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Up here they now treat airguns as firearms, believe it or not. 

The arseholes never missed the trick to screw yet more money out of us for licencing them either. Mine got taken when I got busted.

The pricks gave me the option of licencing them at 80 quid each (this was nov15, law came in Jan 16).

I told them to literally stick them up their arse and pull the trigger.  That went down well......with me..


kinda wished id kept one tho, the seagulls are taunting me, now they know theres no comebacks


as coincidences go, there is an armed stand off up here today, no idea whats goin on, but the filth are everywhere

Edited by badbillybob
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5 hours ago, badbillybob said:



as coincidences go, there is an armed stand off up here today, no idea whats goin on, but the filth are everywhere

Fuckin ell mate. Where you growin? Bosnia?

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 nope, the northern wastelands of Scotland.

I read on fb there was another dose of  armed pigs in a raid in a town 10 miles away earlier in the week. 

probably connected. 

its pretty unusual for up here, you Landanaahhhs probably see it all the time

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On 13/07/2019 at 11:14 AM, B-real said:

If you can get to your plot and asses if people are around before venturing to it it's good .


If you get drones over head don't panick and run like fuck best to stay calm and try and move to cover that's this season's biggest worry so far.


Thanks for the shout out bro. Stay safe 


I used to grow less than 700mtrs away from the police helicopter station....constantly having to duck under the trees...never planting in straight lines helps and don't dig a full bed, just do a hole per plant.

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8 hours ago, badbillybob said:

The pricks gave me the option of licencing them at 80 quid each (this was nov15, law came in Jan 16).


This I didn't know. Owned an air rifle for more years than I care to remember, beautiful Webley made in 1930s. No way on this earth after owning it this long I'm paying £80 now, bloody cheek :furious: Charging me to fart next :eek:

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Okay, so I've only just come across this thread tonight. I see a lot of the comments on the first and second page relate to myself, so I am going to answer them in a 100% honest Q&A session. No bullshit. Total honesty here...



On 7/13/2019 at 11:44 AM, RandyBoBandy said:

English archer would tell you a good story.. and tell you how to learn from his mistakes but unfortunately it looks like his still banged up 


Never got banged up mate, just to clarify. Had old bill on my case several times though in recent years. 



On 7/13/2019 at 11:45 AM, Stashmonger said:



He got caught guerilla growing? 

Di you know how big the grow was? 


I have never had old bill directly link me to a guerrilla grow. Had a few close calls, but never actually caught. They speculated that I may have been growing outdoors, but never had any direct evidence to pin on me. I can't remember whether or not I claimed that I had been outright busted for a guerrilla grow, but I haven't. Although back in the day, I was full of shit. I admit that myself. Immature and naive. To my knowledge, I don't think I have ever claimed to have been actually caught guerrilla growing. I did get busted drying a large amount of outdoor though, at my house. But I never did time for it...



On 7/13/2019 at 0:19 PM, RandyBoBandy said:

He used to grow autos in corn fields and do tree top grows.. not sure the size.. he kept a lot under wraps 


I have grown all types - auto, FV/early and full photoperiod in cornfields. My second year growing in the cornfields, I showed one site, when I actually had 5 different cornfield sites spread across 2 different fields. For me, it's autos all the way in the cornfield, but FV/early's work as well. Full photoperiods are a big NO, NO! I say that purely from experience having 4 years of back to back cornfield growing under my belt. 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:20 PM, Lea Valley said:


Is this for real Randy ? I knew he had a 12 bore stuck in his face from a games keeper and a separate trip to the cells and court. Didn’t realise he been caught again ? 

I miss the Guerrilla Doctors BS. Remember when he tried to convinced everyone he had a huge 6 ft plant at the beginning of the season that he faked the picture ? He got ripped so bad he had to change his tag. 


