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Sweet Seed's Killer Kush FV by Badbadger


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@vince noir rock n roll star I'm prepared for the battle to come my friend.


The scrog frame I used before is going over the group of smaller Kush for some tuck and weave.


But for the big ladies im going to use some ultra high-tec low carbon renewable and sustainably sourced bamboo canes in a retro grow to honour my Grandads fine Runner Beans lol 


Bet he could grow some quality smoke were he not fertiliser himself.


Hope you and yours have a good weekend vince. 


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Hey 420,


I'd like to start by saying all school holidays suck,my annoying,noisy,messy,destructive but awesome Children are home so my update may only be a couple of days delayed by the little monkeys but it feels like its been a year.


It's my own fault though as since my accident at work which wrote me off from a normal life I discovered there was alot of time at home with the wife and some parts of me still worked well enough it seems hence the kids hmm.


BUT I'll leave that there incase anyone's eating.


Onto the plants as my Son is moaning about having another Ice lolly hmmmm.


Firstly the tent stats at 8.15 am today -


Temp 22.4c 


24hr Min 19.2c Max 27.1c (an 8 degree gap is a little to much so im watching the temp gap and trying to keep it in the green zone but it's a real balancing act in a big tent)


Humidity 39%


Lighting 12/12 light 7am-7pm.


The family Killer Kush FV to begin.



Kala Kush nos 1 has now had a good trim to open her up to light now it's flipped,felt a bit bad taking some of her beautiful fans but I left as many as I could to keep processing some goodness rather than rip her heart out as you can see -




She looks healthy don't you think?




As for the rest of the Little Killers, well Medium Killers now I guess,look at them,Killer 2- 





Killer 3  -




Killer 4-





All good with those then they're growing perfectly well,filling out and im waiting for the stretch which from what I can gather reading up and also Vinces "brave man" statement makes me a little concerned hehe but I'm on top of it,for now!


I do have a grow plan but will add that in a day or two once everything's in place and ready to fit so watch this space but it'll be a mix of two styles.


The Green Poison FV update will be a bit later today as they were taken downstairs after the photos and are in my little veg cupboard with CFL's but they are looking fine.


So there we are a rather quick but concise update but if all's well there will be some flowering going on very soon.


Finally a group shot-








Take care everyone and if your kids are doing your nut in just lock yourself in the bathroom with a vape a newspaper and reward yourself with a few moments solitude.


Take care people and stay safe.


Badger over and out..........

Edited by Badbadger
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Mate my kids don't even come back for Easter anymore so enjoy it while it lasts! ;) You think they will be around forever but one day it isn't the case 


Plants all looking superb again too with Kala still on point! :) 


ATB man :oldtoker:

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@Fragg thanks chap.I do have 2 older kids from a previous life that are completely fucking nuts,I'm not exaggerating,and I don't have much to do with sadly.


The moral of that sad tale is don't try for kids after taking alot of acid and partying for 3 days at a time for years.


But I was lucky enough to build a 2nd family that are "normal" sometimes at least.


@rabthegrower thanks for popping in my friend it's been a steep learning curve getting to grips with modern growing after growing in the dark ages of the 90's but I'm finding my way slowly.


Cheers chaps.

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@Badbadger I know I'm like fashionably late bro lol but I got my dress caught in taxi door ...... oops wrong forum ... hahah Seriously bro I've caught up with you and your daily life in the Badger Burrow and I'm really impressed Badge mate I've got to say I'm loving the mesh bin/DIY airpots! Props to you and I think @vince noir rock n roll star As he uses same does he? Anyhoo (stick to the subject MMG!) like I was saying props to you brother you are truly a great one! 

Im loving your diary and funny family anecdotes bro! My family life is somewhat similar in that I have also 2 ceeerrrrraaazzzeee older kids (boy22 girl21, both with a child each) then I've a young girl with my new lady wife (well not new now muhaha don't tell her I said that! lol ) so I can feel your pain brother lol 

Thanks for sharing Badge I must remember to pop back, now where did I put that sewing box ...... lol



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Hey 420,


Today's my Wife's birthday hence the dedication of today's update to her...love you Mrs Badger happy birthday!!


However,today's update will not be delayed by everyday things like birthdays (shes not looking phew) so as the party people pass by in front of me all of them  chatting,eating and children doing all the things they do I'm sat on my M'inlaw's Chaise rather heavily high and tripping a little from Dark Devil intoxication that I stupidly decided to try prior to leaving home earlier,suffice to say I'm enjoyably regretting it.


