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Dinafem X Intense Nutrients SCROG under CMH > Blueberry & Ocean Grown Cookies by Amnesia.


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@Intense Nutrients Matt Cheers, this grow has been an absolute pleasure and the Intense nutrients have made it a breeze. I only used the Organix Bloom for my last grow and was very happy with the results and long ago decided this was my new nutrient range before this Grow off diary even started. This grow though i've used Intense Organix Grow, Bloom, Foundation and Runzyme courtesy from your kind good self for this grow off diary, the plants have thrived, being healthy and green all the way and had no deficiencies throughout veg or flowering so i'll be sticking with these, thankyou :yep:


@Dinafem-Mark Yes i'll be running the bud trim through the bubble-bags for sure, i foresee a sticky lump of hash as a big bonus. I can see the scissors clogging up pretty regular too come crop time....note to self = do not smoke scissor/finger hash until finished cropping!

Again, thankyou for introducing me to the Dinafem range. My very first grow here from the collection and i must say both these cookies have blew me away and just ooze quality looking at them now, mainly the stench its so strong and nice, fruity in a word. Dense and heavy, bud structures on both is very good and the bud to leaf ratio is excellent, they really look and smell a very promising smoke and i'm so much looking forward to devour them. Not long now, all the best. :smokin:


Just to confirm these beauties will be harvested in 2 days time at Day 69. ( 9 weeks and 6 days into 12/12 )

I'm seeing a few trichomes turning darker now, calaxys cannot get any more :thisbig:

Only plain water has been given this week but still looking green and healthy.

A full update will be done then along with before and after harvest pics.

See you then.


PS...What will i do with myself if have to self-isolate with all this bud? :doctor::wassnnme:

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@AmnesiaThanks for that great review bro will make sure that hq will hear about it :yep:


Glad to see another uk420 member becoming a regular user of the intense range welcome to the famalam lol

Thanks for a great diary brother hope you enjoy the fruits of your hard work 

All the best 

Matt :skin_up:

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@Intense Nutrients Matt Its been a pleasure, good food has definitely made them reach their full potential as they been happy throughout so Intense Organix gets a big thumbs up from me. All the best.


Saturday 21st March, Day 69 of Flowering. HARVEST DAY!! :yahoo::band: 


No matter what is going on in the world, today is a great day here. Both girls are well done now so this evening they are both being harvested. I've had a good look at the trichomes today and I'm definitely seeing a few dark reddish colour ones dotted around, all are milky/opaque. Funny thing is I see a few odd purple colour trichs which I've never seen before in any grow? This must be the light reflecting off the purplish coloured fan and bud leaves. So much purpling going on as you will see in the pics, in fact I have never had a more purple looking grow in my ten years of growing. Even the buds have a purple hint to them, especially the Ocean Grown Cookie!

As previously mentioned the plants have never been cold as the room is never below 20c root level, must be a cookie trait, I like it. :yep: 

The last week the ladies have only had plain water but still healthy and green today.

So to recap the girls have had 69 days of 12/12. (9 weeks, 6 days)


The following pictures are the last you will see of them in their pots, tomorrows update will be of them harvested and hanging on pegs.

Did I mention the smell was absolutely delicious? Skunky and sweet fruitiness. :wub: 


First up then the canopy, then individual budshots of Blueberry then Ocean Grown Cookie. Both plants are real stunners, proper sugar coated nuggets they are.


Canopy, see the purpling? >


Blueberry and Ocean Grown Cookies Day69 flower.pic1


Blueberry and Ocean Grown Cookies Day69 flower.pic2


Lots of individual bud pics coming up after :smokin: 

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Day 69 of Flowering, Continued...


Now Blueberry Cookie buds. >


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic1


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic2


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic3


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic4


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic5


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic6


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic7


Mainly Blueberry Cookie buds. >


Blueberry cookie day69 flower pic8


Ocean Grown Cookie buds coming up after :skin_up: 

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Day 69 of Flowering, Continued....


