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Nugs's 6 for the 6th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition


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Wow things have progressed since I last checked in here. Everything is looking super, nice regular detailed updates and great pics as always. Nice one mate! :yep:

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Feb 17th Day 41 LST


Hi peeps,

Hope all's well with you and your grows :)

On day 41 all the tops had turned and were growing back upwards. I got on with moving the ties further out to the next internode so here's an update.



Temps: 21-25

Roots:   21-23

RH:       44-59


I'm happy with the environment as I don't often get much steadier than this in the attic room. I keep filling the water tray daily to help keep RH at an acceptable level. Extraction is still wired to lowest speed on the fan and pliugged into a variac set to 80%. I'm presuming that when a TD silent is wired to low speed it will be about 50%. So if I have that dialled to 80% of 50% my fan will be running at 40% of it's full potential. Hoping so anyway, as I don't like to run an extraction fan at less than 40% for safety reasons. The two 4" RVKs running from my rad box and veg cab into the tent are set so that I have neg pressure in the tent. 



No feed since day 39.



Apologies in advance for the amount of images all in one post.

For future posts I think I'll go back to dealing with a couple of plants at a time and posting more often, especially when we have some flowers to show :)


So here they are before and after tying down further.

















The Red Mandarine Fast Version is actually lighter in colour than the other plants, but I did this one earlier in the evening and the pics were taken with different settings so her colouring looks different. The camera settings were slightly different for the other strains when I trained and photographed them later on.





This one is going to be the fussy problem child I reckon. More burnt tips than I'd like, and apart from root stim they've only had 1/2ml/L bio silicon on one occasion. The compost is quite hot with instantly available feed.





They're filling the frames quite quickly so we're looking on track for a day 49 flip. the pots should be rooted out enough.

Thanks for looking, be lucky :v:

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Rolling nice nugs. Why can't I just do something nice and normal for once lol


To be fair I don't have the space to stake out like you've done, used to have 2 x 1.2s but am in 1.5 x 90 with a 1.7 head. 


The basic method your using is essentially what I'm doing on the rails,  but I will have one long branch forced out straight to open it up as you've done with 4. 


I saw your LED light win elsewhere the other day mate that was a nice prize to enjoy, genuine congrats my friend. 


Hope I rediscover some form again its frustrating, its like I'm growing in Chinese and nothing makes sense lol




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5 hours ago, jadenugs said:

I'm presuming that when a TD silent is wired to low speed it will be about 50%

hey dude, I remember reading somewhere that the slower speed on the TD Silent fans is 75-80% of the full speed, check it out, maybe help you dial in better...

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@2Fat2EatThat Thanks dude. Yeah I've only got 1.8m headroom myself and by the time you've taken up the reflector and hanger space it doesn't leave too much room.

I've always wanted to do a full scrog but I like to get the plants out for maintenance and photos so this method suits :)


You'll soon have your mojo back mate, good luck with this run. Looking forward to seeing your plants trained along the beams :yep:


@Amo Thanks for that dude, I'll look into it ;) Thinking about it, it does shift quite some air on low so that sounds about right. I was just guessing 50% lol So if that's right I'm running it about 60% now and can afford to slow it more if needed :) The only time I've had it on full for any length of time was my last grow because my hygrometer was reading quite high RH and I was worried about dense buds getting mold.  

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Hi Jadenugs! 

It's all getting very professional! 


I can't wait to see the harvest. :smoke:


And.... Remember that you can still participate in the following open competitions: 


》》》 Sweet Seeds® Merchandising Award【2020 Edition】 FINISHING DATE: March 10, 2020

SWEET SEEDS® PHOTO OF THE MONTH [February 2020] END DATE: February 29, 2020 


Good luck!

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Loving the frames jadenugs. Really good - I am stealing this idea sorry. Best be up front about it now before you see it appear in my cab. haha. Plants look very healthy as always. Best of luck for the rest of the comp. 

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@Sweet Seeds Apolo thanks mate, I might miss the deadline for the picture comp as I'm struggling to upload photos. My internet connection seems ok but this site is not working properly for me.


@ROCKSTEADY6 Fill yer boots mate. The beauty of tying down to these frames is I don't have to strip as much of the lowers like I would need to under a scrog net :yep: I still might have to put some netting in for support though if they get a bit stretchy.


@vince noir rock n roll star Cheers dude, the plants are sweet at the moment, quite pleased with them.

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Feb 25th Day 49, last day of veg.

Apologies for the late update. I came down with a bug at a bad time, just when I wanted to prune all the lowers before flipping to 12/12. I'm still not good so that hasn't happened yet but I'll try and get it done before they've had their first week of 12/12.

I had done a bit of defoliation and super cropping of stretchy side shoots on a few of the plants but never got around to doing them all. I'd normally take a few pics before and after but didn't feel up to it. The canopy aint too bad overall though, just not as neat as I was hoping to achieve. The tent is rammed now so I'm not going to have room to do much with them and will have to let them go for it and hope they don't stretch too differently. We'll see how they grow, I might have to do some super cropping but I'm hoping to get away with just pinching the stems to slow them a bit :)

The environment has been nice and steady.
Temps: 21-24C
Roots: 21-22C
RH:    43-59%

Day 42: They were fed 2L each, containing 2ml/L Foundation root stim.
Day 45: Same feed but the volume was raised to 2.5L
Day 48: Same again.

Here's the canopy from above and the front on day 44.




One I took of the Psicodelicia on day 44 that I was going to enter in the best picture thread. I changed my mind but might as well post it here after all the messing about framing it etc.


On day 45 I took a few photos to get a decent one for the best pic thread. I only managed 3 of them and was going to photograph the others the following night but didn't have the energy.






On day 49 I swung the other CMH fixture into place and fired it up. I have a 942 daylight bulb in the one at the back and a 930 agro bulb in the one at the front. After the stretch I'm going to change the 942 for another 930. The timers were set to come on at 6pm and go off at 6am. The timer for the circulation fan is set to the same. The carbon filter is a new one, only been in there a couple of months but it's a Rhino Pro so I'll be keeping a check on it after all I've read about Rhino lately. My last one lasted between 2 to 3 years at a rough guess and I bought this one before I read about the negatives. 


The canopy from above on day 49 when the timers were changed. Clockwise from back left to front left are KKFV-IBK-DSD-SFLK-RMFV-PSI.


Canopy from the front.
The lamps were hung at 22" above the highest top on the Psicodelicia front left. I'll allow this gap to get as low as 18" before I start raising the lamps.


Plant heights before stretch.
The highest tops of each plant from the floor at the onset of flower were:
Killer Kush Fast Version = 20"
Indigo berry kush = 16"
Do-Sweet-Dos = 19"
Psicodelicia = 21"
Red Mandarine Fast Version = 18"
San Fernando Lemon Kush = 19"

That's all for now. I'll get the plants out individually over the next few days to prune anything that's not going to produce and maybe remove a few more fan leaves. I'll also be releasing/adjusting the ties on the main tops to allow them to grow level with the middle branches as they stretch.

Happy growing and be lucky :v:



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@jadenugsi know the hard work behind keeping a canopy level and in shape.

plenty of work in this one mate.beautifully done.

hope you get easy access to clear underneath man:)

spot on keep it up


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