Right, so no fucking around anymore. Complete honesty here. I never had the 12 bore stuck in my face as I claimed. That was BS. As I said, I am going to be completely honest here. But I did come out of a clearing, very close to my plot, to find myself next to a farmer/game warden with an un-cocked double barrel and two dogs. He immediately asked what I was up to and demanded an explanation. To my knowledge, I was on public land and tried to play it cool. But he was immediately suspicious of me, so I attempted to blag it. He did become hostile though so I just had to leave. Long story short, I think he went into the area I came out of and found some of my plants which he later reported to feds. Can't be 100% sure though. Either way, that plot in question got busted a week or two later. I just exaggerated the story behind it. As I said, no bullshit here anymore. I'm being honest with you guys.



On 7/13/2019 at 1:30 PM, Andromedian said:

That's the one

even the blackberries are dying off.....this is suppose to be May lol



:rofl: Okay, so that picture was actually taken in August 2014. Back when I was 17 and in my first year growing. I think it was a shit year though, weather-wise, hence why the blackberries appear to be dying back. But you were on to me immediately Andro. I knew straight from the get go that there was no fooling you dude. You're switched on and know your shit, but then again it was amateur to the max from me...



On 7/13/2019 at 1:36 PM, Lea Valley said:


Ha ha that’s the one. He was a great source of entertainment. He was fighting his corner from all angles over that. It was the highest count of GGrs on line at any one time for this thread. People were hanging just waiting to see what else he would come up with. Ahhh fun times. Bloody hilarious. 


I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed of that accolade. If you ask me now... I would say that I am embarrassed of my previous statements and actions. Like I wish I went about it differently, and more honestly, regardless of whether it made the forums more entertaining. Primarily because I have grown up since then and want to be taken more seriously. Today, I am all about the growing and can't be arsed with the bullshit. Like genuinely. 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:37 PM, Andromedian said:

He ain't been busted

He just got fed up of a few people ripping him to bits, every time he posted

But then he put that on himself.....A cry wolf situation




In a nutshell mate. I can't deny any part of that statement, as you are completely right. I was fed up of getting ripped to bits, as you say, and with the constant abuse and private messages from Cumbrian Green. But I did also genuinely have some issues going on with old bill so was playing it carefully. That was the primary reason that I initially didn't plan on growing anything this year. But I got itchy fingers come April/May...



On 7/13/2019 at 1:37 PM, Stashmonger said:

Dare I ask what happened to the Dr? 


Well basically mate, I grew up. Nothing more, nothing less. When people were exposing and commenting towards that clown, they were actually replying to a naive 17 year old. But times change...



On 7/13/2019 at 1:38 PM, Lea Valley said:


Do you think he’s still here incognito?


I was never operating incognito during my absence from the forums. This is genuinely my only account on here, honest to the ganja god. I actually didn't check into the forums, not even once, for about 8-9 months. Not until earlier this month actually when I felt that old bill were no longer on my case. 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:39 PM, Andromedian said:


I remember that well......as much as a plonker he was, that was some funny shit ha ha



17 year olds tend to be naive, jumped up plonkers mate. Just saying...



On 7/13/2019 at 1:40 PM, Andromedian said:

Yeah course.....him probably watching right now, but not active



Nah, I was offline for many months mate. I wasn't even checking in. This is actually the first time I have even come across this thread, today. 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:43 PM, Andromedian said:

Unfortunately, you can change your name, but not your mannerism's 

he'll be back


Spitting more facts there. Yet again that is a statement that cannot be argued with. I had to come back, at some point... lol 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:45 PM, Lea Valley said:

Well if he’s not in jail he’ll be on here in some form. Christ this must be hard for him not to post. He was a keyboard  demon and loved a long winded whining post. 

I miss his BS on here. 


It wasn't an issue for me mate as I wasn't on the forums. I genuinely took a break from it all and wasn't even logging in, as I was having some personal issues and problems with old bill on my end. Nothing overly serious though. I mean I'm back now. 



