 3L curing jar and is being shaken everyday and will take about 60 days to be ready. Once the 60 days have passed it will need to be heated to approx 228f for 4 hours to activate then strained and bottled into 25ml amber dropper bottles. For storage it is best kept in the fridge. Tinctures are one of the easiest methods of medicating covertly and convieniently.

Making tincture with glycerine has several benefits, it tastes better than when it is made with alcohol, no burning under the tongue and is suitable for people who do not partake of alcohol due to religious practices or people who are tee total.

Edited by Poet
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  • 7 months later...

Recipe for Tincture of THC

A concentrated form of bhang known as Shiva’s Brew

Also known as medicinal tea, herbal cha, green vodka or GV

The golden cure, the elixir of life, drops of paradise, nectar of Marley

Homemade remedy easily formulated with a holy plant you grew

Also a small bottle of quality voddy like Smirnoff, red, blu or blak

Grind up a gram or two of hemp bud, insert into a baby jar and shek

Pour an inch to an inch and half of wodka over da ground up green

Put the lid on and swirl soaking the cheeba, store in darkened draw

After 24hrs the THC has dissolved into the alcohol and is ready!

Fill a small brown drop bottle, a pipette-full to be administered orally

Squirt under tongue (sub lingua) and keep it there for a min, swallow!

Soon you will have hemp respite to your delight from Kali’s dream Kaya

She will soothe and ease your pain and put out an agonising fire

A natural remedy, herbal tonic, bottle of verboten green medicine

We are thankful for our Rasta medicine, blessed relief from Jah’s leaf

Pain is speedily zapped; cannabinoid quickly ends pain filled grief

Her sweet caress relaxes an aching body; a divine dame is kind Mary

Her sweet cannabis juice gives therapeutic bliss and meks you cheery

So you can drift on a pain free tide to dance with the Buddha and Shiva

Tincture is a natural and safe effective medicine, a healthy healing soother

Can be taken several times daily, the side effects are singing and laughter

If tincture makes you drowsy do not operate machinery, or drive a yellow tractor.


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  • 2 months later...

Recipe for Tincture of THC

A concentrated form of bhang known as Shiva’s Brew

Also known as medicinal tea, herbal cha, green vodka or GV

The golden cure, the elixir of life, drops of paradise, nectar of Marley

Homemade remedy easily formulated with a holy plant you grew

Also a small bottle of quality voddy like Smirnoff, red, blu or blak

Grind up a gram or two of hemp bud, insert into a baby jar and shek

Pour an inch to an inch and half of wodka over da ground up green

Put the lid on and swirl soaking the cheeba, store in darkened draw

After 24hrs the THC has dissolved into the alcohol and is ready!

Fill a small brown drop bottle, a pipette-full to be administered orally

Squirt under tongue (sub lingua) and keep it there for a min, swallow!

Soon you will have hemp respite to your delight from Kali’s dream Kaya

She will soothe and ease your pain and put out an agonising fire

A natural remedy, herbal tonic, bottle of verboten green medicine

We are thankful for our Rasta medicine, blessed relief from Jah’s leaf

Pain is speedily zapped; cannabinoid quickly ends pain filled grief

Her sweet caress relaxes an aching body; a divine dame is kind Mary

Her sweet cannabis juice gives therapeutic bliss and meks you cheery

So you can drift on a pain free tide to dance with the Buddha and Shiva

Tincture is a natural and safe effective medicine, a healthy healing soother

Can be taken several times daily, the side effects are singing and laughter

If tincture makes you drowsy do not operate machinery, or drive a yellow tractor.


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Quick question- most of these tincture recipes seem remarkably simple in that it's a case of dunking and soaking bud in an alcohol of some kind. However, I wonder how this is orally active if the bud is not decarboxylated prior to soaking?

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Silly question alert! Sorry if its so simple its stupid, or if I've missed the answer in a post somewhere:

I want to experiment with making a tincture, what is the best alcohol to use? I am very confused, not being a science type - can I not buy 100% alcohol at Boots?

Or must I just go down the "Booze" route? I'd rather not, unless its the only way.

Don't cooks use 100% alcohol? Where do they go to get it? And can one trust Internet sites purporting to sell it? Or would HM Customs be all over me like a rash?

