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Happyeccentrics 2019 grow diary


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Oops for some reason the dinafem cold frame garden pic didn't post.   


Happyeccentric,  happyeccentric quite contrary

how does your garden grow?

With  dinafem seed,

Giving me lots of weed,

All prettily in a row




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Omg I'm such a fool I couldn't have made a stupid mistake.  So I took the advice on myltigro and read up on soils and put sizes and was putting my ww xxl into a 15 l pot as shes huge and sexy and it was all going swimmingly then stupid clumsy me snapped her almost in half.  Anything I can do?large.Screenshot_20190607-150739_Gallery.jpg

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Wow! :wallbash:

You could try taping it back, but that looks beyond salvaging 

Sorry to see mate

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1 hour ago, Andromedian said:

Wow! :wallbash:

You could try taping it back, but that looks beyond salvaging 

Sorry to see mate

Like cellotape it back together?  Nothing to lose I'm devastated 

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13 minutes ago, Happyeccentric said:

Like cellotape it back together?  Nothing to lose I'm devastated 

Basically yeah, might be a bit late now, 

dip it in root hormone powder first, then use that breathable tape, they use for bandages and shit.

If you do it immediately you have some sort of chance, but kind of thinking you're plant is halfway to heaven by now lol


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Hi @Happyeccentric  

I can't speak from experience but I have seen plenty of widow xxl auto turn out to be monsters so although you have every right to kick yourself (we have all done it) Im confident she will bounce back.. 


I would say.. (and plz forgive me if ur not a lady :wallbash:) she will bounce back with a woman's touch and tlc but I think your touch is the main culprit here haha 


But yeah  she should bounce back




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tape it  together , or splint it, and give it 48hrs. if the leaves aren't all wilted, then crack on.

if they are wilted, its fuct. 

Edited by badbillybob
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Thank you all so so much for being so understanding and supportive.  You have made me feel so much better and I have acted on all the advice. 


@Andromedian I know its been around ten hours now so don't hold much hope but I tried anyway.....it may not work but even there a 1% chance worth a bash.


@weedouk420 I do have a womens touch and am also one of these very lucky people so it might help.  Its dark now and I had a light in my greenhouse and a first aid kit so I found some microphone and did the job.  I do have terrible empty nest syndrome so I'll mother and nurture that plant with all I got and it.....if it doesn't work it won't be lack of nurturing haha


@badbillybob your words if encouragement cheered me up ans spurred me on to try so appreciated.


Here she is in all her glory tapes back together again.  




I'm just taking a nice bit of home baking out the oven to my kid and son in law now to cheer me up 

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tape it,splint it and hope for the best.

See what I mean about innadvertant topping. At least mine was just a grow tip.


At least if the splint dont take you have some plant left. Get well soon little plant.

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I was meaning to read more on topping but thought I would get the hang of the growing bit first?  What's the difference between this and topping?

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No difference. You just topped it a bit lower than one normaly would.:wallbash: Call it a big FIM if you like.

Topping as the name suggest is just removing the growing tip to encourage sideways growth and reduce plant height somewhat

It'll set the plant back a bit since the wound has to heal. But she'll probably bounce back.

Lesson learnt. Watch what happens to the plant and use it to your advantage for future grows.


Last season I had 2x suspected boys I removed from the greenhouse and just abandoned in another part of my area.

I took a 6" top off of each (around 4' tall at time) and the plant structure dramatically improved with all the side branches fighting for dominance. Turned out a great shaped plants. Just a shame they were riddled with bugs.



Edited by Kipper420
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5 hours ago, Happyeccentric said:

I was meaning to read more on topping but thought I would get the hang of the growing bit first?  What's the difference between this and topping?

At TFZ a few years back, something topped one of our White widow auto's, and it grew about 20 heads.....turned into an impressive little fucker


hope she gets better mate


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Oh I didnt know you were running two threads @Happyeccentric :) 


I cant believe you've snapped your plant!!  

I would've cried if I had done that. 

If the surgery to stick it together doesnt work, you could always look at using it as a clone,  like you would with any cutting. 




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On 08/06/2019 at 7:37 AM, Happyeccentric said:

I was meaning to read more on topping but thought I would get the hang of the growing bit first?  What's the difference between this and topping?


You petty much topped it albeit by accident lol


You've done the right thing by trying to salvage by adding the splint and tape. Was it a total snap or just a partial break?


This will slow things down a little, if it does not look like it's on the mend in 7-10 day's then I would scrap the top and concentrate on the remaining plant ;)


Not a massive disaster and as others have said you still have the potential of a decent plant being produced :yep:


Next time might be best getting into the bigger pots from a very small size. Less chance of snapping any branches  ;)


It'll be fine :yep:


All the best  :bong:



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Thanks @Dinafem-Mark you always know what to do to get the best out the plants.  I will wait and see and feel a bit better now.  I will try and get some pics up of what's happening in my cold frame as I have two wwxxl and a bubba kush in there   they are still tiny but hoping for great things x

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