On 7/13/2019 at 1:51 PM, Andromedian said:

Think he once had quite a high profile job....well educated man....his grammar was top notch

But clear case of ADHD..... lol

Yeah...shame he has gone....loved all the dramas

and that cunt, had more than Mary J Blithe


I've done a bit of finance and accountancy in recent years, but I've never had a real 'high profile' job. I'm still only 22yo. As for the ADHD, well... I think I may have some form of aspergers, on a serious note. But I have never been properly assessed or diagnosed, so I don't know. I seem to say a lot of shit that I can't control, and soon regret, as you guy's have seen first hand. It has landed me in trouble both on, and off, the forums. There are some other elements at play as well, which are obv makes me think that I may have some kind of aspergers or something, but I'm not going to go into detail...



On 7/13/2019 at 2:14 PM, bearukc said:

I just thought English Archer changed his name but I won't say what to unless I'm wrong. His cornfield thread was one of the best.


I changed my name from English Archer to The Sheriff of Nottingham when my biggest plot to date got busted, quite early on in the season. I think the farmer that caught me (which I mentioned above) had his suspicions and checked the area before tipping off old bill. Although it may have been a helicopter flying over that saw the shiny, reflective cages and reported it (I stupidly used very shiny, reflective wire mesh which I will never use again). Either way, I lost about 30 plants that were 2-3 feet in height in mid June 2017 and went into full panic mode as a result, hence the name change. I have never put more than 5 plants in a single area since then due to that incident.



On 7/13/2019 at 1:56 PM, diyleduk said:








I am back... chopped a few bits yesterday as a matter of fact...







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3 hours ago, The Sheriff of Nottingham said:

Okay, so I've only just come across this thread tonight. I see a lot of the comments on the first and second page relate to myself, so I am going to answer them in a 100% honest Q&A session. No bullshit. Total honesty here...




Never got banged up mate, just to clarify. Had old bill on my case several times though in recent years. 




I have never had old bill directly link me to a guerrilla grow. Had a few close calls, but never actually caught. They speculated that I may have been growing outdoors, but never had any direct evidence to pin on me. I can't remember whether or not I claimed that I had been outright busted for a guerrilla grow, but I haven't. Although back in the day, I was full of shit. I admit that myself. Immature and naive. To my knowledge, I don't think I have ever claimed to have been actually caught guerrilla growing. I did get busted drying a large amount of outdoor though, at my house. But I never did time for it...




I have grown all types - auto, FV/early and full photoperiod in cornfields. My second year growing in the cornfields, I showed one site, when I actually had 5 different cornfield sites spread across 2 different fields. For me, it's autos all the way in the cornfield, but FV/early's work as well. Full photoperiods are a big NO, NO! I say that purely from experience having 4 years of back to back cornfield growing under my belt. 




Right, so no fucking around anymore. Complete honesty here. I never had the 12 bore stuck in my face as I claimed. That was BS. As I said, I am going to be completely honest here. But I did come out of a clearing, very close to my plot, to find myself next to a farmer/game warden with an un-cocked double barrel and two dogs. He immediately asked what I was up to and demanded an explanation. To my knowledge, I was on public land and tried to play it cool. But he was immediately suspicious of me, so I attempted to blag it. He did become hostile though so I just had to leave. Long story short, I think he went into the area I came out of and found some of my plants which he later reported to feds. Can't be 100% sure though. Either way, that plot in question got busted a week or two later. I just exaggerated the story behind it. As I said, no bullshit here anymore. I'm being honest with you guys.




:rofl: Okay, so that picture was actually taken in August 2014. Back when I was 17 and in my first year growing. I think it was a shit year though, weather-wise, hence why the blackberries appear to be dying back. But you were on to me immediately Andro. I knew straight from the get go that there was no fooling you dude. You're switched on and know your shit, but then again it was amateur to the max from me...




I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed of that accolade. If you ask me now... I would say that I am embarrassed of my previous statements and actions. Like I wish I went about it differently, and more honestly, regardless of whether it made the forums more entertaining. Primarily because I have grown up since then and want to be taken more seriously. Today, I am all about the growing and can't be arsed with the bullshit. Like genuinely. 