I'm currently road testing ingestion methods, to find the most favourable therapeutic mode of ingestion for therapeutic use cannabis. So far I have concluded that smoking beats the shit out of eating, for me at least. A very crude result, from very crude tests I know. But I'm a crude kind of user! So on Thursdays I ate 3+ grams at one go. Then yesterday I rolled up 3 grams, but despite my most noble efforts I have one gram left this morning! So in terms of consumption levels, smoking wins. Effect wise, I also find in favour of smoking; the intense and (comparatively speaking) sudden onset or "rush" is incredibly therapeutic. Think of the way you sometimes stretch and suddenly relax a stiff muscle or undo a cramp - that sudden relaxing comfort. Then amplify x a factor of around 100! That's how smoking neat weed effects me, followed by three hours or more of terrific mental stimulation which allows for a detachment from the symptoms. Lovely! I don't get that when eating. So far, only with smoking.

So, next up, after eating and smoking: tincture. I have an oz of high quality trim'n'buds. Or I could use pure Buds, I have not yet decided. I want to try and produce a tincture that will deliver three or so grams per hit, to be ingested sub lingually or as a drink additive (in coffee maybe?), but not in food.

Someone recommended i try using a body rub, either with tincture or using a cream/oil. Thing is, where would I rub it. Not trying to sound melodramatic, but I have symptoms that can appear at random and in sharp order from my toe tips to my neck and cranium. These may be sudden and dramatic symptoms, or they may be long lasting and truly "chronic". Kind of makes using creams and other epidermal applications a bit tricky. I might end up oiled and greased like a motorcycle chain. lol A cannabis Scott-Oiler system for crips is needed!! lol

So, 100% eating alcohol! Where can I get it? Sorry for the rambling waffle, morning coffee does this to me every time :woot:

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I would think you'd be looking for an Ethanol based extraction, This Thread has a method that he says is used for Oral Medication and i would imagine would suit you as trying to ingest 3gs is a fairly large amount material and this would condense the material into something managable. I have made jamaiacan white rum(63%) tinctures before and put over half oz of buds in it over a year and had to say it wasnt particularly potent, but that might be an option to make a spirit tincture you could add to your coffee. Would making a very potent cannabutter be of any good, as you can then avoid the alcohol route completely ? I find eating much more effective than smoking when i do choose to ingest, though not very often.

Ganjaman :smokin:

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If you are going to use it sublingually, you are limited in the strength ethanol you can use. In drink you want the highest percentage alcohol you can lay hands on.

If you are extracting from hash, instead of plant material, the water content will be less of an issue, because most of the water solubles have already been taken out of the equasion.

Three grams per hit of cannabis concentrate is about 30X the standard pain dose for the average low tolerance patient, so you might titrate toward that cautiously.

Topicals are typically applied where the pain is, and aren't noted for their ability to stop random sharp shooting pains. It stops all the sympathetic whining and sniveling muscular pains around my arthritic joints, but not the random sharp joint pains themselves.

As far as locating high concentration alcohol, I have no clue about your location, but if it isn't available at the liquor store, you might check for a 95.5% azeotropic EtOH (ethanol)at your local scientific supply store.

Edited by Graywolf
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I have tried eating cannabis endless times. Verdict: Its not as potent as smoking, not by a long chalk. Maybe its just me, maybe I have odd digestive system? Either way, I can swallow 3g of decarboxylated buds, and its nowhere near as strong or useful as a 1 gram spliff.

I want to try a tincture because I want to see if an extract using alcohol is better for me than a butter or an oil extract.

@ Greywolf - thanks for your wisdom mate. I have a strong head, having been a pot smoker for over 40 years now. I ate 3g last week, as said above, not particularly strong nor effective. Comparatively speaking.

Anyone in the UK got a source for good alcohol @ 100%?

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I have been doing some evperimental extraction with alcohol i got it from alcohol fire place site.there are a few on google.

I found it difficult to keep the oil in suspension when diluting it with other oil,

I mix it with set honey which gives me a paste that I keep in the fridge.honey dose not go off so it keeps well with no settlement of the canna oil.this makes the dose easier to judge,SET honey not runny honey.

the honey mixes well with the oil extract

the oil also mixes with sudocrem to make a skin application(only problem it gives green skin) am trialing this on my joints.

I have been taking pictures to do a thread,will be able to put it up soon

best of peeps

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I have been doing some evperimental extraction with alcohol i got it from alcohol fire place site.there are a few on google.

im not sure if it matters or not but a lot of the ethanols from fireplace stores is denatured (• make (alcohol) unfit for drinking by the addition of toxic or foul-tasting substances.)

i dont know though.. :stoned:

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