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Grower not a shower

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Here she is, looking much happier today.large.21B5DFB5-0ACF-4559-AE59-DC006878FA35.jpeg



She experienced her first lights off today after switching from 18/6. I checked my thermometer when I got in and the temps peaked at 76F with the lights on, 57F with them off (24c & 14c). Is this too much of a drop? I’m sure I’ve read somewhere before that a 10c difference was healthy. Can anyone enlighten me?


talking of lights, I’ve got mine 10” from the top of her with fans blowing the hot air away. How close is too close for 250w? The thermometer is almost exactly level with the top of the pot so I know how hot it is

Edited by Grower not a shower
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Hey dude looking good. I'd personally aim to keep her warmer. 18c being very minimum at lights off. 25-28 lights on.

Different plants like different temps so always experiment. Raise and lower your light and note how she responds. 

My last seedlings I raised under a 600w 3' away. 10" for a 250w sounds right. Going overkill with light at this stage is deadly. Look closely at the leaves. At the first sign of them curling inwards raise the lamp.


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5 minutes ago, Green demon said:

Look closely at the leaves. At the first sign of them curling inwards raise the lamp.

That’s the sign I was looking for, curled up leaves! Perfect, cheers @Green demon


I’ll see what I can do to raise the temp slightly at lights off. 

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No worries mate. I molly coddle the shit outta my girls and have been runing a heater almost 24/7 in my flower tent. Cold ain't the end of the world now and then, but it does stunt growth and long term perfect for rot so best to avoid! 

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Just had a quick look at the 6/2 light schedule in your signature @Green demon and this could really help me maintain the temps by shortening the lights off time. Do you use this method? Does it really work better?

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The gas lantern routine coupled with the diminished lighting schedule sound even better!!


anyone got any feedback on these methods? Sounds like they should be a no-brainer 

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6/2 worked fucking sweet mate. Except my Mrs couldn't sleep at night with the fans going so I had to settle for either gas lantern or 18/6. GL works perfect except it's slightly slower growth than 18/6 and right now freezing so I've opted for 18/6, might as well pay for another lamp instead of a heater is my thoughts.


6/2 though is the one. Get a dimmer/controller/timer for your extraction and for the lights off period just kill it or turn it low to keep the heat in. No worries about high humidity at this stage for two hrs imo.


The best thing about GLR is the flip to flowering. From 18/6 I had a Blue cheese cut that would take two/three weeks before it would start forming buds. After vegging GLR and flowering for one week it looked like it was three weeks with 18/6.


So much faster onset of flowering is the conclusion. I never use 12/12 either. In the night period plants build up hormones. After a critical period of dark plants have enough hormone to trigger flowering. People worked out 12/12 is optimum giving maximum amount of light for bud growth but enough darkness for hormone development.


Others argue 12/12 is too close too the limit and can induce stress. 11/13 with a longer dark period is more natural and alllows the plant to develop a healthier level of hormone that actually promotes a faster flower. I've not notice a decrease in yield.

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Would the

9 minutes ago, Green demon said:

GL works perfect except it's slightly slower growth than 18/6


10 minutes ago, Green demon said:

The best thing about GLR is the flip to flowering. From 18/6 I had a Blue cheese cut that would take two/three weeks before it would start forming buds. After vegging GLR and flowering for one week it looked like it was three weeks with 18/6.

Would you say the faster flowering makes up for the slower growth? The GLR has really got me intrigued 

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I reckon I could manage the temps pretty well using GLR since I dint use extraction to control them at the minute anyway. Just a window and a couple of fans.  Let me know if you see any major flaw in my plan


lights on 1800. Window and tent doors open like I’m running now. Temps steady 70-74F, humidity 40-50%


lights off 0600 as this is when I’m up for work. Shut the window but leave the tent doors open with fans running to circulate the warm air. The heating comes on at 0700-1100 so that should keep the temps in at least the high 60s-70F


lights on 1130-1230. Even though the window will be shut I’m pretty confident the temperature won’t be high for long, possibly peak at 80F


lights off 1230. Window still shut to keep warm air in grow room


lights on 1800. And so on....


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I've no experience with the staggered timing mate but one thing I will tell you is try raising your humidity it's way too low for this stage of the game, I usually aim for 80 to 90 in seedling stage, 60 to 70 in Veg and 40 to 50 in flower. 

Saying that it doesn't always go to plan:D

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Sounds good mate. Optimal leaf temperature for photosynthesis is 25-30c. 30 being the best. Only thing to watch is like Crentz says humidity. Often over looked but critical for best plant performance. Aim for the green and you won't be far out. Buy a infrared temperature gun and I'll give you another chart lol 


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6 hours ago, Crentz said:

I've no experience with the staggered timing mate but one thing I will tell you is try raising your humidity it's way too low for this stage of the game, I usually aim for 80 to 90 in seedling stage, 60 to 70 in Veg and 40 to 50 in flower. 

Saying that it doesn't always go to plan:D

How can I raise the humidity even more. I can’t get it above 55% without using the propagator 

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6 hours ago, Green demon said:

Sounds good mate. Optimal leaf temperature for photosynthesis is 25-30c. 30 being the best. Only thing to watch is like Crentz says humidity. Often over looked but critical for best plant performance. Aim for the green and you won't be far out. Buy a infrared temperature gun and I'll give you another chart lol 


Everyone keeps giving me different temps that apparently plants love. I had mine sitting around the 28-30c mark but she started looking ill with droopy leaves. Dropped the temp to low 20's and within a day she's looking happy again?? I'm confused 

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Hang a couple of wet tea towels in the tent and put a tray of water in to raise humidity, everyone's Grow environment is different mate, some growers will get away with higher temps if they have good air circulation..... high temps and stagnant air is not good for the plants:yep:

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32 minutes ago, Crentz said:

Hang a couple of wet tea towels in the tent and put a tray of water in to raise humidity, everyone's Grow environment is different mate, some growers will get away with higher temps if they have good air circulation..... high temps and stagnant air is not good for the plants:yep:

I’ve got a wet flannel, tray of water and a jug of water inside the tent but still can’t get it higher than 55%. There’s defo no stagnant air in there, the tent doors are open and there’s 2 fans blowing. 


I’ve got a spray bottle so I’ll try misting the tent tonight when I get it and see if that does anything. 

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