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Nugs's 6 for the 6th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition


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Feb 2nd Day 26 LST.

The girls had soon perked up after their re potting and on day 26 all except the Psicodelicia had some roots showing at the drainage holes. So I got rid of the scabby bottom leaves and 1st node branches, then started the LST. Prior to that I'd just been tucking the upper fans down under the lower branches to allow them more light.


Temps: 21-26C
Roots: 21-26C
RH:    36-50%

Day 23: I gave them 300ml each, containing 2ml/L seaweed solution.
Day 26: 500ml each of plain water.


All taken with the lamp on for this update.
Here's what I took off the plants.


Here they are before and after starting the LST.
You'll notice on the 2nd pic of the KKFV that both the top branches are facing away from the camera and the bottom ones towards it. After the pic I realised and and moved the top right branch towards the front and the bottom right towards the back. I thought it would be better to have some symmetry instead of having all the tops at one end and the bottoms at the other. I'll more than likely be making frames at pot level again to tie everything down to like an upside down scrog, especially on the KKFV as she's gonna grow wider than the others. We'll see how they grow.





























I tied the upper fan leaves down a bit on the SFLK as I couldn't get the lower branches pointed in the direction I wanted without them being shaded. I could have waited while they got a bit longer but I want them growing horizontal as soon as possible to promote secondary shoots.





Group shot to finish off.



Happy growing and be lucky.

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Feb 6th Day 30

Alright dudes?
My girls have come along nicely in the 4 days since I tied them down. Only problem is I lost one of the branches on the Do-Sweet-Dos and one is just about surviving on the San Fernando Lemon Kush. No big deal though, I'm sure there'll be plenty of secondary branches appearing soon, as I plan to train them outwards and flat. They were fine when I first tied them down. It was the next night when I pulled them down further, it was too much too soon and when I went back to check on them after an hour or two they had ruptured at the junction to the main stem. There was no saving the one on the DSD so I took it off completely. They've had a bit of Bio silicon anyway to strengthen the stems a bit. They could all do with the ties moving further out now but I'm hoping they'll have rooted the pots out enough to pot on in two days time. So I'm leaving it until they've been potted on and settled in before I give them any more stress. Besides, these pots aren't very wide and I'd have to extend the edges with canes to give me something to tie down to. Not bothering doing that for just a couple of days, waste of time.

The lamp is 26" above the canopy and is on 18/6.


Average lows to highs over the four days.

Temps: 21-25
Roots: 21-24
RH:    40-46

They went 3 days without a drink, then I fed them 500ml each on day 29 containing 0.5ml/L Bio silicon.

The group shot is with the lamp on.


With the Killer Kush Fast Version I tried to pull the tops back in towards the pot and stop her getting too wide too soon before the others. I don't think this one liked the move from the intense led in the veg cab to the CMH hanging at 3'. Made her stretch a lot but her new modes are tighter now I've lowered the lamp and started with the training.


Plenty of nodes appearing on the Indigo Berry Kush.


Only 5 tops here lol Good to see some green coming back into the dodgy bottom leaf though.


Loving the Psicodelicia, nice sturdy structure.


Pleased with the Red Mandarine too.


The SFLK seems to be the fussiest out of the bunch so far. A bit of leaf claw and she's only had half a mil of silicon since pot up.


A closer one of the branch that's hanging on for life.  It'll probably get more damaged when I pot on but I'll leave it there for now just to see if it survives without taping it up. Not that bothered really. You can see how much fatter the opposite one is after just 3 days.


That's all for now. Next update will be when I pot up.
Happy gardening and be lucky :v:

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@jadenugs rolling along nice as always (was around in a past life and followed a few of your grows) 


Wish I looked at the catalogue before choosing my comp beans, would have gone dsd's and the lem kush as you have but just went for ones I knew, not a bad thing I guess.


I sometimes hang small weights on my branches for a while before I LST to strengthen the node up. Make a little wire hook and hang washers to adjust for the weight you need. As they blow in the breeze they build node strength before you to tie them down properly.