In a nutshell mate. I can't deny any part of that statement, as you are completely right. I was fed up of getting ripped to bits, as you say, and with the constant abuse and private messages from Cumbrian Green. But I did also genuinely have some issues going on with old bill so was playing it carefully. That was the primary reason that I initially didn't plan on growing anything this year. But I got itchy fingers come April/May...




Well basically mate, I grew up. Nothing more, nothing less. When people were exposing and commenting towards that clown, they were actually replying to a naive 17 year old. But times change...




I was never operating incognito during my absence from the forums. This is genuinely my only account on here, honest to the ganja god. I actually didn't check into the forums, not even once, for about 8-9 months. Not until earlier this month actually when I felt that old bill were no longer on my case. 




17 year olds tend to be naive, jumped up plonkers mate. Just saying...




Nah, I was offline for many months mate. I wasn't even checking in. This is actually the first time I have even come across this thread, today. 




Spitting more facts there. Yet again that is a statement that cannot be argued with. I had to come back, at some point... lol 




It wasn't an issue for me mate as I wasn't on the forums. I genuinely took a break from it all and wasn't even logging in, as I was having some personal issues and problems with old bill on my end. Nothing overly serious though. I mean I'm back now. 




I've done a bit of finance and accountancy in recent years, but I've never had a real 'high profile' job. I'm still only 22yo. As for the ADHD, well... I think I may have some form of aspergers, on a serious note. But I have never been properly assessed or diagnosed, so I don't know. I seem to say a lot of shit that I can't control, and soon regret, as you guy's have seen first hand. It has landed me in trouble both on, and off, the forums. There are some other elements at play as well, which are obv makes me think that I may have some kind of aspergers or something, but I'm not going to go into detail...




I changed my name from English Archer to The Sheriff of Nottingham when my biggest plot to date got busted, quite early on in the season. I think the farmer that caught me (which I mentioned above) had his suspicions and checked the area before tipping off old bill. Although it may have been a helicopter flying over that saw the shiny, reflective cages and reported it (I stupidly used very shiny, reflective wire mesh which I will never use again). Either way, I lost about 30 plants that were 2-3 feet in height in mid June 2017 and went into full panic mode as a result, hence the name change. I have never put more than 5 plants in a single area since then due to that incident.





I am back... chopped a few bits yesterday as a matter of fact...







Well well the truth at last lol 


i take my hat off to you mate for your honesty , as my late uncle used to say (you can’t beat an honest man ) but in this case you did lie quite a bit lol but honesty is the best policy an all that ... finally looks like you have grown up and seen the error of your ways , and hopefully you can cut out any bollox now and give a lot of feedback and Guerilla experiences now that you have a few years under your belt :yep:  


ill tell you what those few years have gone quick seems like yesterday all that stuff , I can’t help but wonder if from now on we might get a few the boy that cried wolf scenarios with you but hopefully people can see your honesty and let it go now , you will no doubt in years to come not be forgotten upon the forums for long arse posts and funny story’s as mentioned before did give the place a bit of character lol ( not saying start up more bullshit by way) 


anyway stay away from farmers and enjoy your harvest mate onwards an upwards from here on out , let’s see some big fields ganja next season start upping your game .. :yinyang:

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4 hours ago, The Sheriff of Nottingham said:

Okay, so I've only just come across this thread tonight. I see a lot of the comments on the first and second page relate to myself, so I am going to answer them in a 100% honest Q&A session. No bullshit. Total honesty here...




Never got banged up mate, just to clarify. Had old bill on my case several times though in recent years. 




I have never had old bill directly link me to a guerrilla grow. Had a few close calls, but never actually caught. They speculated that I may have been growing outdoors, but never had any direct evidence to pin on me. I can't remember whether or not I claimed that I had been outright busted for a guerrilla grow, but I haven't. Although back in the day, I was full of shit. I admit that myself. Immature and naive. To my knowledge, I don't think I have ever claimed to have been actually caught guerrilla growing. I did get busted drying a large amount of outdoor though, at my house. But I never did time for it...