I'd also snapped of a few photos before we left so have worked on editing them over lunch.


The day is Thursday the 13th of April,


The time is 2.23pm,


The moment has now arrived,


yes!! it's time to reveal the tent stats of today,

please,please "carm down carm down" as they say in Liverpool it's only a few numbers.


Those digits,brace yourself,are as follows-


Temp 25.8c


24hr Min 20.2c Max 27.1c


Humidity 51%.


I know It's all to much to take so grab a breath whilst I tell you all the stuff I've mucked about with now.


If you look at this photo - 



You may notice that the adapted furniture I had in my tent to stand the pots on has gone to be replaced by any plastic tubs around the house that weren't  needed.


Across those I fitted baton to sit the pots on allowing a tighter gap between pot bottom and fluids giving a shorter wicking distance.


All tubs now have air feeds bubbling away in them.


Each tub holds about 8 litres of H2O.


I made up 4litres of nutes at 2ml Algamic/1.5ml Fishmix/1.5ml Grow/2ml Bloom per litre then put 500ml into each tub.


This still means they're on relatively weak feeds but they are all potted in Biobizz All-Mix so should be fine  for now.


I am also aware that now we're flowering they'll need a Bloom boost and they'll also get some Topmax soon to help kick them into flower pronto.


The move to tubs was put forward by Mrs Badger after struggling with the last set up so now it's simpler for her to muscle the water in and out.




On to visual updates now and as her stature dictates Kala the number 1 Killer Kush FV is number one under the lense.


Here she is -




She does need some LST but given her a couple of days to recover from her first fan removal but will be done tomorrow.




Next up it's the Killers 2/3/4-

















Yesterday after consuming some Cream Mandarin I realised that the Green Poison fv only need to go into my little veg CAB when the lights aren't on in the main tent so my Wife's adding that to her daily chore rota.It does make photographing them easier so I'll include them again.


The 2 Poison's are vegging as I mentioned already so they're on 20/4 but 8 hours are under 90w of big CFL.


Here we are then the Green Poison twins 1 and 2 -




They are mainly on just H2O but have a ml or two of weak Fishmix just as a pep up.


So there we are then,I'm still completely blasted and appear to have typed this out in about 3 minutes although I've lost my way at least 5 times and ended up considering the important things in life like Scones,Chelsea Buns and Beyonce amongst other things.


I hope you all have a great day and your family's are healthy bright and smiling as everyone deserves to be.


Finally a labelled shot for layout clarity -




"All that's left to say is I've been Badbadger you've been a great audience so goodbye  everyone" (the crowd cheers)


As he steps out of the limelight Badger contemplates snaffling a whole plate of fairy cakes a couple of doorstep cheese and pickle sandwiches then reclining leisurely on his Mother in Laws  ancient but oh so comfy leather Chesterfield to consume the snaffled grub.


Good day to you Ladies and Gentlemen.

Edited by Badbadger
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Hehe I really enjoyed that Dark Devil inspired update mate you should do it more often :D 


Plants all looking spot on still, that wife of yours sure can grow ;) Happy Birthday Mrs Badger!!  :oldtoker:

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Hello Mr.Badger, first let me say sorry for calling you bro, it is somewhat annoying, I realized this when I re-read some of my posts this morning. Think I was trying too hard to be friendly. So from this morning ive been avoiding the B word and im just using people's usernames, deffo find it better, doesn't make me sound like im going through a mid-life crisis and want to be 21 again lol  Your plants look lovely Badger there that luscious shade of green that shows they're shining with happiness. You obviously are a great grower  :thumsup:  and so I hope you don't mind if I keep popping back (I promise no more "B" words   :chains:)   Im still learning you see, every day, and these Sweet Seeds diaries seem to have a wealth of knowledge in them atm with all you guys. You're more than welcome to look at my diary if you have a few mins to spare one day. I would be really happy if you would.

I hope you are ok and that your lady wife had a lovely birthday.



Happy Easter Badger.

Edited by MMG
forgot easter
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@MMG I wasn't being serious my friend so don't worry for a second, post however you want to.


I just don't have a  24/7 built in "stupid joke/remark filter" lol


My diaries do appear to have transformed into a day to day blog on life as an old failing Badger that loves the spiritual side of growing and respecting the life inside those delicate little miracles of nature we care for.


