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The Noodle Revolution - A fight against "King" Vinces empire of voodoo.

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Dear Nerds of Noodles,

Since my last update I've been enjoying the battle in our parliament. Ive thoroughly enjoyed some of the debates on the BBC Parliament channel (usually bores the crap out of me) and even my wife has been watching and she is not into these things at all but it's more of a pantomime at the moment with no movement on the deadlock.

I believe we should have an election but as we've all seen the opposition would rather make things harder for the country than easier by having an election to select who will be the new Prime Minister or indeed if Boris wins.

I have very good news though!

That much needed election will be happening and its going to start happening right here right now!

My plant Mrs OG Kazey has made a proposal to the house. It turns out she has purposely grown four branches to support and bring forth that proposal. She can help the lowly British people decide without any doubt who should lead us to a brighter more prosperous and with less dickhead infested fuck knuckle MP's in the future.





Kazey wants to help the British government to get its dummy back in the pram and finally become a toddler using its fighting spirit in the soft garlic cheese ball play pit that is European politics.

She decided the simplest way to explain how to action her plan is to use a common media platform accessable by all British citizens, or just you guys, in the form of an extended root watch video.

Without further ado here is without doubt the most important video of our generation - 





As you've now seen KZ has selected a branch to represent each of the main players central to the political drama unfolding tortuously before our ever weary eyes.

The four challengers -

Firstly, there is the master blusterer himself, the don of blond, it's his way or no way its Bo-jo -




Secondly, a man born with a face like a polar bears nutsack, you cant trust him forever it's our old friend Jezza -





Thirdly, a man with one big idea yet with no plan after his big idea won, its Nigel (no jokes Nigel is enough) -




Fourth, we have a woman for whom a sense of direction is a disease, she reverses to go forwards, she'll get us a deal but will come back and say no to it, its Jo (no votes) Swinson -





The plan is simple whichever flower grows with the most gumption, a fighting british spirit, no dither or delay and hopefully with as little deficiency humbug as possible wins the battle.

Grow details -

The environment she's lived in has been steady, the stats are these -

Flowering day 4.

Lights on 26c lights of 22c

Humidity 47%

Kazeys small but regular meals per litre of H2O consists of -

1.5ml Grow

1ml Bloom

2ml Seaweed extract

Shes been having approximately 100ml everyday but she tops that of with however much she wants from her reservoir through her wicks. She has a dash of seaweed extract in that at around 1ml per litre that is lovingly bubbled.

Shes now had her teapot refitted and its on for 20mins every 2hrs during lights of as a gesture to my original plan and to deliver some extra air if nothing else. It's not going through water though as I decided short blasts of fresh air input would be more advantageous. She seems very happy with it so far but am keeping an eye out.

As she progresses shes going to be hungry,thirsty and bloody bad tempered in that tiny pot if she doesnt get what she wants when she damn well demands it! So I'll have to be on my game to keep it under control.

She is really quite stinky for her age and I hope it continues to build as it's such a thick heady haze of aromas. Infact if I win any seeds I will be picking some OGKZ and I've not even tasted her yet but sometimes you just know it's going to be alright.

Diary end.

To finish this update is a track that reminds me of past winter Sunday afternoons out mountain biking all day with my good friends. Going back to my pals awesome but dusty Victorian house to chop some logs for the log fires and get settled. It had old floorboards, a thousand year old (looked that old!) yet most comfortable massive green leather Chesterfield in the world and old school grannies teapot,you know how much I like a teapot.

We'd sit around just living in the moment with plenty of good hash, tea by the gallon and more home made fruit cake than anyone could eat. Its Air - Le Femme D'argent.






Everything above is done solely with humour in mind and is 110% meant with absolutely no offence to any persons,animals or plants whatever beliefs you hold politically.


@HSO-Mark is this all good mate? Just needing confirmation from our Prime Minister that there is nothing inflammatory in this update.

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Political crap aside, that video is absolute jokes mate lollol - Should be an interesting flower being so big and trained/main-lined-ish extensively! Nice one.