I have grown all types - auto, FV/early and full photoperiod in cornfields. My second year growing in the cornfields, I showed one site, when I actually had 5 different cornfield sites spread across 2 different fields. For me, it's autos all the way in the cornfield, but FV/early's work as well. Full photoperiods are a big NO, NO! I say that purely from experience having 4 years of back to back cornfield growing under my belt. 




Right, so no fucking around anymore. Complete honesty here. I never had the 12 bore stuck in my face as I claimed. That was BS. As I said, I am going to be completely honest here. But I did come out of a clearing, very close to my plot, to find myself next to a farmer/game warden with an un-cocked double barrel and two dogs. He immediately asked what I was up to and demanded an explanation. To my knowledge, I was on public land and tried to play it cool. But he was immediately suspicious of me, so I attempted to blag it. He did become hostile though so I just had to leave. Long story short, I think he went into the area I came out of and found some of my plants which he later reported to feds. Can't be 100% sure though. Either way, that plot in question got busted a week or two later. I just exaggerated the story behind it. As I said, no bullshit here anymore. I'm being honest with you guys.




:rofl: Okay, so that picture was actually taken in August 2014. Back when I was 17 and in my first year growing. I think it was a shit year though, weather-wise, hence why the blackberries appear to be dying back. But you were on to me immediately Andro. I knew straight from the get go that there was no fooling you dude. You're switched on and know your shit, but then again it was amateur to the max from me...




I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed of that accolade. If you ask me now... I would say that I am embarrassed of my previous statements and actions. Like I wish I went about it differently, and more honestly, regardless of whether it made the forums more entertaining. Primarily because I have grown up since then and want to be taken more seriously. Today, I am all about the growing and can't be arsed with the bullshit. Like genuinely. 




In a nutshell mate. I can't deny any part of that statement, as you are completely right. I was fed up of getting ripped to bits, as you say, and with the constant abuse and private messages from Cumbrian Green. But I did also genuinely have some issues going on with old bill so was playing it carefully. That was the primary reason that I initially didn't plan on growing anything this year. But I got itchy fingers come April/May...




Well basically mate, I grew up. Nothing more, nothing less. When people were exposing and commenting towards that clown, they were actually replying to a naive 17 year old. But times change...




I was never operating incognito during my absence from the forums. This is genuinely my only account on here, honest to the ganja god. I actually didn't check into the forums, not even once, for about 8-9 months. Not until earlier this month actually when I felt that old bill were no longer on my case. 




17 year olds tend to be naive, jumped up plonkers mate. Just saying...




Nah, I was offline for many months mate. I wasn't even checking in. This is actually the first time I have even come across this thread, today. 




Spitting more facts there. Yet again that is a statement that cannot be argued with. I had to come back, at some point... lol 




It wasn't an issue for me mate as I wasn't on the forums. I genuinely took a break from it all and wasn't even logging in, as I was having some personal issues and problems with old bill on my end. Nothing overly serious though. I mean I'm back now. 




I've done a bit of finance and accountancy in recent years, but I've never had a real 'high profile' job. I'm still only 22yo. As for the ADHD, well... I think I may have some form of aspergers, on a serious note. But I have never been properly assessed or diagnosed, so I don't know. I seem to say a lot of shit that I can't control, and soon regret, as you guy's have seen first hand. It has landed me in trouble both on, and off, the forums. There are some other elements at play as well, which are obv makes me think that I may have some kind of aspergers or something, but I'm not going to go into detail...




I changed my name from English Archer to The Sheriff of Nottingham when my biggest plot to date got busted, quite early on in the season. I think the farmer that caught me (which I mentioned above) had his suspicions and checked the area before tipping off old bill. Although it may have been a helicopter flying over that saw the shiny, reflective cages and reported it (I stupidly used very shiny, reflective wire mesh which I will never use again). Either way, I lost about 30 plants that were 2-3 feet in height in mid June 2017 and went into full panic mode as a result, hence the name change. I have never put more than 5 plants in a single area since then due to that incident.