Finally purely Ocean Grown Cookie buds, does not look such a big yielder compared to BC but as the saying goes good things come in small packages, tight hard nuggets they are! >


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic1


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic2


Never seen so much purple in a grow! :eek: 


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic3


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic4


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic5


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic6


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic7


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic8


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic9


Just Ocean Grown Cookie buds :wub: 


Ocean Grown cookies day69 flower pic10


And that is the last time you will see them in the pots alive. Tomorrow's update will be after chop and trimmed, hung on pegs.

Thankyou to everyone who took the time out to pop into the growroom and leaving positive vibes and comments.

@Intense Nutrients Matt and @Dinafem-Mark:notworthy: 


Back tomorrow, keep safe everyone and Happy growing. :spliff: 

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whoop whoop, harvest time mate. and a great looking harvest too. :yep: just in time for this corona lockdown too, ive not long chopped my last dutch passion meringue, so have jars of some funky wedding cake x and gelato/ cookie buds to blaze the corona away. 

both your cookies look very nice, proper cookie looking, even the b berry cookies. these cookie buds sure are dense tho aint they. going from looks id say the ocean grown cookies look the best, hope they both smoke great, did you take clones from them all amo dude ? only asking as they look funky, im revegging my meringue and mokums tulip gelato genotype, wish i took cuts tho. 

cant wait on your smoke report,as these 2 strains are on my to grow list.  all the best with the chop/ dry:smokin:

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@smokie1 b c f c Hi mate, yes very much looking forward to these as they look and smell so good, not even had a taste of them yet. Not took any clones off them but still got plenty beans. All the best. :yep: 


Sunday 22nd March, Day 1 of Drying.


So both girls were harvested in the early hours of this morning and are hanging on pegs in the growroom in the dark, temps are around 18c and RH averaging 65%. It took over 6 hours to remove the fan leaves and bud trim :sweaty: The bud trim is in a box and once dried will do a bubblehash run. The Blueberry cookie looks the bigger yielder here but the Ocean Grown cookie buds are solid although smaller, was definitely frostier too.

They filled 3 peg hangers each and its looking like a decent overall yield. I expect this lot to take up to two weeks to be dry enough to brown bag. There is a couple of popcorn buds from each which I've put into little cardboard boxes, they should be dry within the week and that will be my very first smoke of them. Will report back here as soon as it touches me lips.


Harvest pictures then, first up Blueberry Cookie. >


Blueberry Cookies harvested pic1


Blueberry Cookies harvested pic2



And the Ocean Grown Cookie harvested buds. >


Ocean Grown cookies harvested pic1


Ocean Grown cookies harvested pic2



Finally all the hangers together, 3 Blueberry hangers above the net and 3 Ocean Grown hangers below the net. >


Blueberry and Ocean Grown harvest.



Back as soon as I have the first smoke.

Happy Growing. :smokin: 

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On 19/03/2020 at 9:01 PM, Amnesia said:

Again, thankyou for introducing me to the Dinafem range. My very first grow here from the collection and i must say both these cookies have blew me away


It was my pleasure mate :yep:


I hope now you've had the "introduction" you'll be trying more of our line-up? 


On 21/03/2020 at 2:52 PM, Amnesia said:

Saturday 21st March, Day 69 of Flowering. HARVEST DAY!! :yahoo::band: 


A massive congratulations on the harvest mate :yep:


I've really enjoyed this diary and even more so now you've got some fire looking end product  :headbang:


Time to get those lovely flowers dry and cure  :cheers:


All the best  :bong:



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@GreenVision Thanks, it was a most pleasurable grow with no issues except the springtails which i've had before and they caused no problem to the plants anyhow. Looking and smelling so tasty i'm sure i'd not be so disciplined if my jars were not so full. :yep:


@grooving Easy plants to grow they are, full of vigour all the way. So glad i got more of these beans, may well be my next grow too if they smoke as good as they smell/look. :smokin:


@highway_017 Yes those few more days really ripened them up, especially the amount of trichomes! I could of chopped these nearly a week ago really if you look back but wanted a strong smoke so waited for a few reddish trichs to come through, trouble is since heard the smokes are strong enough even with all milky coloured :stoned:


@Dinafem-Mark Its been great, not so much effort on my part though as the girls really put the show on. Now, i do like a good cheesy strain. I heard good things about the Dinafem cheeses but which one will i go for? Will definitely be looking into those methinks.