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On 26/09/2019 at 1:13 AM, 2Fat2EatThat said:

I want to physically attack two annoying Scottish Mp's that's for sure lol


I love the Scottish mate might want to start with the English planks first lol


We are really being led by a bunch of mentally challenged individuals that's for sure :yep:


Kind regards 



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On 28/09/2019 at 10:03 AM, 2Fat2EatThat said:

is this all good mate? Just needing confirmation from our Prime Minister that there is nothing inflammatory in this update.


Perfect buddy and loving the attention to detail  ;)


Not looking to bad at all :yep:


Keep those highly detailed update coming mate :cheers:


Kind regards 



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49 minutes ago, HSO-Mark said:


I love the Scottish mate might want to start with the English planks first lol


We are really being led by a bunch of mentally challenged individuals that's for sure :yep:


Kind regards 



Its not all scottish people ive got seriously messed up with many a scot.


I just spend way to long watching the Parliament channel,anyone else put the hours in? and every time the SNP chap gets up you know exactly what hes going to say which is fine but his voice goes straight through me as does Sturgeons.




I am not talking about any other Scottish people and really hope they stay in with us because no matter what the supposed current leaders of Scotland think we are 100% far better of together and I dont think we have ever truly been comfortable as Europeans.


EDIT- sorry theres also Alex Salmond lol


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7 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

I just spend way to long watching the Parliament channel,anyone else put the hours in?


My lady likes the soaps but watching parliament of late has been super entertaining that's for sure  :)


Never really been into politics but this is like watching a Trainwreck, you know you should look away but you can't lol


Going to be an interesting October, you think Brexit will go through on Halloween? 


Kind regards 




E2a- Only a joke about the Scottish mate  ;)

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*for a change I typed this out on my laptop and have accidentally introduced some formatting I do not know how to remove,stupid laptop.


Brave knights of the noodle revolution I salute you,

Todays a good day, its sunny, Ive been treated to a bacon roll and endless cups of tea by my wife and I did have the all blacks on tv trying not to make Canada look poor but it cant be helped if they are struggling. (I typed this earlier and Canada got  fairly stuffed)

Things are calm in the noodle election. There have been serious debates between Jezza,Bo-Jo,Jo-No and Nigel although Nigel is pissed as nobody listens to him unless he gets a bit shouty in the EU parliament.


All pictures were done first thing so shes a little cold and sleepy in them, top down -





Diary data -

Grow day - 53

Flower day - 13

Temps Lights on - 26.9c Lights off 21.1c

Humidity - 42%





Weekly support routine -

To recap that weekly routine.

They recieve a dusting of Fish/Blood/Bone with Mycorrhizhal powder,Diatomaceous Earth and Phosphate all mixed into one that I puff on to the compost surface with a dropper. I apply enough dust to cover the whole surface lightly, making sure there are no clumps that would create hot spots.


The idea is to be continually adding slow release sources of feed alongside the liquid feeds. It ensures good sources of important minerals and gives a boost to the micro herd supporting solid levels in what is really quite a harsh environment.





The Diatomaceous Earth holds on to fluids incredibly well but also breaks down into a good source of Silica once activated. I have discovered that amongst its various strengths it does a good job in buffering minor PH changes in your compost helping your plant to stay healthy and take up more nutrients in the process.

The powder blend is watered in with a mixed liquid feed. This weeks feed levels consisted of per litre -


1.5ml Seaweed Extract

1.5ml Guanokalong Grow

1.ml Guanokalong Bloom

1 Teaspoon Epsom Salts

It took about 220ml before i had any run off today. I will continue to feed the plant the same mix over the next 24hrs in the mornings and an hour before lights off. In between using it i drop an air feed in it to keep it healthy and whatever is left 24hrs or so later gets disposed of.





Grow details -

Kazey has had both her wicks permanently sat in the reservoir for two weeks now so she is free to take as much as she wants when she wants but as normal its mainly overnight she hits it. The amounts taken are starting to build which is a good sign that shes happy and hungry going into flower. An average per night is approx 200ml but its growing each day as would be expected in flower. The reservoir has per litr 2ml Seaweed ext and 1ml Guanokalong Grow.

Ive been s....l...o....w....l....y removing low down fans one at a time every few days and nipping of any bursts of growth from old branch sites. Her trunk has really filled out now and im getting a few tiny roots out of the drain holes that im clamping down on as they appear like Putin at an opposition political rally.


