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Sweet Skunk & Cream Caramel Fast Versions


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Some nice healthy plants.  Interesting that your reflector makes that much of difference in yield.  What reflector did you use before? 

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@ratdogCheers dude, I just love messing around with my camera, I always think I will only take a couple of shots but end up with shitloads of them, it’s the beauty of digital photography, imagine what it would be like if we were still using film cameras.


@AustrianTokker I had a very old adjustawing shade in the tent before and I could never get over 15oz, the light spread was terrible and the tent was always way too hot. 


These days I usually end up at around the 20oz mark, the tent is a lot cooler with the parabolic and the light spread is a lot more even so all the plants in the room get plenty of light on them and as it’s a lot cooler so I can have the shade lower than before.


With the adjustawing shade I would get nice buds on the cola tops but from halfway down the buds would be very airy and wispy, with the parabolic I end up with solid buds all the way down the colas.


To be fair I did a lot of upgrading at the time I changed the shade, I added more tube heaters and a thermostat controlled heat mat and I think my growing skills have improved quite a bit so maybe the jump from 15oz to 20oz was a combination of all these things.

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im sorry ...your taking this way too seriously ....first warning of the competition for seriousness 

plants are looking serious too ..the seriousness of the situation is so serious .


seriously ..nice .

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At last my plants seemed to have woken up, I think the Mh Bulb I had them veging under was faulty hence the slow growth, since I swapped over to the 600w HPS last weekend I am noticing a nice growth spurt on them. The roots were being really slow filling the pots as well but I can now see more roots coming out of the drain holes on all four of the plants. I am glad that is sorted as the slowness was worrying me a bit.


Only a small update this evening and a few photos of the plants in the tent as I am working lates this week so not much time for diary updating. 


Despite the drop in temperature this week in the UK the tube heaters are doing a great job of keeping the pots warm and my heatmat which has a thermostat set to come on when the compost in the pots drops below 22c hasn't come on at all yet. The air temps in the tent are good although personally I think the temps in the compost are more important, warm roots equals happy plants.


I am still keeping things simple feed wise and they are all getting the same ratios at the moment although the Cream Caramel 1 is looking like I may need to up the fishmix a bit on her. They are getting fed 2ml Fishmix, 1mm Algamic and 1ml of Bio Silicon.


Plants enjoying the 600w HPS.


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I took a few photos of the plants this evening, here is a group shot, you may notice I have had to do some late veg bondage on the two Dinafem Quick Kushes as they were reaching for the stars, they are funny looking plants, they are constantly droopy like they desperatly need watering. One of the Quick Criticals decided to stretch loads too so I have tied her down as well.










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I will be putting these into flower some time over the next week and then hopefully 7 to 8 weeks later I will be harvesting some nice Sweet Seeds flowers to add to my cannabis collection, I currently have quite a few different strains at various stages of curing in my stash.


I am now thinking ahead to my next grow and I am enjoying the competition so much I am hoping to germinate the rest of the Sweet Skunk and Cream Caramel seeds I have along with a couple of other Sweet Seeds Fast strains and carry the diary on until May. 


@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp@Sweet Seeds-tommyIs it ok to have 2 consecutive grows in my competition entry diary if I use the remaining seeds of the two strains I am currently growing? 

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This morning I have been experimenting with some velvet curtain material and I have made a little studio out of my prop tent so I can have more of a black back ground in my photos. I took a few test shots of my lovely Sweet Skunk ladies, its lights out now so I will be experimenting again this evening with more photos as they look really droopy at the moment. 


I have ordered some accessories for my camera some of which are coming tomorrow, I have ordered some LED lighting, a Raynox Macro Fliter and a remote shutter release so I have loads of stuff to play with over the next few weeks. I will back later on with a full update on the plants.



Sweet Skunk 2









Sweet Skunk 1large.P1100095.jpg





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@vince noir rock n roll starCheers dude, the trunks are getting pretty fat now.


My new camera gear arrived this morning so I have spent most of the day messing about taking some nice macro shots of some of my Dinafem flowers. I have tried it on the live plants but I have only managed to get one decent photo so far. 


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I have got a mate coming over in a bit so I will have to do a proper update tomorrow, in the the mean time I have some photos of the two Cream Caramels an hour after lights on this evening.


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Cream Caramel 1.














Cream Caramel 2












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