I am back... chopped a few bits yesterday as a matter of fact...







Good to have you back Dr. 


I always found it funny you gave yourself a PhD in your first year growing... And you were on here trying to educate people with next to no experience yourself. 


Fun times. 


Just an FYI...if they took your fingerprints when they took you in (which to my knowledge is par for the course) ... You really shouldn't be sharing images of your finger prints online... Doesn't matter what forum handle you use... Your fingerprints are yours and yours alone... ;)


Get some nitrile gloves... Then when you leave your plot your hands won't stink of ganja... And you won't have incriminated yourself should plod have a team who are checking fingerprints (a bit far fetched perhaps - but imvho being a step ahead in security is better than getting caught...) 


Peace and love and good to have you back in the fold with a new outlook and less BS :)

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Yet to meet anyone who at some stage hasn't embellished a story in the telling. Guilty myself, reciting a funny story only part way through realising 'need to spice this up a bit as it sounds boring as hell now I come to tell it' :unsure:


More kudos to you for honest admissions :yep: 


Did I ever mention while snorkelling on holiday disabled a great white shark about to attack with one punch ..... I'll save it for another time :naughty:

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Cheers guys, you're a good bunch :smokin: @panik @Bubs Smoosh @Poisonata @RandyBoBandy


@Bubs Smoosh Regarding the gloves and fingerprints... well, I do use gloves usually when I'm harvesting and trimming. I used a pair yesterday as a matter of fact. But I get what you are saying about the issue of fingerprints and uploading pics showing the hands, with visible fingerprints, from not wearing gloves. Perhaps I should be more cautious about that :mellow: 





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On 23/08/2019 at 0:14 PM, badbillybob said:

Up here they now treat airguns as firearms, believe it or not. 

The arseholes never missed the trick to screw yet more money out of us for licencing them either. Mine got taken when I got busted.

The pricks gave me the option of licencing them at 80 quid each (this was nov15, law came in Jan 16).

I told them to literally stick them up their arse and pull the trigger.  That went down well......with me..


kinda wished id kept one tho, the seagulls are taunting me, now they know theres no comebacks




im so glad they took them off you.. would have been better if they'd stuck it up your arse and pulled the trigger till it went click! 


its :wanker:  who shoot wildlife that make me glad we have laws like that...    if you cant be a grown-up you shouldn't be able to own grown-up things...

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lol never met English archer but his reputation says it all. used to have a good chuckle reading through the sheriffs posts though and knew it wouldn't be long till he popped up. Fair play mate just keep it real and don't bite when people mention your previous stuff just let it slide. You made your bed and your probably have to put up with it a little while longer. 

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3 hours ago, Sancho Panza said:

im so glad they took them off you.. would have been better if they'd stuck it up your arse and pulled the trigger till it went click! 


its :wanker:  who shoot wildlife that make me glad we have laws like that...    if you cant be a grown-up you shouldn't be able to own grown-up things...


That's not very nice.


Are you vegan by any chance, or just one of those self righteous types who refuse to allow other points of view., while munching on your burger/ chicken, roast dinner?


opinions are like arseholes- everybodys got one,  

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1 hour ago, badbillybob said:


That's not very nice

It wasnt ment to be .. glad you noticed that..


1 hour ago, badbillybob said:


Are you vegan by any chance

What diffrence dose that make?  If you're going to use whether or not i eat a plant based diet as an excuse to defelct from shooting animals cause they annoy you.. thats some weak shit..


1 hour ago, badbillybob said:

or just one of those self righteous types

Most definitely....


Apologies to op and mods for the derail.. i do try to reign it in these days but occasionally some supreme piece of ignorance or privilege will get me going.  Feel free to delete my nonscence..

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