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Grower not a shower

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The second set of leaves are popping up a bit more now but I thought it woulda been a little bit quicker. I’ve got the light on 24/0 at the minute, when do you think I should switch to 18/6?

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It doesn't matter if it's on 24 hours or 18/6 mate, the only difference if it's on 24 hours is you will get faster growth:yep:

I would get the seedling under some T5's or CFL's man, the light you have is too powerful and even if it's up at its highest all the seedling will do it stretch for the light which is not good:yes:

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6 minutes ago, Crentz said:

It doesn't matter if it's on 24 hours or 18/6 mate, the only difference if it's on 24 hours is you will get faster growth:yep:

I would get the seedling under some T5's or CFL's man, the light you have is too powerful and even if it's up at its highest all the seedling will do it stretch for the light which is not good:yes:

You run 24/0 for the full veg phase?


I’ve heard people say to let them sleep and others who say leave the lights on. I was always planning on 18/6 after the seedling phase was over which I thought was after the second set of leaves. This is also when I thought I was supposed to start grow nutes?


The temps are pretty good mate. I’ve got the light almost right in top of the dome and it’s between 24-29c & 80-80% humidity inside it according to my thermometer and I haven’t even got the extract running. Just got the tent doors open with 2 fans running.  I’m gonna take the dome off tomorrow I think and see how that goes. 

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It depends on what kind of grower you are and what kind of plant you are growing some plants won't like 24-0 some will be fine with it some growers care about providing the best possible environment for their plants some don't can you run 24 hours a day with no rest? Sure you'll get more done but something has got to give. Imo the plant needs a break she will reward you in other ways because it's less stressful for the plant,  minimal stress best results. IMO that is. Others will disagree but that's the thing with this hobby when you read conflicting info it's not actually a conflict it's just 2 different ways that both work... It's just that different people have been on different journeys. 


Hope that makes sense 

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I've done both 24 and 18/6 the only difference is faster growth, personally I think the whole plants sleeping is better is a big myth man..... If anything I only run 18/6 to save on electricity. 

I don't run any nutes until about day 10 to 12 in seedling stage or until I see the seedling is lacking something, just plain tap water. 

That 250 watt light so close to a seedling is not good man, one 24 watt CFL is enough to keep it going:yep:

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Thanks @NezA


i think i tend tend to agree with you and giving them a rest is better for them. I know I’d go crazy if I was in constant light 24/7! Haha. 


I think i’ll leave it in till I get in from work tomorrow then I’ll take the dome off and set the lights for 18/6. I’m thinking lights off from around 1600-2000 as that is when my heating comes on and it can get a little warm. 

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5 minutes ago, Crentz said:


That 250 watt light so close to a seedling is not good man, one 24 watt CFL is enough to keep it going:yep:

I’ll ring the grow shop tomorrow and get a cfl

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Norway gets 60 days of constant daylight every summer and the plants do just fine, as NezA says it's totally up to the grower:yep:



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I gets purple stems on seedling most times bud...they're delicate at first and will grow out of it once some roots are down :yep:


Looking well improved after the pot up in here and is a good distance from the light source by the looks of it, that lil plant is now happy ;) 

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@Grower not a shower Hello mate....Just been looking at me diary, I'm 3 weeks ahead of you, I switched to 18/6 on day 17 above ground, I'm in 2 hempy buckets (very easy passive hydroponic), perlite/vermiculite, Ionic one part nutes....  I haven't used coco but next time I may give it a try as it's supposed to be spot on in the hempy's. Anywez mebs you'd get a few pointers...the thing is once you get it in to the hempy bucket it would be very hard (but not impossible) to over water. For a single plant it's a great system and probs the simplest out there. 




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45 minutes ago, sroporilshoot said:

@Grower not a shower Hello mate....Just been looking at me diary, I'm 3 weeks ahead of you, I switched to 18/6 on day 17 above ground, I'm in 2 hempy buckets (very easy passive hydroponic), perlite/vermiculite, Ionic one part nutes....  I haven't used coco but next time I may give it a try as it's supposed to be spot on in the hempy's. Anywez mebs you'd get a few pointers...the thing is once you get it in to the hempy bucket it would be very hard (but not impossible) to over water. For a single plant it's a great system and probs the simplest out there. 




Hi @sroporilshoot  

I’ve got a 15l smart pot that I was planning on using as the final pot for my blue cheese. My mate is gonna put his incredible bulk in beside it when they’re the same height and he’s gonna rig up a drip feed system as well

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You've got a plan mate...wish I had a mate like yours but google has done the job lol the drip feed system is a good way to go



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This thread has a great vibe and cool energy I love it :yep:


Out of the 6 seeds only 1 germination. This is not acceptable from Dinafem so please pm me so I can try to rectify this issue :)


The one you have through looks to be growing well :)


Personally I would try to up the humidity and with lighting I'm a firm believer that a dark period is needed so would advice either 18/6 or 20/4 :yep:


Thank you for the continued support and updates mate very much appreciated and keep up the great work!


Hit me up in the pm,s mate :yep:


All the best 



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So I checked on my girl tonight and she's not looking well. Her leaves have dropped a little bit, looks like they've maybe turned a bit lighter too.  The pot was slightly dry so I've watered with around 200ml of water, 4ml/l formulex and 0.5ml/l SuperDrive. Ph 6.2 EC0.6. I watered slowly until drops appeared from the bottom. I can see little roots pooping through the holes in the bottom of the pot so she's fairly sprouted since I potted her up at the weekend. I take it I'll start seeing more growth above ground once soon? large.D655582B-5AD9-4B7B-B8E5-668DB3039927.jpeglarge.3EC1A7BB-22C9-4335-AF3B-B655C8462ACC.jpeg

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