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The Noodle Revolution - A fight against "King" Vinces empire of voodoo.

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@Jibba jabba ah ok no probs buddy.


The conical flask is a simple humidifier to treat the air that's being pushed into the teapot and then through the holes in the Noodle Pot itself. 


Originally it wasnt there I was just going to push normal air into the teapot without the flask but realised pushing dry air into the root zone would effectively air prune the roots around the holes. I was just a little taken aback by how much moisture it could deliver. 


The bubbled milk bottle is supposed to be the main source of fluids that's delivered through the wicks. 


The moist air alone won't support the plant once it starts flowering but because shes happy with that pretty much alone at the moment it leaves me with the two wicks to use as a real boost once she's flowering. 


I'm already thinking out a full size 1500 x 900 x 250 version just with bigger pots and no root police lol


I know it's out there but I just love playing around with things, imagine what I could do if I had more than £15 to spend, pesky family! 




Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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1 minute ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

The flask is just a simple humidifier essentially


I see, thanks for the full and clear explanation :yep:


Great idea really, like one of them, ahh dunno what they are called but kinda root steamer things for cloning in,


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Quite the contraption @2Fat2EatThat. I still have no idea what's going on but you are obviously a master of the tea pot among other things. Really looking forward to watching this one develop. 



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@ROCKSTEADY6 thanks for calling in and attempting to decipher what it is I'm doing. Don't worry I don't understand my own diaries at times and my thinking can be "different" than others. I can also be a little chaotic (I'm told) so I'll try and lay out my thinking a little clearer for all. 


I have no idea of your skill level so please disregard any of this at will I mean no offence and im just explaining how it came together for me. 


"Mrs 2fat pass me my thinking cap"


here goes -


Growing's basically the act of us supplying earth, air, water and light to seeds and they grow as we all know.


It doesn't really matter how those ingredients are delivered, as long as they are and they receive them in the right amounts at the right times.


If we're successful they have a happy life and will reward us with smoke. 


The thinking behind my set up for this grow was mainly based around solving the various issues arising from growing in a pot that will undoubtedly cause problems at some point whilst still trying to deliver the right ingredients at the right times. 


Once a pot like that is rootbound its not easy to guarantee good O2 supply to where its needed in such a tight small space and I decided using a little pressure will help and may also speed up the veg time a touch reducing time spent in the slowly depleting compost as a whole.


Regularly watering such small amounts of compost can quite easily wash out more than it supply's unbalancing the bacteria doing all the real hard work and it can take a week or more to build back up to good levels again. For those reasons I went for wicks as I've used them many times, 


I'm also fighting that depletion by weekly small dressings of good old fashioned slow release nutrients like Blood, Fish, Bone, Guano, a dash of Diatomaceous Earth and a pinch of  Mychorizal powder to support good levels in that department. 


As I'm not watering by hand I'm gently misting the pot to steadily wash the dressing down into the compost providing a base level of feed under any other feed I may give. 


On top of all that I also needed to find a way to stay within the rules of the competition.


Using pressure required enthusiastic thinking because any forced and sped up dry air flow over roots will prune them in time.


To get past that hurdle I needed to add humidity to the air flow hence the conical flask with air bubbled into it. That simultaneously builds a little pressure within the upper portion of the flask to push that humidified air out through the larger brown hose and into the teapot where it then enters the Noodle Pot and roots within hopefully slowly travelling up through the whole pot before escaping. 


If nothing else I'm hoping it will keep things healthy throughtout the whole pot as it will be consistently moist and of course with no dry times can come bad bacteria. 


I had greatly underestimated the amount of useful moisture that the lightly pressured air could carry with it as it slowed wick uptake a surprising amount pretty much from the moment I turned it on. The pumps adjustable so I control both humidity and flow rates alongside penetration into the pot. 


There we are that's it in a nutshell really. Ive tried to not get to serious with it here in the competition as I badly needed some fun in my life and planning shit then building shit out of other shit whilst typing some shit always does it for me lol


I hope that helps rocksteady and anyone else who doesn't have anything better to do lol


Next update arriving promptly,shes a fast grower!






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6 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

Ive tried to not get to serious with it here in the competition as I badly needed some fun in my life and planning shit then building shit out of other shit whilst typing some shit always does it for me lol



Thanks for the added information, I think it is advanced growing and it will become clearer as the comp goes on. Me too mate. I find pulling things apart and putting them back together therapeutic. Your triple 35 watter CMH is juicy. 

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Damn son, you have really thought this all through in depth. I havn't put this much planning into any grow in 10 years I think.... Fair play man your putting us to shame lol I agree with Mark in that this is a very strong contender to challenge the King, creativity is of the charts... Vince be like:


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@InTheSystem thanks for popping in and the nice words theyre much appreciated and can be far and few between in growing as it can rip up your dreams of massive donkey dick buds and turn them into a bug infested rotting pile of compost as you watch on in horror. 


