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Gorilla - Grow Diary Attempt


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Hello! :punk:


Day 61 & still some to go. But the foxtails & calyx 's are swelling nicely, with some indications of some lower bud hairs browning off & the trichomes are at least half cloudy now. :bong:


Here she is, although the photos don't do her justice:



And here is the bud leaf looking almost ripe :rofl:



Until next time :yinyang:

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nice update bro, I agree it does look like yours has a little way to go yet.  Bud formation looks sweet, pistils are still looking very white.  Are you still feeding nutes?

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Thanks brother, your comments are always uplifting & complementary :punk:


Sorry though, this is a diary after all & I've forgotten to say what I've done! :rofl:


I estimate 11 to 15 days to go & I've been feeding her lightly for some time now, with the occasional increase & occasional just water. 

On average I've been giving her 1ml of Shogun Bloom, 1ml Boost & 0.5ml PK9/18 for about two or so weeks. She's been drinking 3.5 to 4litres every other day & in this heat she's been particularly thirsty.


She's low maintenance & extremely healthy & requires about half to a third of the feed my Master Kush needs to stay lush looking. :punk:


My next water, tomorrow night is going to be 4ml Shogun Dragon Force, with 1ml Boost, which should help the buds ripen, swell & increase oil production, which will be interesting, as she is very oily already & the leaves look pretty resin like, with bundles of trichomes, more under the bud leaves than on & the important part of the bud is smothered in trichomes! I just wish the photos would show it better!

I'll give her 3 feeds like that over the week, unless she shows signs of not liking it, which I doubt. Then water until harvest :bong:


I can't wait for the smoke test! I think as she's got a lot of foliage, the trimming will be taxing, especially to dodge all the foxtails, as that'll be depressing if I chop any of those off!

But that's not a put off, as these buds are so solid I might clog & blunt my scissors if I chop into the real estate! :rofl:

I won't be at all surprised if I get >5oz from her, and she's had to share my tent with two other space greedy, high yielding plants too! :bong:

 Not to mention in all that heat running at just 250W or 400W some nights, or for the first few hours of lights on! Pretty smooth I'd say :punk:

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Things have come on rightly since i last popped in here. The foxtailing i would say was the heat for sure. No Biggy really. How much stretch on her when flipped I'm trying to figure out when I will need to flip mine as I'm in very limited vertical height. A few clones i took from the more indica leaning pheno had the same bud sites on a leaf, so seems to be a mutation or whatever people want to call it.

Will pop in again before you harvest.


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4 hours ago, tokenroll said:

Things have come on rightly since i last popped in here. The foxtailing i would say was the heat for sure. No Biggy really. How much stretch on her when flipped I'm trying to figure out when I will need to flip mine as I'm in very limited vertical height. A few clones i took from the more indica leaning pheno had the same bud sites on a leaf, so seems to be a mutation or whatever people want to call it.

Will pop in again before you harvest.


Thanks mate :bong:


The foxtailing is part of the genetics I'd say though? The heat traits I think are the large, more rounded single bud leaves. The calyxs are really fattening up too.


In answer to your question, she isn't a stretchy strain based on the one I've done & I think a majority of the phenos @unity is doing didn't stretch much either? He can confirm soon I'm sure.


I did tie her down a few weeks after topping her & during the 2 week stretch stage, where I would say she grew another 1/3rd in height maximum & plentiful bud sites, which would make a great SCROG :punk:


Have you got a diary going mate? When did you get your seeds? 

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On 15/08/2018 at 9:48 PM, AKPOG said:

The foxtailing is part of the genetics I'd say though? The heat traits I think are the large, more rounded single bud leaves. The calyxs are really fattening up too.


The foxtailing we did see a little in testing but only on 2% of the plants. So 2 out of every 100 :yep:


It could be partially heat related mate but unavoidable this time of year especially with the crazy heat wave :bong:


Normally 63 days will be perfect for this strain but yours still have a good 2 weeks left imo, would you agree mate?


A nice update my friend, I'll drop back in on the next  :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Thanks guys! Your timing is impeccable, as I'm currently doing an update! 


Currently doing really well, swelling buds galore! :skin_up:Starting to ripen now, some purple hints on her too, which the photos don't show as much as it is.


So, about 8 to 14 days to go. I've given her the last feed of Dragon Force tonight, then from there until ripe just water.


Here goes, at 67days:




The bottle is just to indicate size & it's a 2 litre bottle.


Until next time :yinyang:

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Hello again! 


I neglected to say that I sadly lost half a nice bud due to bud rot! I caught it early & saved a good chunk of healthy bud. It was my fault, as I didn't have adequate ventilation around her considering hoe fat & dense her bud structure is, they are rock solid so in higher humidity environments good ventilation is vital.


I threw the rot, and dried the rest, bearing in mind that it is 2 weeks early. After a 4 day dry I built it into a fat one & oh my! Very strong indeed! In fact I was still nicely baked 3 hrs later!  A really nice heady high, a real buzz & so much stronger than I expected for 2 weeks early & I've got to admit, if that is how strong she is when done I'll be over the moon! But I have a feeling she'll be stronger & pack a mighty punch when fully ripe!


Extremely impressed! :bong:

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Update! For all three of you that are interested in my diary :george:


It's day 72 now & I'm guessing another 9 to 14 days left before chopping. 


I'm seeing a lot of purple on the buds & leaves now, which is a real pleasure to see, as I've never had a strain with purple in her, so very exiting. @Dinafem-Mark , is this purple hue normal for this strain? As I am starting to think I've got a gem of a unique pheno :skin_up:


Here goes:



Comments & advice welcome :yep:

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Awesum bro, I do like a spot of purple in the bud.  Wonder if it's just down to genes, or the sudden cooler change in temps.  Are you running others in the same tent, have you seen similar on any of those?

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1 hour ago, unity said:

Awesum bro, I do like a spot of purple in the bud.  Wonder if it's just down to genes, or the sudden cooler change in temps.  Are you running others in the same tent, have you seen similar on any of those?


Thanks mate :yep:


I was starting to think my one & only follower had lost interest! Haha! :rofl:


I wouldn't say it is temp related, I'd say there may be some purple genes in the gene pool & I am lucky enough to get it. I'm normally the one that gets the freak, or hermie, so I'll take that mutation! :clown: :hi:

I feel blessed to get some purple in there. :oldtoker:


My temps have been ideal of late, min 19℃ & max 26-28℃, so all good there & my other indica in there (my master kush) at the back/middle of the group shot is almost ripe & not even a purple stem.


I don't think I'll bother doing another update until harvest now mate, but please do check in for that, as I'll include my smoke report to finish my final grow diary off with.


I just hope I've at least persuaded, or inspired a few keen growers to check out this mighty fine strain! :smoke: :bong:

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You do have something special on your hands my friend. Typically, Yes, this strain can show some purple traits but that's usually when the temps are low and not on every plant.


This plant is different and one pheno I've only seen 3x with over 500 grows viewed. This is a pheno leaning very heavy towards the "Sour Dubb" parentage  ;)


She goes purple regardless of temperature changes and is a really special pheno of "gorilla" ;)


Did you clone here mate? If not a re-veg will be needed and advised as I don't see this pheno very often and your going to love it ;)


Just going of the pictures they look to have 7 days left which would put this grow at around 80 days. A little longer than estimated which also leads me to believe this is a super " Sour Dubb" pheno as sour dubb is super sativa leaning and if memory serves takes over 85 days to complete her flower cycle  ;)


As always mate thank you for the diary update.  I'll see you in the pre harvest post my friend  :)


Until then keep up the great work with our gorilla  ;)


All the best 





Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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