All the best. :yep:

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@seb88 What a time to be on lockdown with all these tasty looking buds almost ready to devour! Congrats on your harvest too, happy days ahead for us both. :stoned: 


@Leafneck Hi mate, yes its been great watching these grow the last few weeks, definitely one of my frostiest grows I reckon.

All the best. :yep: 


Sunday 29th March, Day 8 of Drying.


The harvest is almost dry!! :yahoo: 


I was expecting these to maybe take a couple of weeks to dry before I brown bag them but its been fairly warm in the house and temps have been between 18 and 19c in the growroom at all times and right now the RH in the growroom is only at 47% :eek: 

The buds are well dry and slightly crispy on the outside, stems almost snapping so this crop will be destalked within the next couple of days and put into brown bags for a further couple days just to even out any last bit of moisture.

Not had a smoke of either of them yet as I'm waiting for them to be ready for jarring.


Remember the bud trim I kept from these lovely cookies for a bubblehash run?

Well that's bone dry today so i got the bubblebags out. There was 39g of dry bud trim and i used the 220, 190, 120, 73 and 45 micron bags.

I run the trim through the bags twice. First run for about 15mins mixing with a wooden spoon, the contents of the 220mc work-bag put into another bucket along with the 190c bag ready for the second run, then keeping the 120, 73 and 45mc contents separate and then pressed dry on the drying screen, after this i mixed and rolled up all 3 together. Second run of the trim was the same method. I don't bother using the 25mc bag as it takes an age to empty, like 20mins or so.

I prefer to use two buckets, i mix in one then pour the contents through the second bucket containing the bubblebags.


Some pictures then of this Bubblehash run using purely Dinafem Blueberry Cookies trim and Ocean Grown Cookies just from this grow, 39g in total of dry bud trim. >


Pictured here is the 39g of dry bud trimmings, and the 1 gallon original  220, 190, 120, 73 and 45mc Bubblebags >


Bubblehash making.pic1


The 39 grams of dry Dinafem Blueberry and Ocean Grown Cookies bud leaf trimmings>


Bubblehash making.pic2


Now the 39g of bud trim in my second bucket without the bags, mixed with lots of Ice cold water and plenty ice cubes. 1st run mixed with wooden spoon for about 15mins, 2nd run a bit longer and more vigorously. >


Bubblehash making.pic3


So i then pressed dry through the drying screen the 120, 73 and 45mc bags the first and second runs. Keeping both yields separately.

The following pics took just before i put them through the pressing screen. 120mc hash on the left, 73mc middle and 45 on the right.

1st run >


bubblehash.1strun.120, 73 and 45mc


2nd run through the Bubblebags. >


bubblehash.2ndrun.120 73 45.


And after pressing both runs dry through the pressing screen i then mixed up and rolled the 120, 73 and 45mc bags together, keeping both runs separately.


1st run weighs 2.5g and the 2nd piece weighs 1.5g.

4 grams of lovely BC and OGC bubblehash, this will lose a slight bit of weight once proper dried but i expect the final result to easily be 3.5g. It will remain to dry out further for a good few days on cardboard and as you will see in that time it will turn a nice brown hashy colour. The yield would of been better if i would of used the 25mc bag bag as i mentioned it takes far too long to empty.

Hash on the left is just from the 1st run, 2.5g and the lump on the right is the second run, 1.5g. >


Dinafem cookies hash 1st and 2nd run. 2.5g and 1.5g


I'll put up another pic of the hash in a few days time to show you the colour change.


Onto the actual grow then, here a quick pic of the harvest took today at Day 8 into drying, as you can see they have not even shrunk that much since day 1.

Within the next couple of days they will be destalked and put into brown bags. More pictures then. :yep: 


Blueberry and Ocean Grown Cookie harvest Day8 drying.

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