Nice trunk there girl -



Election progress -

As we see in the news of late nobody is getting anywhere with the whole Brexit shit storm and I cant bring any good news there either as all of the candidate flowers in my grow are bang on equal so my plan to solve the nations problems is sadly not a solution as yet.

Stretch is nearing an end  and they've gained about 4 inches equally all round. I was expecting more (might still come!)  although I dropped the light down as far as I possibly could but my Blackdog light bleaches like Pamela Anderson for a Friday night out,just without the happy ending so have to be careful with it.

Here are your proud candidates, starting with Bo-jo -






Next up Is Jezza -





Nigel is here -





Jo-No is bringing it up the rear -





I forgot to mention last time but when I came up with the flag idea the poles had a secondary function. I will be using them to support the flowers as they grow which was a problem I had when I used the hanging basket first time round a couple of years ago. It was a bit of a handful but i had 7-8 cola that time round four is far easier to work with.






As you can see above her structures really beefy now and I'm hoping that's because shes going to grow the biggest,stickiest, heaviest flowers.......in the world lol or not.



The time has finally come for the under card in my grow,yes its Triple Cheese time, here she is - 









Shes a little beauty for sure and she's nice and stocky to. Cheesy is literally getting a dribble of left over feed from KZ above and that's it.


It's a test of minimal intervention and minimal effort so that's her update done.


(All the info is exactly the same as KZ so no point getting into it to much)


Another week over and another week closer to sampling KZ's fruits.


Take care voyeur's of hot noodle action.



Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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*********NEWS FLASH**********


In a leafy suburb of some forgotten old village there has been a massive surprise stretch attack.


The victim Mr 2Fat said " I thought it was nearly done with I'd kept my light down low and looked after them but the plant just turned on me and hit me with stretch so bad I need a bloody step ladder to take photos"


Mr 2Fat stated he will survive this dastardly attack upon his good name but feels a twat saying only 24hrs ago that he thought stretch was done with.


He has dealt with this bravely but  accuses his King @vince noir rock n roll star of using voodoo and other dark arts in an attempt to stop him gaining the thrown or at least third place.


In response King Vince was quoted as saying "from what I gather the Royal throne will not be of a suitable construction for his heavy boned frame but I offer him my support in this testing time of his revolutionary campaign. Any leader of this important Noodle institution must be fit enough to take up office and I'm concerned that his absolute addiction to 'big sugar' jam donuts will make him unsuitable as a leader although I wish him well "


Here is the latest image of Mr 2Fats stretch which is now at a mighty 6-7 inches (in a bad way) he is lucky to still have two and a half feet of grow space so this is not a total disaster -




and his tiny but perfect little buds -













This is @bongme UK420 news editor signing out.





(Hope you dont mind bongme, I didnt want to use your name without tagging you in for the joke so apologies for my silly humour,its just I spotted your news editor tag today that made me chuckle but you deserve it for services to cannabis news)


I'm pretty certain King Vince wont mind poking fun at a young pretender to his throne,all in good fun Vince I enjoy your gif insanity!

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2 minutes ago, InTheSystem said:



Mine tripled in size on week 3, thought I was out the stretch lollol 



Great mother of god this better be a porky pie. My plants are 1.5 inches from lights and got another 4 days until end of week 3 flower. 

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@ROCKSTEADY6 as youll see from my proper update at two weeks I thought I'd gotten away with it a bit but just poor judgement.


 The shots are a week behind you though mate so hopefully you'll be good,I've done small spaces before and it's tough with a strong growing strain like this but you'll be good I'm sure. 


If I'm lucky enough to gain any power in the Noodle Parliament I will endeavour to focus all my powers to enforce a total ban all types of donuts other than big sugar ones with Raspberry Jam. 


 I will allow the making of plain ring donuts but again only using big sugar not stupid caster sugar or glazed.


Whoever invented glazed donuts shall be banished from this fine Nation and will never return.

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49 minutes ago, ROCKSTEADY6 said:


Great mother of god this better be a porky pie. My plants are 1.5 inches from lights and got another 4 days until end of week 3 flower. 

Yer it stretches on you from no where, your nearly on the home straight mate lol 

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