Will try get in your diary tomorrow once I've found my kids full time employment in North Korea lol


@vince noir rock n roll star they were looking good then but I put my head in today and was really surprised by the growth in 24hrs.


Its update day tomorrow so take  a look if you get a sec.


Good growing people.


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@Badbadger I know you were joking I laughed when you said it on the other post, am same as you and i like a joke, but I prefer not calling it every one honestly. I like the way you talk and do your diary, you are a good story teller and are funny as well. I'll look forward to your update Bad, 


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hey 420,


How's your afternoon going?


I've really celebrated Saturday lunch with multiple Bacon sandwiches and an old school Chelsea Bun for pud's with gallons of Assam tea mmmm.


The weather here has been dry with broken Sunshine which means the kids are out playing and Dad Badger has the F1 on but I'm not really a fan it just helps the day slide by with little effort to watch.


Im a reasonably interested Snooker fan though so I'm happy the World Champs are back on.The first day or two I know it's on but don't pay much attention,however,after 5-6 days I'm completely obsessed and think of nothing else.


Complete Snooker obsession is a few days away so in the mean time I think it may help if I get to the important part of the update and actually talk about my plants.


I've realised I'm using the diaries as a type of personal blog with growing thrown in,is that a bad thing? hmm no lol and to be honest being here is genuinely the only non family outlet I get so your stuck with my chat I'm afraid.


It's a cosy day in the Burrow today especially as it's a bit chipper out again,damn you Northerly Breeze.


Here are all the ladies sunning themselves -




Having the warmth of all those lovely LED and CMH bulbs beating down on my tortured limbs whilst taking photos is actually really soothing sometimes. I do have glasses to wear in there so I should still be able to see in a year or two hopefully.


Environmental details as of 14.33hrs today are - 


General temperature is 26.1c.


24hr avg min 21.5c and max 27.7c still to big a gap at nights but am trying a few tweaks as we speak.


Humidity  48%.


Im happy to say that every single Sweet Seed plant is now in it's wicked pot and has a sump to sit in.I do need to add another 2 air stones for the Green Poisons but will get them fitted next week.


They are all on the same level of nutes in the sumps per litre of - 

Fishmix 1ml 
Grow 1ml 
Bloom 1.5 ml 
Algamic 1.5ml 




As the header says im 8 days into flowering now so am watching and waiting for some major stretch to kick in soon as I steady myself for battle if they try and mug me off.


Time for the visual updates now.




Kala-Killer Kush nos1 has now been trimmed,opened and gently LSTd to open her up inside so she looks a little scruffy at the moment but all good,have a look - 



I can't wait to see how she goes and fulfill her destiny to grow,flower and get me to a pain reduced high!




The smaller group of Killers are all firing on full cylinders and putting out some serious fans for me to enjoy .They're fighting for light already with those fine fans reaching up like a fat man in a donut avalanche.


Killer 2 -




Killer 3 -





Killer 4 -




**You may notice Kush 4 is in Pink which is because I completely forgot to do her photos under CMH only like the others for better images.


Once the stretch has shoved the bud sites out enough I'll train the little killers as needed but I'm going for quality over sheer quantity so there will be some bud site removals if not in an optimal position.




The Green Poisons have already had enough of moving from Veg cupboard to tent (tbh my Wife has) and have been accepted back into full time flower with the others.


They've definitely added some size over the last few days though which pushed me into popping them back with the others in the hope they'll all be done in the same week with half an eye on my next grow starting.


Here they are two little Poison's -


Green Poison 1 -




Green Poison 2 -




All that's left update wise is a group shot with the plants labelled in they're new positions -




Yet again this update has taken me nearly 7 hours to photo,edit,type and load so thank God I topped up with those Bacon sandwiches cups of Tea and a Chelsea Bun earlier. 


All of this effort has stirred up dreams of further nutrition though and I'm aware there is a remaining Chelsea Bun carefully positioned out of the reach of Children and Wives that is calling me with it's sugary breadness and I can no longer resist.


Have a great weekend with your families,friends or yourselves if that's how it is but take care all and stay safe.


Take it away Dame Vera ... 


"We'll meet again don't know where don't know when but I know we'll meet again some sunny day"


Thanks for popping in.

Edited by Badbadger
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