Its alright coming up with these little tweaks and twists on a theme but that doesn't guarantee success as experience is everything in growing and @vince noir rock n roll star has more experience than many of us combined and I know he's a great chap underneath (don't tell him I respect him so much or he may use my emotional weakness against me in battle lol


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As the title suggests this update is mainly focused around the process of stripping Kazey of her fans and tying her down for training.


What I'm doing isn't anything new or anything more than my grandad would have done to train plants along wires. 

The first stage of the grow was to get the 4 branches out near the basket rim and at that point I would remove any unnecessary foliage to focus growth on the branches that will be doing the hard work around the rim. 

Removing any amount of foliage from a small plant can shock it and cause a pause in growth. I wanted to do as much as possible in one go before she made contact with the basket to ensure any slow down is dealt with before her important job of pushing on around the rim. I will be removing odd fans here and there the whole way though. 

I've always found tying plants rather fiddly as I have rubbish hands that shake like a horny monkey wanking on speed so any intricate moves like tying small branches are a 50/50 win or lose gamble for the plant!

To help work around my limitations I use a length of string with a good old fashioned knotted loop in one end, nothing fancy, wrap it round the branch I want to tie and then pass the other end through the hole ending up like this around the branch  -





Its simple but as you can see it allows the branch a bit of give to grow without to much restriction around it whilst being held firmly in place.

To the other end I fit a carabina to act as a weight and its that weight  holding the branch down before I hold the string at the right tension and simply wrap the clip round the rim a few times to lock it in place, as I've done here -






The branches will of course thicken and toughen naturally over time requiring firmer control. To help with that I add ballast to the clip, here's the various bits of junk I will use and obviously it just clips onto the carabina - 





Its a simple little system that works well in the right grow. I have used it on several standard pot grows especially when the branches are quite young with lighter weights.

Hanging a little weight on your plants whilst they get blown by the circulation fans is like plant based weight lifting pre-strengthening the branches and Nodes for training and the heavy work ahead. 

After all the punishment this is what my little KZ looks like and yes I have colour co-ordinated the clips or it'd drive me nuts lol - 






You'll notice she's not pulled taught across the basket as yet as I'm being careful to avoid any accidents that would really slow things down. 


Using the string and carabina means I can adjust the tension in seconds. I just unwind it, apply a little more pressure and lock it of around again,simple. 


Here are the four branches that are real close to completing their journey to the rim - 















Once I'd trimmed and trained her I cheered her up with a drench of Seaweed and Epsom salts that I also added to the compost as an apology for the cruel treatment she'd suffered. 

Latest news - 


I did this work two days ago and she definitely wasn't happy with me, droopy and rumpled but the drench helped smooth over the stress and cheer her up because by the time I looked in on her lastnight she was perking up well and this morning growth had visibly restarted, phew.

There we are then the first phase is worked through and stage two is nearly underway. I'm pretty sure now we will get to flowering quicker than Id originally planned which I'm really pleased about so I must be doing something right somewhere.


Of course in these difficult situations strong, virile and importantly stable genetics are essential so big thanks to Humboldt and as always to my friend and yours @HSO-Mark

Her journey around the rim should be underway by my next update and that's when the real test of my "skills" will start. 

Enjoy your weekends people. 


Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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1 hour ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

@InTheSystem thanks for popping in and the nice words theyre much appreciated and can be far and few between in growing as it can rip up your dreams of massive donkey dick buds and turn them into a bug infested rotting pile of compost as you watch on in horror. 


Its alright coming up with these little tweaks and twists on a theme but that doesn't guarantee success as experience is everything in growing and @vince noir rock n roll star has more experience than many of us combined and I know he's a great chap underneath (don't tell him I respect him so much or he may use my emotional weakness against me in battle lol


No worries, genuinely impressed with the effort and ideas - but yes it's early days yet and you are vegging her out quite a bit compared to us - let's see what unfolds. Best of luck Dude, will be watching! Yer that vince guy seems alright... I imagine with over 60k of rep and being the king of pot he knows exactly what he is doing, just wraps it in sarcasm, memes and pure milky ness  lollol 

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Lesson one of growing in a stupid steamy teapot for the first time -


do not defoliate the plant all in one go you fucking idiot, it does not put a smile on your noodle plants face infact it pisses them right of like a brexit supporting long term Labour supporter. 


All good though she's just angry and droopy much like a post menopausal wife.


Should have an update in the next day or two. 





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2fat2eatthat has got scissor happy heh. Smashing things often makes me feel better. This is all part of your show isn't it? Building suspense like Jibba Jabba. 



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On 07/09/2019 at 3:30 PM, InTheSystem said:

No worries, genuinely impressed with the effort and ideas - but yes it's early days yet and you are vegging her out quite a bit compared to us - let's see what unfolds. Best of luck Dude, will be watching! Yer that vince guy seems alright... I imagine with over 60k of rep and being the king of pot he knows exactly what he is doing, just wraps it in sarcasm, memes and pure milky ness  lollol 


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