Best of luck and good growing my friend.

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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@Punta Roja Cheers mucker :bong:

@2Fat2EatThat Thanks a lot mate, I recognise you from your photo style. Still being creative I see, nice one :yep: 

I sometimes use large nuts to weigh them down when training wide of the pots, but that's a great idea with the lighter weights to strengthen them steadily. Thanks dude I'll remember that one ;)

I don't think it helped the SFLK by turning the stems in the direction I wanted at the same time as bending them. I should have thought ahead when I potted them up. One for next time :)

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@jadenugs I have a style?! I think it's more of a condition lol 


Your couple of branches are small fry compared to my dina grow, I dont even know why I changed my mind and it cost me 3 1/2 plants.


I'm getting back to doing better though, it's been a real long road and it's sure nice to be back in the boards properly again.


Best of luck and good growing man.





Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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3 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

it cost me 3 1/2 plants.


Ouch not good :no:

Nice to see you back on the boards mate, all the best with your new ventures. Looking forward to seeing how you train them along those beams :yep:

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Great presentation, really healthy looking plants, going to have some real crackers.


Best of luck for the rest of your grow.


Oh and Mrs Clumsy likes your pink (I think they're orange) ties :yep:

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Stunning pictures and plants, you are doing a great diary, I'm sure it will continue at the same level... or higher!

Good luck and thanks for the great quality of your work!


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Feb 11th Day 35 pot up to finals.

Alright growers?
Time for an update. I pulled the the Red Mandarine from her pot on day 32 to check the roots and they weren't quite ready for a pot up so I left them for another three days. I checked the same plant again and she still didn't look ready but I had to get on with it due to the time limit for the grow.

The RCD for my oil rad had tripped on day 33 and I never saw it until the lights came on at 6pm so the room temps had dropped to 17 and roots to 18. RH went up to 79%. Root temps of 18 is borderline but there was no ill effect on the plants apart from they took a bit of a stretch. Not sure why it tripped but it's been ok since. Maybe I knocked the test button on it while I was up there. There wasn't a power cut, I know that much.
Here's the average 24 hour lows to highs since the last update.

Temps: 19-25C
Roots: 20-24C
RH:    42-62%

The plants had started drooping a bit daily just before lights out so I raised the lamp from 22" to 25" to compensate in case of too much light intensity.
And to compensate this I turned my Inkbird thermostat up to 23C to keep those roots warm if the room temps dropped, as the weather had turned cooler outdoors too.

Day 31: I gave the KKFV an in between feed of 250ml plain water to stop her drying out quicker than the others.
Day 32: They all had 500ml containing 1.5ml/L Foundation Root stim.
Day 34: 500ml for all, with 2ml/L Root stim.

Potting up images.
First a group pic just before potting up. As you can see I never bothered moving the ties outwards while I was waiting for them to root out.


11.4L pot of H&G Bat Special with some MyccorMax sprinkled in. I remembered this time with the 3.4L pot to push it down into the base compost to make sure there was no gap between the castellated corners and the main base of the rootball when I dropped it in. Last year I left the base compost level, dropped the root ball in and filled in around it. So the castellations on the rootball had to be compressed down to close the gap in the middle :doh: Better to use an empty pot and make an indentation first lol


Each plant, showing the rootball first and then in their final home.


A close up of the KKFV's roots.
















Trust me to choose the plant with the least developed roots (RMFV) to check on the situation. If I'd known all the others were more developed than this I'd have potted up on day 32 as planned. Or maybe it was my fault these are less developed because I caused stress by pulling it out of the pot. The top half is nice though and never showed signs of stress :)








After potting them up I set the lamp to 24" above the highest top and raised my circulation fan so not to blow ditrectly on the plants. As usual I never watered them in straight after potting up. I was hoping to get them in these pots and allow them to root out for three weeks before flowering but They're only gonna get two weeks now. I'm sure they'll be fine with the air pruning going on.

Here they are in their finals, I'll let them settle before resuming training.


Happy growing and be lucky :yep:


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